Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wrong Kind Of Attention

Chapter 18

by youngandreckless 5 reviews

chapter 18

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-16 - Updated: 2006-08-16 - 419 words

Chapter 18

Laura's POV

Joe closed the door, picking me up. "What happen with Pete and Stacey?" I asked as he carried me back to the bedroom.
"He kissed one of the Fan's, and the fan told Stacey," he mumbled kissing my neck.
"Maybe I should go," I tried to sit up.
"No, you should stay here, with me, Patrick and Andy got them,"
"Shush," he silenced me with his lips.

Andy's POV

"Joe and Laura are making up," I laughed walking into Pete and Stacey's.
"That's good, where's Lizy, and Ana?" he asked.
"I dropped them off at home, then checked on Joe, now here to check on these two, and pick you up," I sighed flopping down on the couch.
"You called Charlie?"
"Yup, we'll probably hear from him in a little bit for a band meeting with the label cause we bailed on the contest,"
"Well what do they expect, everything's falling apart for us,"
"Its just business to them, they dont care," I sighed rubbing my hand over my face.
"You two made up yet??!" Patrick yelled. He recieved no answer.
"Is that a no or a yes?" I laughed.
"I dont know, go find out," he pushed me.
"No way you go see, I checked on Joe and Laura, these two are yours," I pushed him back.

Pete's POV

I stood there staring at her, waiting for her to respond. "Am i forgiven?" I asked no longer being able to stand the silence.
"I want to, I do," I walked over to her placing her hand in mine.
"I didnt know what I was doing, the second I realized it I pulled away stopping it, Im not saying its an excuse, I wish I did have an excuse," I looked as the door was pushed open, Bell had pushed her way into the room, looking up at us, "Look she's sad," I picked her up placing her on the bed, "She dont want you to be mad at her daddy, she wants you to forgive him," I petted Bell, talking in a baby voice.

Lizy's POV

"Sorry neither of them are here, you can try there cell phones," I talked into the phone, "Okay Charlie I'll have them call when they get in,"
"Lookie, Ant Lizy!" I turned just in time seeing Jordan jump off the table. He hit the floor before I could grab him, he instantly started crying. Ana came running out of the room.
"He's okay, he thinks he can fly,"
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