Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Muggle

A Beautiful Friendship

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

A friendship is born

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Lucius - Published: 2016-10-31 - 3629 words

Later that night I was lying in my room thinking about everything I had learned that day. I realized that my aunt must have been a truly remarkable person. Bella would defend me against my father even though she barely knew me. I still think of her as the mother I never had, despite everything.
Despite the incident at Azkaban prison, it was not Aunt Bella who preoccupied my mind. My thoughts kept drifting back to that strange muggle girl who stood up to my father. No one had stood up for me before today.
I my deep thoughts where interrupted by the sounds of someone yelping out in pain. I got up to look out the window and saw her. Ayn had somehow found the Manor through the forrest and was running into one of are wards. Most wizards would have just placed charms to keep muggles from finding the manor, but my father wanted them to feel pain so instead he placed a shock barrier. I climbed out the window and climbed the jagged wall of Malfoy manor to the floor.
"Ayn, what are you doing here?" I asked the girl as she returned to her feet. I made sure to sit her away from the wards as I sat beside her.
"I was worried, That man hurt you and dragged you into the woods," Ayn whispered. "Do you know him?"
"He's my father," I spoke coldly.
"How could your father do that to you." Ayn gasped with wild eyes.
"I don't think my dad is a good person. You really came here to check on me?" I asked still unable to believe she was here.
"Well we're friends aren't we? I mean you made the pain go way earlier."
"Friend? We barely know each over," I replied.
"Well I'm Ayn Lee. I'm 11 years old and love reading books, listening to music and playing outside." Ayn said as she grinned at my stupefied look.
"Hi I'm Draco Malfoy, I'm 10 years old, I don't know." I whispered as terrible realization crashed over me. I didn't know who I was. I had no friend, I barely had a family and I had nothing to pass the time. I didn't live, I just existed.
Of course as a 10 year old, I those were not the words I used. "I'm not aloud to do the things I like. I'm not aloud to have friends."
I felt tears falling down my cheeks as Ayn pulled me into a hug. "I'm not aloud to sneak into the woods at night. I won't tell anyone if you don't."
I looked at her and I couldn't help but grin. "Thank you Ayn, for standing up to my father."
"That what friends are for," Ayn said. "Are you ever going to tell me how you fixed me earlier?"
I looked at her eager eyes for a second before I shook my head. "I'm sorry Ayn, But I really can't tell you that. I want to but I just can't."
Ayn looked disappointed but nodded. "You don't trust me."
"Actually I do and I don't trust anyone," I replied as Ayn smiled.
"I feel the same way. If you feel you should not tell me, then I guess I trust your reasons." Ayn said showing her maturity for her age.
I started waving my hands mysteriously and spoke in a fake dramatic voice. "Ok I confess, "I'm a Wizard!"
Ayn was now laughing witch made me laugh. "It's ok Draco, I understand, but I will find out."
I suddenly noticed that the sun was rising in the distance. Ayn noticed this too. "I have to go Draco. When can I see you again?"
"My father works a lot and my mother avoids me. I will meet you in the park latter today." I whispered, afraid I may wake my father.
Ayn grinned, "Draco, I think this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

