Categories > Games > Mario > Super Paper Wishology (Jayjar100 Version)

#5: An Unexpected Ally

by Jayjar100 0 reviews

An Unexpected Ally

Category: Mario - Rating: G - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2016-11-30 - 2023 words

Super Paper Wishology (Rewritten)

By Jayjar100

Original 'Super Paper Wishology' Story By AK1028

OCs belong to AK1028

Names of Timmy's Mom & Dad belong to AK1028


Chapter 5: An Unexpected Ally


Bowser Jr. slowly came to. He had a throbbing headache. The last thing he remembered was his dad's wedding, then Luigi and Violet running up the alter, and then a white flash, and then... he couldn't remember anything else.

He opened his eyes and saw he was in a cave. There were two figures in front of him.

The first one was a kid that looked to be about 10 or 11, had brown hair, pink shirt and hat, buckteeth, blue eyes, and blue pants and shoes.

The second one seemed to be a giant; he had a crown floating on top of his head, was very muscular, had boots on, was wearing army pants, and had a green shirt on.

He stood up. "Where am I? And who are you?" He shouted.

Timmy put his hands slightly up. "Hey kid, calm down. I'm Timmy Turner and this is Jorgen Von Strangle. And we're in the Cave Of Destiny."

Bowser Jr. sunk in this information. "I've never heard of the Cave Of Destiny..." He looked around, seeing bone of people and a few bats. "It's really creepy." He shuddered a bit.

"Oh, these are just from last year's Halloween party, I think. We also rent out the cave for weddings and bar mitzvahs. Oh, and you never told us your name." Jorgen said

"Well I'm Bowser Jr!" Bowser Jr stated proudly. "And I'm from the Koopa Kingdom."

Timmy raised an eyebrow. "The Koopa Kingdom? In all my time when I paid attention in Mr. Crocker's World Studies class, I've never heard of something called the 'Koopa Kingdom'." Timmy paused for a moment. "Then again, the closest place would be Tokyo, Japan, since-"

Bowser Jr stopped listening to what Timmy said. His eyes widened for a moment. If Timmy just said 'Tokyo, Japan', then that could only mean one thing. He was now in the upper world.

His dad had put a very negative image of the upper world in his mind. His dad had told him about how if someone from there saw him, he would be seen as an alien and be dissected. That thought chilled him to the bone.

But seeing as how these people right here were not trying to dissect him, and they were from the upper world, he had gotten a little more relaxed.

"So do you mind telling us how you even got here?" Timmy questioned.

"Well, the last thing that I can remember is my dad's wedding, and then a white flash, and then... that's all I got." Bowser Jr. responded.

"Well... I'll help you find your way back home." Timmy said

Bowser Jr's eyes widened. "You would really do that?"

"Yes, just only if you help me." Timmy answered.

Bowser Jr slightly groaned. He didn't usually like to help people, but he was willing to make an exception in this case. "Ok, deal." Bowser Jr and Timmy shook hands.

"Now, where was I?" Timmy asked himself. "Oh yeah, what's going on?!"

"Maybe these pretty pictures will help." Jorgen dusted off a part of the wall, revealing some pictures. "Or, as we call them in Fairy World, the cave prophecy."

"The cave prophecy?" Bowser Jr questioned.

"No, you're not saying it right. Go with the echo. The cave prophecy..." Jorgen corrected.

Jorgen cleared his throat. "In ancient Fairy times, a fairy's min job was to fight, not frolic. They constantly battled a mysterious enemy called the Darkness, and it's agents of destruction, the Eliminators! Then, the Fairy Warriors were victorious only when they combined all their wand powers and neutralized the darkness with its natural enemy, light. But, our ancient ancestors feared that this mysterious foe would come back! So, they sent millions of our strongest soldiers into the void of space to illuminate it! So that the darkness should ever return, we would have a shield of protection, not unlike today's underarm deodorants!"

"Amazing!" Timmy said. "Do you have any popcorn?"

Jorgen had poofed up a popcorn stand. "Small, medium, or large?"

"Ill have a small." Bowser Jr said.

"Surprise me." Timmy answered. "So the stars in space are really Fairy Warriors watching out for the darkness?" He asked.

"Exactly." Jorgen answered. "They are our first warning system. And last night, our deepest outpost, the Big Dipper Brigade, just disappeared!"

Timmy had a realization. "The Big Dipper! That's why Crocker said it didn't exist!"

"Yes, I had to wipe away all memory of its existence so people wouldn't freak out. I also wiped away any memory of you so that no one would say your name and give away your location!" Jorgen explained.

"So this is great but how does it affect me?" Timmy asked.

"I'm not finished." Jorgen clapped his hands together, and more of the cave prophecy was revealed.

"Our ancestors then hid an all-powerful magic wand that could destroy the darkness should it ever return, and, to protect this white wand from falling into the wrong hands, they decided that only a Chosen One could possess it and unlock it's true powers."

"Cool." Timmy said. "Where is it?"

"No one knows. But it's said this cryptic message reveals its location. So far, no one has been able to solve this ancient riddle." Jorgen explained. Text appeared on the wall.

"The wand is hidden in a rock and sealed with a kiss... what does that mean?" Bowser Jr asked.

"You tell me, because the chosen one is Timmy Turner!" Jorgen yelled.

"What!" Timmy yelled.

