Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Back To The Beginning

chapter 24

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 24

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-25 - Updated: 2006-08-26 - 479 words

its short i know...sorry! its 2 in the morning and i'm about to pass out. so here is your update

Chapter 24

Laura's POV

"I win" I grinned slamming down the last shot. He stared at me in disbelief.

"no fucking way" I smiled in glory grabbing his hand and running off to find Matt.

"I'm NOT kissing him" Matt growled crossing his arms in defiance. But that didn't stop cole. Stacey and I busted out laughing at the disgusted look on Matt's face.

"dude! NEVER do that again!" cole laughed pulling me towards him.

"what time do yall leave tonight?" he yelled into my ear over the noise.

"sometime around 2 am" he nodded signaling that he heard me. "lets dance!"

Pete's POV

"Whats wrong with you tonight?" Mirah asked as we walked down the main street. I figured since we weren't leaving until 2 it would be nice to get some time in alone with her.

I stopped walking pulling her into my arms "nothing's wrong. I'm just glad you're here with me" she smiled up at me grabing my neck and pulling my lips down to hers.

Pulling apart we started walking. "Aww pete look!" she smiled pointing to the older couple infront of us. You could see the love raidiating off of them.

"I want to be like that someday" she grinned wrapping her arm around mine. I smiled down at her "me too" Her face suddenly got serious her eyes burning into mine.

"I Love you peter"

Stacey's POV

"You know I love you and all but man Matt this is not how I planned this evening" I growled slamming down my glass against the bar counter.

"whats wrong with you. Life not perfect in Stacey Land" he laughed taking the glass from me and getting another.

"no! life sucks ass" I pouted leaning against him. "I want to dance and no one is around." I scanned the crowd trying to find a familiar face. Smirking I spotted my victim.

"its been real matt" with that I walked or rather stumbled up to Charlie.

"dance with me" I ordered grabbing his hand.

"didn't we have this discussion about you touching me" he spat trying to remove my hand.

"yup sure did."

"you're waisted" he stated still trying to pry my hand off. "and you're sober glad we established that. Now dance!"

Joe's POV

I walked out of the bathroom seeing Patrick and Andy sitting down on the couch.

"man you look like shit" andy said eyeing me. I threw myself down on the couch across from the pole. "love you too man"

Patrick smiled softly to me "it will get better"

I shook my head laughing. "dude there is nothing to fix. The relationship is over. I'm not going to be the only one trying to fix it. Its obvious she doesn't care so why should I?"
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