Categories > Games > Mario > Super Paper Wishology (Jayjar100 Version)
Super Paper Wishology (Rewritten)
By Jayjar100
Original 'Super Paper Wishology' Story By AK1028
OCs belong to AK1028
Names of Timmy's Mom & Dad belong to AK1028
Chapter 4: New Techniques
"Timmy, hang on!" Jorgen said, still holding onto the ladder with one hand.
"To what?" Timmy asked, getting sucked into the Eliminator.
"Good point!" Jorgen conjured up a whip and pulled Timmy out of there before he was sucked all the way in. Jorgen picked up a manhole. "Now, we'll shut that piehole, with a manhole!" Jorgen threw the manhole at the Eliminator, pushing it against the wall.
"Destroy Timmy Turner." The Eliminator said.
"Although I sympathize with your sentiments, I cannot allow that to happen at this time!" Jorgen responded. Using his wand, he poofed up a large motorcycle. "Hop on my hog and hold me tight!" He said as he hopped onto the motorcycle.
Timmy hopped on behind him. Jorgen poofed them up helmets and they started to speed away, with the Eliminator tailing them.
Terrance and Tamara were dressing like teens from the 1980s. They had packed their bags and were getting ready to go to the M.A.R.F festival. They saw the Eliminator chasing after Timmy and Jorgen.
"There goes that street urchin." Tamara said. "Ooh, he's living on the edge!"
Terrance responded. "Not as edgy as we're gonna be, cruising in a M.A.R.F machine on our way to the M.A.R.F Festival!" Terrance opened his two suitcases. "Now to make sure we have enough goodies to keep this road trip rocking!" He pointed at the various pills in the suitcases. "Stuff for my stomach, stuff for my back, and the nasal spray for my deviated septum!"
"Let's party!" Tamara cheered.
They started to try and play invisible guitars again, but they nearly broke their backs. "OW! OUR BACKS!"
Mr. Crocker walked up to them, also dressed like an 80s teen. "Hey, fellow M.A.R. ! I'm going to the Middle Aged Rock Festival too! And I could use a ride."
Terrance and Tamara stood up straight. "Look pal. Gas, glasses, or Aspirin, nobody rides for free." Terrance stated.
Mr. Crocker held up all 3 of those things. "Let's M.A.R.F!" At that, the three of them ran into the truck and began to drive away; only for them to pull right back into the driveway.
Tamara ran out of the truck. "Middle aged bladder, potty break!" Terrance and Mr. Crocker exited the truck. "Right behind you!"
Timmy and Jorgen were in the city streets, trying to speed away from the Eliminator. Timmy looked behind him. "He's gaining on us! Oh, and by the way, why are they chasing after me?" Jorgen began to answer him. "There will be time for explanations when you are safe!"
The Eliminator tried to hit them with ray blasters on it's back, but Jorgen dodged by swerving the motorcycle.
Jorgen was speeding to a wall of the Dimmsdale Mall. The wand on the back of the vehicle began to glow. Before they hit the wall, they vanished.
The Eliminator couldn't react in time, and crashed through the wall. Someone inside the mall gasped at the sight of it. The Eliminator took some sunglasses and a black coat from a mannequin and put them on.
The Eliminator released two other Eliminators from a vortex. "Now, eliminate Timmy Turner." He commanded. With that, the three Eliminators sped off into the distance.
Mario and Tippi entered a house near the start of 1-1. Mario was confused when he entered the house. "What? It's empty?"
Tippi responded. "This is not an empty house... There's something in this room. I can feel it... I can help you find hidden things. Why don't you use my power to look around?"
Mario used Tippi's power she told him about earlier. There was a door there, but it was invisible without the use of her power, so she made it visible. "There's a hidden door here, let me make it visible for you..."
"I can't believe that actually worked." Mario muttered to himself. He and Tippi entered the door.
On the other side was Merlon's best friend, Bestovious. "Hmmmmmmmm?" He said. "What is this meager mustache that stands before me? And how does it have the audacity to address my multicolored glory? How did these flimsy whiskers detect my secret door..."
Bestovious noticed something about the man in front of him. "Wait right there! Red shirt... conspicuous white gloves... jaunty cap... Hah! You are garbed in the rich clothes of the hero of the prophecy! You must be the great... hero... impersonator!"
Mario face palmed. "He really can't be this dense, can he?" He thought.
"What a costume!" Bestovious continued. "You look like you leaped out of the pages of the Prognosticus!"
"Um, I AM the hero, Bestovious!" Mario yelled.