Bowser Jr looked at the drawing, and then back at Timmy. "That doesn't look like him at all." He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding me? Look!" Jorgen shouted. "Pink hat, buck teeth, initials TT, and I'm not the only one who knows it!" He used his wand as a flashlight to illuminate a part of the ground, revealing the footsteps of an eliminator.

The eliminators were here?" Timmy asked.

Bowser Jr's eyes widened at how large those footsteps were.

"They know I'm the Chosen One?" Timmy continued. "And you just said my name out loud!"

"And it echoed a bit too, didn't it?" Jorgen asked to no one in particular.

The Eliminator with the Black jacket burst through the wall of the Cave Of Destiny. "Eliminate Timmy Turner."


Mario and Tippi were nearing the end of 1-4. Tippi had said that the Pure Heart would be at the end of this level.

They had just exited the dungeon when they were greeted by a large dragon.

"Intrusion detected." The Dragon said. "Leave immediately or be purged."

The Dragon then noticed something about Mario. "Wait. Scan initialized. Red cap detected. Blue overalls detected. Level 5 mustache detected. Incredible. Possible subject identification. But is impossible. Hold your position. Searching data banks..."

Mario was too stunned to say anything while the dragon was doing that.

Eventually, the dragon said: "Search complete: One positive match. System overload! Legendary hero identified! Forgive me, hero. I am called Fracktail. My only purpose is to defend the Pure Heart from lawless intruders. You are late. I have waited thousands of years for your arrival. You may pass. The Pure Heart is just ahead."

Mario had a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm glad I don't have to fight that dragon."

However, they all heard a mysterious voice from above. "Ah ha ha. It won't be that easy, oh no..."

"WHO SPEAKS?" Fracktail boomed.

The unknown voice revealed itself to be Dimentio. "So very nice to meet you... and your mustache!" He said to Mario. "I am Count Bleck's master of dimensions, the pleaser of crowds... I am...Dimentio! Remember the name well..."

"I know you. You're that..." Tippi started to say.

Dimentio interrupted her. "It would be so DULL if your journey ended so easily... Instead, it ends with...magic!" He put a spell on Fracktail, short-circuiting him.

"Yes, much better... Now you and this robotic dragon can spend some quality time... Yes, quality snack time! When he snacks...on you! For you...ARE the snack! Ciao!" Dimentio laughed, and then disappeared.

"Fracktail?" Mario asked, worried.

"What did he just..." Tippi also asked.

Fracktail started freaking out. "Beeeeeeep. I am error. Press any key to restart. ...System not found. Insert install disc. Disc not found. Please confirm disc cover is closed. Read error. Insert boot disc and press enter. No response. System may be busy or melting or melting into slag. Application error. Save your work and quit. You lost everything. Way to go, genius. Waiting for processers. '404 computer hamsters not found.' Threat level upgraded to jelly roll 1. Detonation imminent."

Mario and Tippi were confused why Fracktail was talking like this.

Then Fracktail started acting more strangely. "BEEBLEBIP! C:/ run query identification C:/ run insult generator C:/ results: go away yeti-lip! CTRL ALT DEL!"

Then, Fracktail flew into the air, and Mario knew now that he would have to fight him.

Eventually, Mario defeated Fracktail, and then the dragon exploded, leaving Mario and Tippi to find the Pure Heart.

They soon went through a door, which led to the inside of a small, blue building. After the entered, they heard a soft voice. "Welcome, hero. My name is Merlumina."

"What was that?" Mario looked above him to see what looked like a soul.

"I am a dormant soul... I have waited long to give you the Pure Heart." Merlumina said. "Yes, I have been waiting for 1,500 years."

She floated down to Mario. "Your presence here must mean that all worlds have begun to collapse."

"Yes, that's right." Mario nodded.

"Before I give you the Pure Heart, you and I must speak. Listen well, hero. Merlumina said. "Long, long people built a civilization hailed as a beacon of culture. Sadly, despite our power, there was one thing we were powerless to stop: The Dark Prognosticus. Nobody knows who authored the dark book. It foretold the events of the future. On the last page, it was written that a chaotic power would devour the world."

She paused to take a breath.

"We knew it had to be stopped. Our greatest minds devised a grand plan to stop the tragedy before it happened. We needed something with the pure essence of love to confront this chaos. Researchers set to work... and they created the Purity Heart. We divided the Purity Heart into eight pieces and hid them in different dimensions. We hid them for their own protection, waiting for the day the hero would arrive."

She paused again to take another breath.

"Everything was going as planned. Or so it seemed... But the wheels of destiny began to spin wildly out of control. It began with a very small incident... At that time, I was young and quite beautiful... It started the day I met two very fetching young men. And, you see, my life set sail toward a maelstrom of love. You see, I asked one out, but... However... It was...well, you know... Basically... it... And then, I said... And he said... And then..."

She paused again and took a third breath. Mario felt drowsiness overcome him, and he couldn't stay awake any longer.

Mario woke up to Merlumina saying: "And THAT is why we hope the Purity Heart will have the power to defeat chaos. To save all worlds, we must find the eight Pure Hearts that form the Purity Heart. And that is all I have to say on the matter. Were you listening carefully?"

"Yes, yes I did, Merlumina." Mario answered.

"Excellent... I did tell the short version, so I wasn't sure if you would fully understand. It is up to you to find the Pure Hearts, for they are our last and only hope. Go forth, hero, and save the worlds... we are all depending on you!"

She then gave the second Pure Heart to Mario. Now that he had two, he would go back to Flipside and find the next Heart Pillar. He used the return pipe to get back to Flipside.
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