"Draco, come here," My father commanded. It was 8 in the morning and it seemed my father had something to discuss. I wasn't worried, soon I would be having my day of freedom with my new best friend.
"Draco, it is time I tell you about the Dark Lord." My father spoke.
I could sense the excitement in his voice as he spoke. "The wizarding world has changed. Instead of Pureblood supremacy, Mudbloods are becoming equals, Half bloods are almost equals already. Then a great man came out of nowhere, with unimaginable powers and a drive to save the purity of magic. His name, is Lord V...V..."
I looked at my father confused. "Whats wrong? Is his name hard to pronounce?"
My father surprisingly laughed, "It is indeed in fact no one ever says it. His name is Lord V..Voldemort! He was not a very popular wizard. People believed that his views about Mudbloods where cruel, they believed his quest for power was wrong. The Dark Lord quest for power led him to become the most powerful wizard to ever live. The Dark Lord believed that the only way to to keep magic pure was by force. He knew people feared him so he helped foster and spread the fear. Now even his own followers fear to speak his name."
"The war that followed covered the wizarding world in blood, not just mudblood but pureblood as well. I was one of the Dark Lords followers, your aunt was his second in command. Never has there been a more faithful follower then Bellatrix, as you saw yesterday, she is very...eager to serve her master."
"I thought you where on the same side?"
"We still have disagreements. The Dark Lord, for what ever reason, does not want a heir of his own. The day you where born he gave you that honor. You would have grown to be his son by law, along with me and you mother of course. You would have been a Lord in you own right and if something ever happened to him, you would have taken his place. Your aunt and I differ on how you should be treated because of this, but she has no say. What I say goes in this Manor, understand Draco?"
I quickly nodded as he continued. "5 months after you where born all of this was thrown away. On the Halloween of that year, our Dark Lord killed two of our strongest opponents. He then turned his wand to their child, a child believed to have the power to undo all of the Dark Lords work. It may sound cruel but the Dark Lord had knew that mercy would only undo everything we have stood for. In a blink of an eye he attacked the child and was vanquished. The child survived while The Dark Lord is believed to be dead."
"Before this however, The Dark Lord gave your aunt and I a strange artifacts. He only told us that he could not die as long as they where kept safe. He told us that if anything where to happen to him, he would return. I believe that soon the time will come. You must be ready for him if you are going to remain his heir Draco. I will prepare you for it at all costs, I will not fail my master. Run along now I have work too do."
My father apparated away leaving me free too...
"Master Draco, your father has given Dobby orders to keep you from leaving the house." Said the squeaky voice of my beloved house elf.
"Dobby I order you to let me out," I commanded but the sad house elf just shook his head.
"Master has given his order sir, there is nothing Dobby can do." Dobby said as his ears dropped.
I have learned many things from living with house elf's and one of the big things you should no is, they are not smart.
"Dobby, I think I lost my wand." I bluffed.
"Wand sir?"
"Yes could you please search my room until you find it?"
"Of course Master, Dobby will return as soon as he finds it."
"Unless I say other wise do not leave my room until you find it."
"Of course sir," I couldn't help but chuckle as the little house elf ran up the stairs to look for something that didn't exist. I wouldn't get my wand for another 3 months."
I ran out of the house as fast as my ten year old legs could carry me and soon I found myself at the same park as the day before. Sitting on the swing with a golden smile on her face was Ayn.
"You made it!" Ayn screamed as she gave me a hug. It was strange being hugged for the first time, but it was nice to have a friend to hug.
"Of course I wouldn't miss today for the world. Could you show me around the town?" I asked her.
"You've never been to town before? Are you knew here?" Ayn asked curiously.
"I have been stuck in the Malfoy manor for most of my life Ayn." I replied sadly.
"I understand what you mean. I'm not supposed to be here myself, but I would never let that stop me. Let me show you where I live." Ayn was tugging my arm so hard I was worried she would pull it off. We ran together until we cam across this huge building.
"This is your home? It's just as big as the Malfoy Manor."
Ayn shook her head, "It's not my home, it's where I live. I've never had a home, my family left me here when I was a baby and I never heard from them since. I share a room with 20 other kids. I'm not friendly with any of them. I don't need them anymore, I know I have found a true friend in you."
Her words made me feel wonderful, but another thought brought those emotions to a halt. I sat down on a bench and began to speak. "There are things I can not share with you, no matter how much I want to. I can tell you this, I'm different and so is my family. I'm not talking about the money. You remember what my father told you yesterday?"
Ayn nodded darkly, "He called me a mutt and threatened to put me down if I saw you again. Well I like to see him try."
"He will try and succeed if we are not careful. I'm not sure about my family,, but my father is a bad guy. Things are going to happen and my family will be responsible. If you really choose to be my friend then you are putting yourself in danger you can't comprehend."
"I'm not scared Draco!" Ayn said determined.
"You should be. I will do what ever I can to protect you, but that won't be enough. I know my Father wants me to follow in his foot steps but I can't be like him. I'm scared Ayn, what am I suppose to do?"
Ayn looked are me and I nearly fell backwards. Her stare was ice cold, devoid of any affection for others. She then blinked and was now smiling with all the affection in the world. On more blink saw her smirking, hold her nose up like I was unworthy of her presence. One more blink saw her looking normal again.
" did you do that" I asked the now grinning red head.
"Practice, its called acting. The orphanage told me that if I wanted to be adopted I needed to smile. I didn't want to be adopted so I learned how to scar people off. When bully's threatened me I learned to hide my fear with my coldest gaze. If I wanted to anger someone, I just smirked. It's dangerous to show your true colours. Were it your face like a mask. It will protect your secrets from your family and other bad people. I know what it's like to have bad parents Draco, Mine abandoned me here. I will teach you if you want me to, but promise me one thing."
"Of course Ayn, anything."
''Don't shut me out. Don't hide yourself from me and I won't hide anything from you. I understand there are things you can't tell me but we are in this together. I never had a friend before and I don't plan on losing him. I don't feel I have to hide myself from you and it feels strange. I mean we just met yesterday."
"I don't get it either, my only friends have been house el...servants of my father. Yet I feel like I've known you my whole life."
"Hopefully that won't change and we will be best friends forever. Lets go to the library" Ayn said before pulling me along to the next destination.

