Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Why all the teasing ?

all is revealed

by book-worm 3 reviews

Cronus starts to show Atlanta everything that Archie has been trying to hide since they first met.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-08-25 - Updated: 2006-08-25 - 511 words

Archie felt so stupid. Why didn't he realize that Cronus might be behind them.

"Well it's good to see you here, Archie," said Cronus, " you came sooner than

I expected. Now I see you have taken the bait just as I knew you would."

Atlanta was very confused. It was Archie that Cronus was trying to trap?

Cronus noticed the look on Atlanta's face, "Ah I see you are still confused

there, Atlanta. No matter, I shall show you what your dear friend here has been

trying to cover up for a long time."

Then Cronus conjured up a portal. It was bigger than the ones he would

always escape though. Then it began to show the memories of the seven titans.

He first showed the memory of when Atlanta was hypnotized by Arachne, after

she helped the giant spider capture her friends.

' I know you in there Atlanta," shouted Archie, " It's Archie. Your

friend. I lo-really really care about you."

Atlanta gasped. Was Archie about to say "love" at that time.

Then Cronus began to show her other times that Archie had showed how

much he really cared about her. Archie watched in horror as one by one

every single piece of proof was revealed. Every shred of evidence that

he tried to cover up.

Then when Cronus began to show the time when Atlanta was

unconscious and Archie kissed her on the cheek. HE KISSED HER. Slowly

Atlanta began to realize other things too.

How could she have been so oblivious? When Archie and Atlanta were

going the circus and invited the others to come didn't Neil say,

"Oh but we don't want to inturupt your date." Was he teasing Archie.

Wait! Did everyone else know? Is that why Theresa kept bugging her

about how she liked Archie but didn't realize it?

The silence in the warehouse was broken by Cronus, "now that

you know Archie's biggest secret he kept from you I guess I can

continue on from here."

"What do you want?" demanded Archie, after recovering from the fact that

Atlanta knew his big secret.

" To eliminate all of the seven heroes," Cronus said with a laugh," And I'll

do that by eliminating your little girlfriend, and then you, Archie, will

eliminate the rest of them for me."

Archie was furious. How could Cronus do this to him? Tell Atlanta his real

weakness and then decide to kill her?

" If you want to kill Atlanta, you might as well kill me too!"

Atlanta was still recovering from the shock of Archie's not-so-secret

secret. She couldn't believe that Archie would prefer to end his own life if

Cronus ended her's.

Cronus grinned, " Very well then. GET THEM!" he commanded his giants.

For a split second Archie didn't pay attention. He was more focused on the

opening from which he came. Standing there was Jay and the rest of the team.

They had gotten his message he left on the desk!

Archie handed Atlanta her bolas and drew out his whip.

"Bring it on," he shouted with a smirk.

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