Categories > Movies > Newsies > Everyone Sees it Diffrently

Chapter III (Polecat)

by Cards 0 reviews

Polecat waits for the bus and makes a fool of her self.

Category: Newsies - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: David Jacobs - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-06-17 - Updated: 2005-06-18 - 773 words

"Okay so this guy walked into a bar!' I started I hate waiting for the bus. The bus is evil.

"What happened?" One of the guys asked.


"You started a joke." He reminded me.

"Uh yeah, what was it?"

"You fucking Spaz!" Skits yelled laughing with her.

"Dude totally!"

"Hey Poley, Its your dessert bearing lover."

"Shove it Jacobs." I muttered, never the less looking over to where he pointed and there indeed was Pie. The guy I mean, not that the dessert isn't wonderful but the guy is very yummy, even better if he's wearing the dessert, not that I would know."And what's with the Shakespeare talk?"

"Uh." He hunted around in his backpack "We're reading Romeo and Juliet in class. And I have it seventh."

Skits glared at him, he hated the guy always worried the camera would make him look like spastic idiot he is. I don't worry so much about Davey and his camera. I mean honestly when he could shoot anyone in the school then I think that I really don't have to worry. Not even Magic minds when he films her because he does such a good job.

Dave is weird. But hey he's fun to tease. "So what are you gunna do for a project this time?" David is famous for these really elaborate school projects, when his class read "Night" he put together a movie of the dehumanization process using a cast of twenty, his kid brother, who I swear is gunna be a star he acts so well, played a Jewish kid who was being persecuted by the other nineteen cast members all decked out in Gestapo uniforms. Between each taunt he added clips of his family's holiday movies. At the end he had a person flick the switch to an freaky dark building signifying the loss of a will to live. And right before it ended he had a clip of Les singing in Hebrew as he lighted the first Hanukah candle. I was crying when he showed it to us, I was one of the people throwing stones at his brother.

"Well I mean obviously remake the balcony scene. But I mean the plays been remade so many times its just getting Taboo." David shrugged. I think he lost me around the balcony scene, I never really read the book. Whoops! That would be why I'm having trouble following it.

"Uh David isn't that your bus leaving?" Pie pointed out to David who set off like a shot towards the departing yellow bus. I watched him go. "Margaret isn't that your bus too?" He asked. I was in shock for a moment. Okay so I have this stalkers obsession with him ever since he took off with my cookie in sixth grade and now he talks to me.

Skits is yelling at someone and that is something to concentrate on, no the world has not ended. Skits is still a bitch during with drawl.

"Uh Margaret." Pie said again. "Don't you ride the same bus as David."


"And people say I'm distracted." Some one said behind me. Or I could have imagined it.

I ran after the bus. Must thank David and hug him because he made the bus wait for me.

"I am in heaven." I announced to him as I sat down hugging him.

"Why?" David asked blushing to the roots of his curly brown hair.

"Because dearest dear next door neighbor the wonderful 'bearer of desserts' talked to ME!"

"Wow. Its only been how many years in the making?" He asked me sarcastically. David is my next-door neighbor. Has been since our parents moved in the same day. We of course only being one year apart were forced to be "best friends" so our mothers could yak and talk. Our play dates were mainly me hitting him in the head with things accidentally and attaching him with a glow in the Dark sword. Now our parents seem to think that we are the cutest little things. Cute? Moi? Well any way to sum it up they think we're dating. His father has the slight problem that I am not Jewish but he thinks I'll get over that to marry his son. We go to dances together because we have NO love life. Yeah. and Judaism scares me, too much to learn.

"Shuddup, And its only been" Lemme count "Four."

"That is pathetic."

"You don't even know the name of the girl you've been lusting after for a year."

"Polecat." He muttered sinking into his seat.

"I'm hungry."

Disclaimer: All charachters belong to respective parties.
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