"That's why he's dressed like this..." Tippi continued. "Merlon told us to find you."
Bestovious gasped. "Merlon?! Only his full-bodied beard rivals my hairy magnificence... If Merlon thinks you are the true hero, you probably are. Well then. As the ancient prophecy foretells..."
He paused to take a breath. "I, Bestovious, will bestow upon you the ancient secrets of dimensional flipping... For a nominal fee of 10,000 coins!"
Mario looked dumbfounded. "WHAT? 10,000 coins? I only have about 5 right now!"
"Even still, that preposterous! You can't charge to teach the hero of the prophecy!"
"Well then... I'll only charge you 5." Bestovious sighed.
"That sounds much better." Mario agreed.
"Scintillating! Let us begin!" Bestovious cheered.
He went over to Mario and began to chant something. "Flimmidy flammidy flooom! Diggidy daggidy dooom! Zibbidy zabbidy zooom! SHABOOOM! FLIPPOW!"
Mario suddenly felt tons of energy rush into his body. It was like he had just gained a new ability.
"I, Bestovious, have granted you the ability to flip between dimensions. Just concentrate your energy to flip between 2-D and 3-D! But the amount of energy you can use at a time is limited, so if you stay in 3-D for too long, you'll get hurt."
"I understand." Mario nodded.
"Well... let's get going..." Tippi suggested. Mario and Tippi went to explore the rest of 1-1, thanks to Mario's new ability.
Timmy and Jorgen were teleported to Fairy World. "That was a close one." Jorgen stated. "Now, hang onto me again. We have a long road ahead of us, but know one thing. All of the fairies are safe, and hidden where the enemy can not find them."
All of the fairies were somewhere far away from Dimmsdale, and they were transformed into gumballs at a gumball machine in a run-down restaurant.
"Ah! Where are we?" Wanda said, freaked out. "Last thing I remember is Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish."
Cosmo was also freaked out. "And the last thing I remember, is you saying the last thing you remember is Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish!"
Gumball version of the fairies Cupid, and Tooth Fairy were right next to them. "We're in a gumball machine!" Cupid cried out.
"I hope we're sugarless." Tooth Fairy stated.
"Every fairy in Fairy World must be in here!" Cosmo shouted.
"I'm more of a fireball than a gumball." Another fairy, Juandissimo, stated. "At least we're not at the bottom like Binky.
"Hi guys." Binky said from the bottom.
"Well, I don't know why Jorgen put us in here, but we're getting out!" Wanda said, with determination. Then she realized something. "Oh no! Our wands are gone!"
"And our hands are gone!" Cosmo pointed out.
"Well at least we're safe." Tooth Fairy said.
Then a kid that was about 9 years old walked up to the machine. He put a quarter in, and out came a gumball. It was Binky. "Oh no! He got Binky!" All of the other fairies said.
"I don't wanna be a gumball!" Binky said before the kid started chewing him. "Ah! The horror!" The fairies said.
The kid pulled out a large amount of quarters out of his pocket. "Ah! The quarters!" The fairies said.
Jorgen had been leading Timmy though the vast parts of Fairy World for quite a while, but they eventually were back at the place where the motorcycle was. "We're back here again?" Timmy shouted.
Jorgen groaned. "You've got to be kidding me."
Timmy hopped off of Jorgen's back. "What are we looking for, anyway?"
"The Cave Of Destiny. It is where all of your questions will be answered." Jorgen answered.
Timmy pointed to a large cave. "You mean like that cave up there?" Above the entrance to the cave, there was a sign that read 'Cave Of Destiny Free Wi-Fi'.
Jorgen looked up. "Man, why can I never find that place?" He asked himself.
They entered the Cave Of Destiny. However, near the entrance of the place, they saw a figure lying on the ground. Although neither of them knew who or what it was, it was Bowser Jr.
Mario and Tippi were now traversing through 1-3. Earlier, they had gotten another Pixl, Thoreau, who agreed to help Mario and Tippi on their journey.
They were almost though the level when they heard a booming voice from above. "GRAH-GOOGLY!"
Mario, Tippi and Thoreau franticly looked around for the noise. "So yer the lad stickin' his nose in me boss's business!" The voice revealed itself to be O'Chunks.
O'Chunks laughed. "Yeh shouldn't 'ave crossed the count! Now I'm gonna 'ave to get chunky on yeh!"
Mario assumed a fighting stance. "You better run right now unless you wanted to get beaten to a pulp." He threatened.
"You... You're one of Count Bleck's thugs, aren't you?!" Tippi asked.
