Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My illegal Romance
Enough Is Enough
6 reviewson the plane ride over Roxy makes sure to keep and extra close eye on Katie thinking this has to be more than a 'bump into' kind of thing. she happens to be a little sensitive about flying and ge...
My illegal Romance
(#) rosesfallatmyfeet 2006-08-17
oooo saucy!
sorry don't know where that came from...that was the only adjective i could think of...I love your story and I love your method of suspense...hehe
have you read mine yet? i think you might like it...
cecAuthor's response
thank you very much! and yes i will deffinately check yours out and review it!My illegal Romance
(#) chino 2006-08-18
Huh, stupid bitch, I knew she was gonna mess things up.
Ad stupid Gerard for not saying get the fuck off me or something!Author's response
grrr death toward Katie!
burn the witch! lolMy illegal Romance
(#) sing4me09 2006-08-18
Roxy's totally pregnant isn't she??? UHH Please update soon! I'm dying to know what happens!!Author's response
you'll just have to see. heheheheh.
im updating right now.
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