"Hermione I know now that I loved her the day I met her. I don't know how else to explain it. If we where older we would have skipped being friends to being a couple. I think it was for the best we met so young, we got to be best friends. A true friendship might not be as powerful as love, but it is stronger. The day we became more then friends, we where already closer then a married couple."
Hermione took a sip from another mug of tea before replying, "I feel the same way about Ron. At least we always fought like a married couple."
Draco chuckled at this as he looked at the pictures on the wall. "Now you are a married couple, so you have an excuse to fight. We never fought much but when we did she was a monster. Ayn grew up with a chip on her shoulder. She was abandoned by her parents and wanted to prove her worth. She had no ambitions just determination to do what she wanted. I don't think anyone else had the guts to do what she did, stay by my side and be my friend."

"Draco are you sure you're ready?" Ayn asked as she sat across from me in the park.
"I'm leaving for school tomorrow. Everyone is going to be looking at the Malfoy heir wondering if he is up to stuff. I need to be seen as a Malfoy or I will be beaten." I whispered.
Ayn flinched at the mention of me getting hurt. "Don't worry Draco, if the school shopping went as well as you said, then school shouldn't be too hard be."
The previous four months of practice had been a rousing success. I had become a master of what Ayn called the mask game. I could hide behind what ever face I needed. It should be obvious by now to know where I learned my the infamous Malfoy smirk.
Ayn finished are exercises with a big grin. "That was great Draco, they won't know what hit them."
"Great, I can't wait to be the most hated person in school." I muttered sarcastically.
"There are worse things then being hated Draco, just make sure you don't get hurt. People are cruel and stupid, don't be afraid to be cruel back at them. If you are going to be Malfoy you must embrace it. People are mean to me so it's easy to embrace fighting back!"
"You want me to enjoy being a pompous arse?" I asked surprised.
"What's not to enjoy, just pretend your not Draco. The face will only get you so far. You have to become a different person Mr. Malfoy." Ayn chuckled.
"How did you get so smart?"
"Books, the only things I'm aloud to keep at the orphanage."
"Well I'll get you something for you on your birthday."
"When is yours Draco?" Ayn asked suddenly
"June the fifth, three months ago..."
"THREE MONTHS AGO! Why didn't you tell me, we need to celebrate!" Ayn jumped up excited as we ran to the orphanage.
"Wait here Draco," Ayn whispered as she ran into the Orphanage. Five minutes later she was bursting out the door running top speed.
As she ran past me, I saw a nun chasing her and bolted after Ayn. We ran for over five minutes, even though we lost the elderly lady in thirty seconds. When he finally where too tired to run anymore we realized we where I the middle of the forrest. We both started laughing
"What was that about, Ayn?" I asked after catching my breath.
"I'm not aloud out of the orphanage with out adult supervision. I don't follow the rules though so I get caned often." She said showing me her red knuckles.
I felt the anger in my heart at the though of Ayn in pain."I assumed that was from fighting?"
"Well that too." Ayn muttered with a grin.
"Why would you put yourself in trouble?" I asked confused.
"I like the freedom and I like it even more with you."
"You would go through that for me?" I muttered, moved but still suspicious.
"Maybe you're worth it" Ayn said with a slight blush in her cheeks.
"I'm not Ayn, I'm not worth anything." I mumbled.
Ayn grabbed my hand and put something in it. "Don't say that! You are worth it Draco and don't you let anyone tell you otherwise!
