Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

A wrench in the plan

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Jack tells Kate that Megan has a tumor in her right lung but that he can remove it. Then he has another nightmare about Juliet.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Kate - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 1600 words

“What is it Jack? What does that white spot on her lung mean?”

Staring at the x-ray Jack knew he had to break this to Kate as gently as possible. He tried removing himself from the situation but it wasn’t easy.

“It means that she has a tumor. I won’t know if it’s malignant or not until I get a good look at it.”

Ben had surprisingly left the couple alone. Kate sat on a stool, pale and staring at the sleeping baby in the plastic basinet.

“Jack this is too much. She’s barely a year old. In such a short span of time she’s been through things no child should have to deal with.”

It was almost as if the island were playing a deadly card game and Jack and Kate were bearing the brunt of it with a series of bad hands. Everything was frozen in time and Kate
felt her hands begin to shake.

“Can you take that iv out of her arm with that green stuff? Please?”

Jack nodded and proceeded to gently remove the iv with the unknown substance flowing into his daughter’s veins.

“I will do my best to figure out what this substance is. You have my word that I will get that tumor out of her lung.”

Kate scooped Megan up and kissed her head. Megan whined and snuggled closer to her mother.

“It’s ok baby. Mommy’s here. Daddy will get us off this island and you’ll get better.”

Her voice croaked a little on her last statement. Too many things were happening at once right now. She’d ask for Juliet’s help too, but she knew that Juliet had her hands full with her own children. Jack could handle the surgery.

“This island is threatening to destroy us Kate. I don’t know how or why, but it’s trying. We have to be strong against it. I can fix this.”

Kate had been strong through all that had happened to Megan her entire first year. Rocking a fussy Megan, Kate looked into Jack’s hazel eyes searching for some sort of

“I know you can do this Jack, but can you ask for Juliet’s opinion too?”

Running a hand over his stubble Jack nodded seriously and put a hand on Megan’s back. He was still in doctor-mode.

“I’ll ask her once she’s had a little more rest. She hasn’t had a whole lot of it in the last 16 hours.”
“Ok. There we go sweetie.”

Jack lent a helping hand when he saw Juliet let out a pained breath.

“Here, I’ve got him. Just lie back.”

Juliet gave him a look of thanks before her eyes landed on the light box against the wall. A frown formed across her lips and worry began to grow inside her.

“Whose x-rays are those Jack?”

Shaking his head his own frown deepened.

“They belong to Megan. Tell me, what do you see in her right lung?”

Her eyes landed on the radiopaque object on the x-ray.

“A tumor, and the size of a grape from the looks of it. How old are these x-rays?”

Looking away Jack thought on Juliet’s statement and last question. He turned over her words in his mind before he answered.

“Ben said a couple of days. But you know how Ben is. He lies and is very unreliable. Of course who the hell knows if this is real or not? For all I know he could just be messing with my head. Megan could be completely healthy.”

A voice came from behind Jack and he turned to see the one person he dreaded each and every day.

“Oh but I’m not lying Jack. You’ve seen the proof for yourself. The only way to save your daughter is to take that out.”

Ben pointed to the x-ray and snapped his fingers. Jack became irritated.

“Ok. I’ve heard enough. You can leave now. I’ve got things under control. Leave Juliet alone. She’s already stated she doesn’t want you anywhere near her.”

Cara started to cry in the basinet over to the right of the bed. Juliet sighed, she knew she was going to need some help with these two.

“I fed her first. She probably needs to be changed. Jack, what if James is dead?”

Her eyes watered at the thought. But then she wiped the lone tear that came down her right cheek.

“I’m sure Sawyer is fine. More than fine he’s probably already treated his gunshot wound and is on his way here right now.”

A laugh escaped Juliet’s mouth. Jack liked it when she was in a lighter mood. He couldn’t peg her attitude when he first met her. Cold perhaps? Guarded? She was a much different
person now compared to only 3 years ago.

“Yeah, you’re probably right. If I know James, he’ll come in guns blazing.”

Jack had changed Cara while the two of them talked. He was afraid of what was happening to Megan. The island was supposed to cure not cause diseases and other harmful anomalies.

“I’m hoping we caught this early enough.”

Juliet knew that Jack would risk everything to keep his family alive. He wanted to get home just as bad as she did.

“There’s only one way to find out Jack. You know there are times I wished I’d never come to this place. This island nearly ruined my life. I’ve never seen my nephew. Julian. Not in person anyways. I saw him on a video feed about 5 years ago. He’s 7 now. He must be so big. Desmond had better bring help back soon. I’m not giving birth to another child on this island. I’d help you Jack, but I’m kind of disposed of at the moment, and I’m not a surgeon. I should thank whatever higher powers there are for Cara and Andrew and their good health.”
“There we go Megan. Daddy got that nasty thing out of your lung.”

Megan cradled in his arms, he smiled. He’d gotten the tumor out. The biopsy had indicated it wasn’t malignant. Letting out a large sigh of relief he set his daughter down into the plastic basinet. She’d be asleep for a few more hours. Kate sat on a stool and lie her head on the edge of the basinet.

“How’d it go Jack?”

Jack gave a faint smile and ran a gentle index finger over Megan’s curled up left hand.

“Everything went well. Although it’s harder to gauge the right dosage of sedative to give an infant. She’ll be asleep for a few more hours.”

Kate turned her head when she heard Juliet groan. Jack stepping away from his girlfriend and his daughter reached Juliet in four long strides.

“What’s wrong?”

Approaching her, Jack looked at her carefully. She was pale. There hadn’t been any need to do a blood transfusion after Cara and Andrew were born. Surprisingly there hadn’t
been much blood loss. Bleary eyed and dazed Juliet groaned again looking Jack in the eye directly.

“I don’t know, but it hurts…”

Her pleading eyes seemed to penetrate Jack’s as he stepped over to her. Puzzled Jack new there were questions he had to ask.

“Where does it hurt? Can you tell me where?”

Juliet tried but she was too disoriented and could barely move. Jack got a sinking feeling in his stomach and it became worse as he put on a pair of gloves.

“Juliet your nose is bleeding. Here, tip your head back.”

Jack beat himself up mentally and applied pressure. Tears in her eyes she shook her head.

“You did this to me!”

A smaller warm hand was on his shoulder, gently shaking him, rousing him from his sleeping state. Opening his eyes Jack came face to face with Kate.

“Hey Jack. Relax. It’s me. You were having a nightmare. You’ve been having a lot of those lately. You wanna talk about it?”

Jack stared at everything around the room not sure if he was awake or not. Kate pinched his arm to bring him back to reality.

“Ow, what was that for?”

Kate smiled and laughed for a moment.

“To tell you that you’re not dreaming. You wanna tell me about your dream?”

Jack’s eyes grew big with fear and then his head landed in both hands.

“It was about Juliet. She bled to death and I uh couldn’t save her.”

Kate placed both hands on his and reassured him. She knew he was pitting himself against his greatest fear: failure. His father had always thought he would be a failure.
Pulling his hands away from his face Kate peered up into his eyes.

“Jack, Juliet is fine. She’s asleep. The twins are fine. It was just a bad dream.”

Jack was sure this wasn’t just a bad dream. It wasn’t just a nightmare.

“It wasn’t just a nightmare Kate. I promised her I’d get her off this island too. All she ever wants is to just go home. I gave you, her and everyone else who is still on this island my word. Desmond will be back any day now with help.”

Kate wished it would be very soon. This place was taking its toll on all of them.

To Be Continued…
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