Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Snow White Princess is...

Chapter 6

by Allagendachan 0 reviews

Yay. Noone reads this.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-04-22 - 936 words

The Snow White Princess Is
Chapter 6- Finale
A/N: You know the drill.
She heard the beat, smiling. She reached fowards, and rashly ripped the mic off its stand and tossed the stand behind her. She continued to dance.
Suddenly, Kaito appeared in front of her. But he wasn't really there, he was just a hallucination. Like, Luka looking shocked next to him, or Rin looking horrified in the front row with them. Then, there was Kagami- san holding her. He looked terrified too, worried. All of them wore the band Vocaloids' outfits.
"My pausing sounds of life, like a girl who has ingested a poison apple, are falling asleep." Her clothes changed again. The music grew softer- along with her voice.
"Please, I wish you would come and wake me up with your kiss.... Is the voice of my heart reaching you at all? If you can just climb up the stairs, and open the door, you'll find me there....... ahhh...." Then, it grew again.
"Please, I wish you would come, and wake me up with your kiss, and bring me out of this white coffin that I'm sleeping in. Piercing hatred is such a drama-like thing- But no matter how much I pray, you my Prince are still not here...." Then, it was her most preferred outfit, the one with the hat and the cape- and the sundress.
"Before I fade away...... completely...." Then, in a number of beats, she lost her hat, her cape, then it went to the hooded robe, then the unhooded robe, the periwinkle and blue outfit, and, with a flourish, the Snow Miku outfit. Then, as the guitar stopped, her whole body trembled. She felt it- the poison.
It was catching up to her.
Luka and Kaito gasped, Rin and Kagami-san began weeping in each other's shoulders, and then the audience began murmuring, returning from the doorways- it had been the last song.
Then, as it blurred, she risked one phrase- one that miraculously broke through the spell she was under.
"Please remember me."
Then, the world darkened to the diva onstage, and she collapsed in a shaking heap. The murmurs turned to yells as the other Vocaloids ran onstage.
The Great Hatsune Miku was dead.
"Breaking news! The diva pop-star, Hatsune Miku, collapsed onstage just a half an hour ago, and is believed to be dead! The cause of the death was said to be-"
"Poison," Rin interrupted the news anchor guy, rolling her eyes. "Seriously, as if this wasn't on Facebook from the moment they found out."
"Rin, shut up. It's already bad enough with out commentary."
"As if you're helping, Luka!"
For the past thirty minutes that Miku'd been in the hospital, Kaito hadn't stopped crying by her bed.
Rin and Len had taken turns crying on each other while the other talked.
And Luka was just reading, but her hands kept shaking.
"I'm sorry I didn't believe you 'Ku, I was being selfish, I'll stop being caught up in myself...." Kaito also hadn't stopped murmuring.
"Will you shut up, Kaito?" Suddenly, Len lifted his head, sniffling.
"Miku always liked kitties...." Then, Rin began wailing into his shirt again. They kept doing it each time they were about to stop.
"Luka-san..." Suddenly, all three looked up at him. He hardly ever called Luka '-san', and he only did it when he was going to do something he was scared of.
"I..... If you kiss a Princess, and you're a Prince, it means she'll wake up, right?" Then, he leaned over Miku and brushed his lips against hers.
She didn't move.
"Please...." He did it again. She still didn't move.
Kaito's sobbing became louder.
"....why won't you wake up....."
Then, he didn't just brush his lips on hers- he put them full on for about a minute.
She was still as ever.
Then, shaking, he adjusted her so he was cradling her, sitting on the bed. He buried his face in her hair.
She didn't move unless he moved her.
"Your Highness!" Kaito was carrying Miku as Luka made a path through the crowded ballroom. Miku was still in her 'Snow Miku' outfit- and there was still snow landing on her and Kaito's arms. Both King and Queen looked over, and both stopped what they were doing. They ran to the crying Kaito, who was shaking now. He looked up.
"I didn't believe Luka at first, but then, when she showed me her, she was still alive....." He buried his face again. Both rulers looked at each other, then took up one of their daughter's hands. The crowd around the King and Queen finally realised what was going on. Murmurs ran through the crowd.
Suddenly a few screams broke out, and people moved away from a certain area- the thrones. In front of them, more snow was solidifying to make a white coffin.
Kaito, unbidden, went and gently laid Miku in it.
Then, he stopped, his hands still on Miku's arms.
"Luka-san...." Then, not looking at her, he kept speaking.
"I..... If you kiss a Princess, and you're a Prince, it means she'll wake up, right?" Then, he leaned over Miku and brushed his lips against hers.
She didn't move.
"Please...." He did it again. She still didn't move.
Silence filled the place of the murmurs.
Kaito's sobbing became louder.
"....why won't you wake up....."
Then, he didn't just brush his lips on hers- he put them full on for about a minute.
But she still didn't move.
Then, he held her hand as he collapsed to the ground, sobbing.
Silence still held them all.
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