O'Chunks ignored Mario and answered Tippi's question. "O'Chunks is me name! An' I'm no common thug, lass. I thug for the count o' counts, Count Bleck hisself! One word from me Blecky-boy, an' I come the make yeh feel some hammage!"
"Don't you mean damage?" Mario corrected.
"Ehhh... Yeah, make that 'damage!'" O'Chunks paused for a moment, and then furiously stomped on the ground. "Whatever, then! Not that it matters a pinch o' stew in a sandstorm. Yer a goner!" He laughed.
"Do you even know what Count Bleck is trying to do...?" Tippi asked.
"DEH!" O'Chunks responded. "Me boy's usin' powers an' whatnot teh bring back some order to teh this 'ere world! An enemy o' Bleck be an enemy o' mine! They all get chunked!"
Mario was prepared to fight. "Enough is enough already!" O'Chunks screamed. "It's time teh thunder down from on high an' deliver a beatin' o' the ages! CHUNK ON IT!"
Mario and O'Chunks began to fight.
Mario eventually won, with O'Chunks tired and defeated. "I'M CHUNKED!" O'Chunks said after the final blow was hit.
"Me chunks... yeh failed me! I got pummeled an yeh barely sweat yer brow." He weakly said.
Mario smirked smugly. "Let this be a lesson to you."
"Ey, what kind o' strange li'l man are yeh?" O'Chunks asked.
"This 'strange li'l man' is none other than... the legendary hero, Mario!" Tippi answered for Mario.
"Maria, 'ey? 'Tis an odd name, yeh, but yeh can bet yer bebby I'll remember that!" O'Chunks misheard Mario's name.
"No, it's Mario, not Maria." Mario corrected.
O'Chunks angrily stomped his foot. "Yeh remember this, Mario! If yeh didn't look like such a wee toddler, I wouldn't 'ave taken so easy on yeh! But 'ey, I have teh give it up fer yer effort, so let's call it a tie. Yeh better get some chunks o' yer own for next time though, 'ey! And while yer at it, why don't yeh wax that bunny 'stache o' yours, Mario!"
O'Chunks took a breath. "'Til we meet again, 'ey! CHUNKS AWAY!" As he said that, he used a fart-rocket to propel himself into the air. He flew away.
'That fart-rocket kinda reminds me of Wario.' Mario thought to himself. He, Tippi, and Thoreau went on to complete 1-3.
By Jayjar100
Original 'Super Paper Wishology' Story By AK1028
OCs belong to AK1028
Names of Timmy's Mom & Dad belong to AK1028
Chapter 4: New Techniques
"Timmy, hang on!" Jorgen said, still holding onto the ladder with one hand.
"To what?" Timmy asked, getting sucked into the Eliminator.
"Good point!" Jorgen conjured up a whip and pulled Timmy out of there before he was sucked all the way in. Jorgen picked up a manhole. "Now, we'll shut that piehole, with a manhole!" Jorgen threw the manhole at the Eliminator, pushing it against the wall.
"Destroy Timmy Turner." The Eliminator said.
"Although I sympathize with your sentiments, I cannot allow that to happen at this time!" Jorgen responded. Using his wand, he poofed up a large motorcycle. "Hop on my hog and hold me tight!" He said as he hopped onto the motorcycle.
Timmy hopped on behind him. Jorgen poofed them up helmets and they started to speed away, with the Eliminator tailing them.
Terrance and Tamara were dressing like teens from the 1980s. They had packed their bags and were getting ready to go to the M.A.R.F festival. They saw the Eliminator chasing after Timmy and Jorgen.
"There goes that street urchin." Tamara said. "Ooh, he's living on the edge!"
Terrance responded. "Not as edgy as we're gonna be, cruising in a M.A.R.F machine on our way to the M.A.R.F Festival!" Terrance opened his two suitcases. "Now to make sure we have enough goodies to keep this road trip rocking!" He pointed at the various pills in the suitcases. "Stuff for my stomach, stuff for my back, and the nasal spray for my deviated septum!"
"Let's party!" Tamara cheered.
They started to try and play invisible guitars again, but they nearly broke their backs. "OW! OUR BACKS!"
Mr. Crocker walked up to them, also dressed like an 80s teen. "Hey, fellow M.A.R. ! I'm going to the Middle Aged Rock Festival too! And I could use a ride."
Terrance and Tamara stood up straight. "Look pal. Gas, glasses, or Aspirin, nobody rides for free." Terrance stated.
Mr. Crocker held up all 3 of those things. "Let's M.A.R.F!" At that, the three of them ran into the truck and began to drive away; only for them to pull right back into the driveway.
