Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wrong Kind Of Attention

Chapter 23

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 23

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-16 - Updated: 2006-08-17 - 601 words

Chapter 23

Andy's POV

"Now that has to be the cutest story I've ever heard," I turned seeing Ana, Jordan had just fallen asleep.
"Why thank you," I got up walking to her.
"Thanks for putting him to bed,"
"Its no problem," I smiled as she leaned into kiss me, "Im gonna take a shower, i'll meet you in the room," I mumbled against her lips. she nodded moving aside letting me pass.

Joe's POV

I turned the car off, after pulling into the drive way. I looked at her as she looked at me. "I'll race ya," I smirked. She nodded opening the car door, before I had a chance to think of it. I quickly caught up with her at the stairs. We both made it to our front door first, she pushed me against it kissing me. "Cant we get inside first?" I mumbled digging in my pockets for the keys, why I put them in there I have no clue. I got the key out of my pocket shoving it in the door, kissing and trying to open a door isnt the easiest thing to do. "Uh," I broke our kissing getting the door open, "Finally," I mumbled pulling the key out just as she pushed it closed pushing me against it, "God baby, you're gonna kill me," I laughed as she tugged at my shirt, pulling it off over my head.
"Dont answer it," She mumbled taking my phone from my hand tossing it to the couch.
"Its your brother he might have good news,"
"Cant it wait until later?"
"Not really," I grabbed the phone answering it.
"You talk to her?" Pete wasted no time getting to the point.
"Yeah if its gotta be done, then we do it," I watched her sigh, walking down the hall to our room.
"Allright so tomorrow night, not sure of the time yet, so just be ready and waiting for a call,"
"I will," I patted my hand against my leg.

Pete's POV

"So its all set up, we do this concert and it's all over,"
"Yeah that's a good thing, I can come and sit backstage right?"
"I dont know, I can ask, tired?" I asked as she lay her head on my arm.
"Yeah, bed?"
"Bed," I mumbled getting up, turning picking her up.
"Dont forget Bell," she leaned her head against my arm.
"Bell come on, come on lets go to bed," I called for her, I laughed as she ran pass me into the room.

Patrick's POV

"I shoulda came sooner, this couldnt be more perfect," Lizy whispered in my ear.
"I agree," I mumbled kissing her. I closed my eyes to fall asleep, opening them again hearing a knock at the door, "Yeah, its open!" I yelled.
"Lizy..." Ana poked her head in, "He's coming down here," Lizy looked at her sister.
"Travis, he's coming..."
"So, he dont know where you are, dont worry about it, go get some sleep," she mumbled. Ana nodded closing the door.
"I think she wanted to talk,"
"She'll be fine, I wanna stay right here, if I move it might end,"
"Nah, it wont, you can leave and come back and I'll be right here waiting,"

Joe's POV

I walked down the hall to our room, seeing her tucked under the blankets on my side of the bed. I pulled my jeans off, picking her up putting her on her side, snuggling up to her. I had to plan something special for the day time, since pretty much the night was set... we'd be without each other.
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