Categories > Movies > Newsies > Everyone Sees it Diffrently

Chapter IV (Swifty)

by Cards 0 reviews

Swifty skips running home for the first time...

Category: Newsies - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Swifty the Rake - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2005-06-17 - Updated: 2005-06-18 - 1036 words

I can honestly say that I hate all Freshmen. Now that might sound radical and any one who knows of me will say that I am absolutely incapable of the feeling hatred. But I am, that's why I can run.

When I was younger and my dad would yell at me for not doing well enough at school I would take to the streets of San Francisco, the hills there are the best endurance lesson you can learn. So when my father was relocated to Vermont to do fish and wildlife work here I was crushed and threw myself into school work. Making him happy. But then he decided shoo in for Valedictorian wasn't good enough on an application so I joined track, and started remembering everything I was ever mad about. Then my nick named changed as I won New England's twice in a row.

Anyway, freshmen. Why do they all sign up for Algebra one if they know they can't do it? And why is it that I always have to be their tutor? And why is it that they are almost always giggling? I hate giggling.

"So what is a coefficient again?" This blond AIR HEAD! Breath Swifty breath.

"The number before the variable." I smile and look at the clock "Buses are here." I say to her. Well actually the first run is here but why does this twit even stay after for math when her and her boy friend could be screwing in a practice room?

I look around the learning lab, at my fellow NHS members. All of us are required to be tutors. Most of them work with kids who aren't complete idiots but because I have so much patience I can take care of the idiots. I've missed Track yet again, good thing the coach knows I had tutoring today so he'll excuse the absence and I have enough practices to go to meets so I shouldn't be too bad off.

Then I notice Magic lounging in a corner talking with a student. Now I have never seen her come into the learning lab before, she normally avoids it like the plague. Its not like I actually Like being here, It just happens I have to.

I walk out no one notices I'm invisible! God I hate my life. I hate my father I hate everyone. I shove my books in my locker, already finished my homework during study hall, and grab my grubby running shoes. First pair I bought in Vermont. My dad refused to pay for them so I saved up and bought em. I slip my feet into them feeling the worn leather and decaying liners. One of the laces snap in my hand as I tie them. I laugh at the broken lace in my hand knotting the laces securely.

If my couch saw me in these shoes he would have a hear attack. I'm his pride and joy, the one whose gunna be a pro runner. Make it to the Olympics and all that shit. He's petrified I'm gunna twist my ankle and never be able to run again.

I stretch in the hall way not caring who sees me any way what does it matter? No one remembers me from day to day. They know who I am when they need home work or when they forgot the assignment but when it comes to parties no one knows me.

"Limber." Some one comments I look up to see legs, gorgeous legs, legs the scream "fuck me". No I didn't think that.

"Thanks" I mumble, okay Magic ask for my Pre calc, go ahead, you've talked to me now you can justify it.

"You live on my street." She says "I watch you run."

"What do you want?" I ask rudely, not only have I been warned against this girl but I am not interested in being laughed at.

"Nothing." She smiled "Just wondered if you wanted a ride home."

"Sure." Anyway I'll run later

"Come on." She jerks her head to the door smiling at me.

"So why were you after?" I ask jogging after her.

"Tutoring" She smiled opening the door.

"Who was your tutor?" I ask.

"I was the tutor, none of you NHS kids are good enough in Spanish." She said smiling at me. Hey I took French my father said it was more difficult so I had to.

I shrugged. "I though Boots took Spanish."

"Yeah but he's in Spanish three, this is for a Spanish AP kid."

"You don't take Spanish though." I said.

"No but its my native language." She glared at me, I must say when a girl in fuck me boots, leather skirt, and a tight shirt, glares at you man is it scary.

"Sorry." We got in the car riding in silence as she stopped at her house.

"Wanna come in? My mama's gone." She smiled at me placing her hand on my cheek and kissing me, her lips are soft and I'm some what amazed that there isn't any lipstick on them. She feels good. I think I will go in with her.

Holy Shit I just had my first kiss. I just had my first kiss with a girl who has slept with more guys then I can imagine. And I'm going to be one of them. Well this hasn't been such a bad day after all. God why am I letting her pull me into her house and why are her kisses so intoxicating? Why is it that even though I know if her mother comes home and finds me on the couch with her daughter I'll be tossed out and the center of a loud argument in Spanish. But some how her kisses are making that not make sense but letting her push my button up shirt, which I hate, off and kissing down my throat that makes sense.

God was that me who made that funny noise as she pulled her shirt off. Real Smooth Swifty. Okay lotsa firsts today fist kiss first time seeing a girls tits... and looks like first time of having sex. Yup good day.

Disclaimer: Me no own.Actually I own Magic! SWEET!
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