Tamara ran out of the truck. "Middle aged bladder, potty break!" Terrance and Mr. Crocker exited the truck. "Right behind you!"
Timmy and Jorgen were in the city streets, trying to speed away from the Eliminator. Timmy looked behind him. "He's gaining on us! Oh, and by the way, why are they chasing after me?" Jorgen began to answer him. "There will be time for explanations when you are safe!"
The Eliminator tried to hit them with ray blasters on it's back, but Jorgen dodged by swerving the motorcycle.
Jorgen was speeding to a wall of the Dimmsdale Mall. The wand on the back of the vehicle began to glow. Before they hit the wall, they vanished.
The Eliminator couldn't react in time, and crashed through the wall. Someone inside the mall gasped at the sight of it. The Eliminator took some sunglasses and a black coat from a mannequin and put them on.
The Eliminator released two other Eliminators from a vortex. "Now, eliminate Timmy Turner." He commanded. With that, the three Eliminators sped off into the distance.
Mario and Tippi entered a house near the start of 1-1. Mario was confused when he entered the house. "What? It's empty?"
Tippi responded. "This is not an empty house... There's something in this room. I can feel it... I can help you find hidden things. Why don't you use my power to look around?"
Mario used Tippi's power she told him about earlier. There was a door there, but it was invisible without the use of her power, so she made it visible. "There's a hidden door here, let me make it visible for you..."
"I can't believe that actually worked." Mario muttered to himself. He and Tippi entered the door.
On the other side was Merlon's best friend, Bestovious. "Hmmmmmmmm?" He said. "What is this meager mustache that stands before me? And how does it have the audacity to address my multicolored glory? How did these flimsy whiskers detect my secret door..."
Bestovious noticed something about the man in front of him. "Wait right there! Red shirt... conspicuous white gloves... jaunty cap... Hah! You are garbed in the rich clothes of the hero of the prophecy! You must be the great... hero... impersonator!"
Mario face palmed. "He really can't be this dense, can he?" He thought.
"What a costume!" Bestovious continued. "You look like you leaped out of the pages of the Prognosticus!"
"Um, I AM the hero, Bestovious!" Mario yelled.
"That's why he's dressed like this..." Tippi continued. "Merlon told us to find you."
Bestovious gasped. "Merlon?! Only his full-bodied beard rivals my hairy magnificence... If Merlon thinks you are the true hero, you probably are. Well then. As the ancient prophecy foretells..."
He paused to take a breath. "I, Bestovious, will bestow upon you the ancient secrets of dimensional flipping... For a nominal fee of 10,000 coins!"
Mario looked dumbfounded. "WHAT? 10,000 coins? I only have about 5 right now!"
"Even still, that preposterous! You can't charge to teach the hero of the prophecy!"
"Well then... I'll only charge you 5." Bestovious sighed.
"That sounds much better." Mario agreed.
"Scintillating! Let us begin!" Bestovious cheered.
He went over to Mario and began to chant something. "Flimmidy flammidy flooom! Diggidy daggidy dooom! Zibbidy zabbidy zooom! SHABOOOM! FLIPPOW!"
Mario suddenly felt tons of energy rush into his body. It was like he had just gained a new ability.
"I, Bestovious, have granted you the ability to flip between dimensions. Just concentrate your energy to flip between 2-D and 3-D! But the amount of energy you can use at a time is limited, so if you stay in 3-D for too long, you'll get hurt."
"I understand." Mario nodded.
"Well... let's get going..." Tippi suggested. Mario and Tippi went to explore the rest of 1-1, thanks to Mario's new ability.
Timmy and Jorgen were teleported to Fairy World. "That was a close one." Jorgen stated. "Now, hang onto me again. We have a long road ahead of us, but know one thing. All of the fairies are safe, and hidden where the enemy can not find them."
All of the fairies were somewhere far away from Dimmsdale, and they were transformed into gumballs at a gumball machine in a run-down restaurant.
"Ah! Where are we?" Wanda said, freaked out. "Last thing I remember is Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish."
Cosmo was also freaked out. "And the last thing I remember, is you saying the last thing you remember is Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish!"
Gumball version of the fairies Cupid, and Tooth Fairy were right next to them. "We're in a gumball machine!" Cupid cried out.
"I hope we're sugarless." Tooth Fairy stated.
"Every fairy in Fairy World must be in here!" Cosmo shouted.
"I'm more of a fireball than a gumball." Another fairy, Juandissimo, stated. "At least we're not at the bottom like Binky.
"Hi guys." Binky said from the bottom.