Ayn took deep breath before she continued. "I met my Grandfather once when I was four. I think my parents abandoned him too, only he was in a nursing home. When he was dying I was taken to meet him. It was the only time I have ever met someone from my family. He could hardy speak but he gave me this."
I opened my hand to see a small locket, Ayn continued. "It use to contain a lock of my mothers hair. My grandpa told me as long as I kept it, I would always have family by my side. I later flushed the hair down the toilet but I kept this locket. It is the only thing I have of my family's and I want to give to you Draco."
I opened the Locket to see shining lock of Ayn's red hair. I was simply stunned by this act. She trusted me with the most important thing she owned. Her only possession she cared about. "Why?"
"I already told you Draco, you're worth it. You are my family now. I'm going to miss you, but I want you to know that I will always be there for you. No matter how far you are. You are worth it Draco, happy birthday."
"Ayn, this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." I said with tears in my eyes as I hugged my friend.
Ayn broke the hug after a few minutes and gave a ice cold glare. "Tears? Are you a Malfoy or not?"
I immediately put on my smirk causing Ayn to grin. "Your ready Malfoy...I'm really going to miss you."
"I'll miss you to, but I will see you in December, I promise." I vowed as I put the locket around my neck.

"Draco, You are ready." My father commanded the next morning. It was not a question.
"Of course I'm ready Father," I answered pompously. I saw my father grin at this. I had really turned things around in his eyes. The fact that I was learning how to be a Malfoy from a Muggle was beautifully ironic.
"Remember what I told you Draco, the Potter child will be attending school the same year as you. You must try and befriend him. If he joins are side, it would be a devastating blow to our enemy's. It will also make it easier for the Dark Lord to have his vengeance if he should desire it when he returns."
"What if he doesn't except my friendship?" I asked worried of failing my Father.
"If he is anything like his father and mudblood mother that is a possibility. If he is not a friend of the Malfoy's then he is an enemy. Speaking of friends, to of my former...colleagues will have children in your year too. Their names are Crabbe and Goyle. They are by far, the dumbest kids I've ever met in my life. They will be keeping you company and giving you protection. They will also be making sure you are behaving yourself."
I looked at my father with glee while my stomach churned. These weren't just guards but spies of my father. This was going to be harder then I thought. However if they where as stupid as my father said, maybe I could use them to my advantage.
"Your Godfather is the potions teacher. He is a brilliant professor and a great man. He will also be keeping an eye on you Draco." I had seen him visit before though never got to know him well. I did know he was a man one does not cross. Frankly he scared the crap out of me.
As my father walked me to the apparition point at the edge of our wards, I saw her watching from the Forrest. Ayn waved at me from her hiding place behind a bush and I waved back subtlety so my father wouldn't notice. The last thought I had before my father and I apparated to Kings Cross was, 'Ayn can see me? Despite the wards? That means she will see us appara...' POP

Ayn's eyes widened as her friend and his father vanished into thin air. This was getting weird, first her miraculous healing when she first met Draco and now this! It was very strange, it was almost as if it wsd magic!
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