Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

A struggle for life

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Juliet has difficulty delivering her son Andrew, then Ben and the black smoke monster figure out a way to get into the room.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Kate,Sawyer - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 959 words

“Something’s wrong! Get him out!”

Kate paled next to Juliet but swallowed and tried to offer her words of encouragement.

“Everything’s going to be fine. Andy is going to come out safe and healthy. Jack has everything under control.”

Juliet let another cry out and pleaded to Kate with her eyes. Kate was on the verge of tears herself. Sawyer would never forgive Jack if anything happened to his son. Looking towards Jack all Kate could see was his shoulders and they were slightly slumped.

“What I wouldn’t give for a vacuum right about now.”

Confused wide eyes stared back at Jack for a brief moment.

“Why can’t you get him out?”

Jack knew that she was frightened of what was happening. But he had to keep her calm.

“Shh Juliet. I’ve got everything under control. Just try and relax ok?”

Biting her lip Juliet took a breath and looked up at the ceiling. Sawyer put in his two cents worth to try and get her to focus on him.

“Everything’s going to be fine blondie. The docs got things under control. Our boy is going to be here soon.”

A blood-curdling scream issued from Juliet’s throat.

“Please! Just get him out!”

Doing his best Jack shook his head. But he knew that wasn’t good enough. He had to find a way to get Andrew out safely without injuring him.

“Juliet everything is going to be fine. I’ll have Andy out in a few minutes. But I need you to stay still. You’ll feel some tugging for a little bit. Don’t push.”

Becoming confused Juliet gave a hard stare to Jack.

“Ok let me get this straight: first off with Cara you tell me to keeping pushing. Now you tell me not to push? I can’t go against what my body is telling me Jack.”

Becoming quiet she bit her lip once more and looked to Kate, who was frazzled but was trying to be brave. Sawyer was worried, Jack could see worry lines starting to crease on his forehead from the corner of his eye. But he had to concentrate on getting this little boy safely out of his mother.

“What’s going on doc? Why did you tell Juliet to stop pushing?”

Gritting his teeth he snapped his eyes up momentarily to meet Sawyers.

“I need everybody to just be quiet right now. I need to concentrate. Your son is stuck. I’m doing my best to get him free of whatever he’s stuck on. This is going to take a bit longer.”

Kate stared blankly at Jack for a few seconds trying to analyze his attitude. Then she remembered the day Megan was born. He was on edge too. Frustrated and angry. But this
time it was only frustration. He was so used to having a team of other doctors with him to help out it felt draining. Sawyer blew his top. Dark stormy eyes waged war on a violent sea.

“So help me Jack if anything happens to my boy…”

Jack knew what the rest of his sentence was. It wasn’t the first time Sawyer had threatened him. He’d been threatened by him more than once. Intervening Juliet piped up despite
her exhausted state.

“Jack is Andy breech? Did you try an external cephalic version?”

Jack held his ground and nodded trying to keep everything together.

“Already did it. His ankle is tangled in the umbilical cord. I can fix it and get him out. You have my word. Just relax. Everything is under control.”

Closing her eyes she winced. Taking a breath she knew she could trust Jack with her life. His word meant a lot to Juliet. He always kept the promises he could make. She could feel the pressure becoming less intense and more subtle. Was he out? Gasping she felt a weight leave her and she looked towards Jack.

“Do you have him? Is he out?”

Jack smiled and nodded clearing the boy’s nose and mouth. Holding her breath Juliet shut her eyes again as she heard him belt out his first cry.

“Yes he’s out. You have a handsome boy. I’d say 8 pounds. You did well Juliet. You should be proud of yourself. I know I am.”

Sawyer’s eyes lit up as Jack gave Andy to Juliet.

“Now that’s a strong boy.”

Jack tried to hide a smile but failed to do so as Sawyer caught him in the act.

“I saw that smile doc. Your wishing for a boy yourself.”

Jack let out a dry laugh. He knew it would be several years before he had his son Cody around. It wasn’t clear however if he would be born here on the island or if he would be born in a hospital on the mainland.

“It’ll be at least seven years before I see my own son. By then I hope we’re home.”

Jack yearned to be home too. A sudden shaking of the room began to make it quiver and then an explosion rocked it. Jack was thrown to the floor. Kate could only hear muffled sounds. Her eyes at first could only make out blurry figures entering the room from a large hole in the wall. She tried to fight off the two that lifted her up from the floor. She could make out Jack’s figure going for the crib and reaching for Megan. But he was hit in the back of the head with a heavy looking metal object she couldn’t make out. She heard a gunshot in Sawyer’s direction and then something knocked her completely out.

To Be Continued…
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