"Well, I don't know why Jorgen put us in here, but we're getting out!" Wanda said, with determination. Then she realized something. "Oh no! Our wands are gone!"
"And our hands are gone!" Cosmo pointed out.
"Well at least we're safe." Tooth Fairy said.
Then a kid that was about 9 years old walked up to the machine. He put a quarter in, and out came a gumball. It was Binky. "Oh no! He got Binky!" All of the other fairies said.
"I don't wanna be a gumball!" Binky said before the kid started chewing him. "Ah! The horror!" The fairies said.
The kid pulled out a large amount of quarters out of his pocket. "Ah! The quarters!" The fairies said.
Jorgen had been leading Timmy though the vast parts of Fairy World for quite a while, but they eventually were back at the place where the motorcycle was. "We're back here again?" Timmy shouted.
Jorgen groaned. "You've got to be kidding me."
Timmy hopped off of Jorgen's back. "What are we looking for, anyway?"
"The Cave Of Destiny. It is where all of your questions will be answered." Jorgen answered.
Timmy pointed to a large cave. "You mean like that cave up there?" Above the entrance to the cave, there was a sign that read 'Cave Of Destiny Free Wi-Fi'.
Jorgen looked up. "Man, why can I never find that place?" He asked himself.
They entered the Cave Of Destiny. However, near the entrance of the place, they saw a figure lying on the ground. Although neither of them knew who or what it was, it was Bowser Jr.
Mario and Tippi were now traversing through 1-3. Earlier, they had gotten another Pixl, Thoreau, who agreed to help Mario and Tippi on their journey.
They were almost though the level when they heard a booming voice from above. "GRAH-GOOGLY!"
Mario, Tippi and Thoreau franticly looked around for the noise. "So yer the lad stickin' his nose in me boss's business!" The voice revealed itself to be O'Chunks.
O'Chunks laughed. "Yeh shouldn't 'ave crossed the count! Now I'm gonna 'ave to get chunky on yeh!"
Mario assumed a fighting stance. "You better run right now unless you wanted to get beaten to a pulp." He threatened.
"You... You're one of Count Bleck's thugs, aren't you?!" Tippi asked.
O'Chunks ignored Mario and answered Tippi's question. "O'Chunks is me name! An' I'm no common thug, lass. I thug for the count o' counts, Count Bleck hisself! One word from me Blecky-boy, an' I come the make yeh feel some hammage!"
"Don't you mean damage?" Mario corrected.
"Ehhh... Yeah, make that 'damage!'" O'Chunks paused for a moment, and then furiously stomped on the ground. "Whatever, then! Not that it matters a pinch o' stew in a sandstorm. Yer a goner!" He laughed.
"Do you even know what Count Bleck is trying to do...?" Tippi asked.
"DEH!" O'Chunks responded. "Me boy's usin' powers an' whatnot teh bring back some order to teh this 'ere world! An enemy o' Bleck be an enemy o' mine! They all get chunked!"
Mario was prepared to fight. "Enough is enough already!" O'Chunks screamed. "It's time teh thunder down from on high an' deliver a beatin' o' the ages! CHUNK ON IT!"
Mario and O'Chunks began to fight.
Mario eventually won, with O'Chunks tired and defeated. "I'M CHUNKED!" O'Chunks said after the final blow was hit.
"Me chunks... yeh failed me! I got pummeled an yeh barely sweat yer brow." He weakly said.
Mario smirked smugly. "Let this be a lesson to you."
"Ey, what kind o' strange li'l man are yeh?" O'Chunks asked.
"This 'strange li'l man' is none other than... the legendary hero, Mario!" Tippi answered for Mario.
"Maria, 'ey? 'Tis an odd name, yeh, but yeh can bet yer bebby I'll remember that!" O'Chunks misheard Mario's name.
"No, it's Mario, not Maria." Mario corrected.
O'Chunks angrily stomped his foot. "Yeh remember this, Mario! If yeh didn't look like such a wee toddler, I wouldn't 'ave taken so easy on yeh! But 'ey, I have teh give it up fer yer effort, so let's call it a tie. Yeh better get some chunks o' yer own for next time though, 'ey! And while yer at it, why don't yeh wax that bunny 'stache o' yours, Mario!"
O'Chunks took a breath. "'Til we meet again, 'ey! CHUNKS AWAY!" As he said that, he used a fart-rocket to propel himself into the air. He flew away.
'That fart-rocket kinda reminds me of Wario.' Mario thought to himself. He, Tippi, and Thoreau went on to complete 1-3.
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