Categories > Games > Mario > Super Paper Wishology (Jayjar100 Version)

#8: A Second Chapter

by Jayjar100 0 reviews

A Second Chapter

Category: Mario - Rating: G - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2016-11-30 - 1897 words

Super Paper Wishology (Rewritten)

By Jayjar100

Original 'Super Paper Wishology' Story By AK1028

OCs belong to AK1028

Names of Timmy's Mom & Dad belong to AK1028


Chapter 8: A Second Chapter


Not that long after Mario, Peach, and Tippi had entered Chapter 2, they reached a problem. There were bocks that they couldn't break, which led up to several doors.

They went down a pipe, and defeated a strange looking enemy. Out of nowhere, a large chest appeared. They managed to open it.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, until "SSS-BOOOOM!"

The sudden voice startled the group. "That nearly gave me a heart attack." Mario commented to himself.

What came out of the chest was another Pixl. This one looked to be a bomb with eyes and wings. It floated in the air.

"Good vibes! Them vibes set off my blow-stuff-up sensors! You like explodin'? Sss-POW!" The Pixl said. "I ain't sensed real good vibes in... 1,500 years! Sss-POOOM! I'm Boomer, by the way. I gotta check those vibes out a little more close-like! Sss-CRAAAACK! Check it out: just answer a couple questions real quick. Sss-BLAAAM!"

"Oh great." Peach groaned.

"OK, sss-BOOOOM?" Boomer asked.

Mario groaned this time. "Fine."

"Here we go, sss-BWAMMO!" Boomer yelled. "You stay up wonderin' if anyone ever gives presents to Santa Claus."

"You know, that is something I actually wonder about sometimes." Peach answered.

"For some reason, you clean your room before a test." Boomer asked.

"Luigi does that sometimes." Mario commented.

"When someone says, 'Let's just be friends.' you think, 'Yeah, whatever." Boomer asked.

"I haven't ever been friendzoned... yet." Mario answered.

"You don't really understand why I'm askin' you all these weird questions." Boomer asked.

"I wish I did understand." Peach answered.

"You think shoppin' online is a wonderful and magical experience." Boomer asked.

"It's OK, but it can be really annoying sometimes." Mario answered.

"You once put on a shirt inside out but didn't bother reversin' it before going out." Boomer asked.

"It's happened once or twice." Mario answered.

"You wanna be sleepin' when you're awake, but when you're tired, you wanna wake up." Boomer asked.

"That's happened so many times I lost count." Peach giggled.

"You're getting' real tired of these questions." Boomer asked.

"Yes. That is all I have to say." Mario answered.

Then, Boomer floated high above the chest. "Got it, got it, GOT IT! SSS-BOOOOOOOM!" He yelled. "You got some tasty vibes! Ssss-BLAM! My mind's made up now! Ssss-BLAPPOW! You guys... are worthy of my power! Each second explodes into the next! Ssss-BAMMO! Bombs away! Ssss-BOOOOM!"

And with that, Boomer joined their party.

"Well, at least we can get past those blocks now." Peach said.


In Dimmsdale, Timmy and Bowser Jr were near Timmy's house. "I know Jorgen erased everyone's memory of me," Timmy said. "But let's just hope he didn't erase the Timmy Cave!"

Timmy flipped the little flag on his mailbox, and part of the ground opened. A long pole appeared, allowing them to slide down it. "That's a lot cooler than my room." Bowser Jr muttered to himself.

They got off the pole when they could safely reach the ground. Timmy went to the big computer to search Cosmo and Wanda's location. They were somewhere in Las Vegas. "Not a problem."

Bowser Jr was looking around the Timmy Cave. He was amazed at how well this was built. However, he bumped into something. He looked at what he bumped into.

As soon as Timmy heard Bowser Jr's scream, he came rushing over. "What? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Her." Bowser Jr pointed at the woman, who he recognized as Violet.

Timmy sighed. "Let me guess. She's from your world also."


"And you're her enemy."


"And who is she?"


Timmy sighed. "This is going to be a long day."

After he said that, Violet started coming to. She raised her head, and placed a hand on her forehead. "What happened..." She groggily said

She looked at Timmy, who she didn't recognize. She didn't consider him to be a threat because he looked to be only an 11 year old.

She turned to her right and saw... Bowser Jr. As if energy rushed into her body, she sprang onto her feet an shot two ice beams out of her hand, aiming them at Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr ducked, narrowly missing the ice. It hit and froze part of the wall behind him. "Hey! That was a cheap shot!" Bowser Jr called out.

"It's not like you have cheap shots all the time!" Violet returned.

The two got closer to each other, and looked each other in the eye, and started growling at each other.

Timmy walked in between them. "Look. You two may hate each other, but you need to set aside your differences for now. After all, Violet, you don't know where you are, and I don't know how you got here, and he wants to get back home so he doesn't get dissected!"

"You're right." Violet said. "Fighting will get us nowhere. Especially since I don't know where I am. Speaking of it, where am I?"

"The upper world." Bowser Jr answered.

"Doesn't look very 'upper' to me." Violet joked.

'Well, this is the Timmy Cave." Timmy said.

"Timmy... is that your name?" Violet asked to Timmy.

"Yep." Timmy answered.

"Well, Timmy, I think I owe you an explanation. It might not be perfect, and it might take a while. So, are you ready?" Violet asked.

"I guess." Timmy shrugged.

Violet took a deep breath. "Ok, so me, my boyfriend Luigi, and his older brother Mario live in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario and Luigi said they found that place after accidentally going down a large, green pipe somewhere. I don't remember how I got there, unfortunately. So, we live at Mario's house in the Mushroom Kingdom. A little bit away from his house is Peach's Castle. Princess Peach, who is also known as Princess Toadstool, is often kidnapped by this huge turtle called Bowser. He lives in his huge castle in the Koopa Kingdom, which is a long time away from the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario, Luigi, and I usually defeat him pretty easily."

Violet took a deep breath again, as she was running out of air.

"Anyway, today we found out that Bowser had kidnapped Peach again. So we went over to his castle, and it turns out this weird guy named Count Bleck kidnapped her. He knocked out Mario, and the next thing I knew, Bowser and Peach were apparently having a wedding, and all of Bowser's minions, Luigi, and I were. Me and Luigi ran up to the alter, and he jumped on this weird black heart that was coming out of nowhere, and the last thing I remember seeing is a white flash. And I guess that's how I ended up here."

"Wow. That is complicated." Timmy said, having absorbed what she said. "And, that's the first time I've fully paid attention to something, if you don't count Maho Mushi."

"Now, what's going on in your world?" Violet asked.

"Ok, this might take a while too, so here goes." Timmy cleared his throat. "I was just having a normal day with my, uh, friends, Cosmo and Wanda, when this other guy, Jorgen, comes and says something about staying in the shadows, or whatever. He erases everyone's memory of me, because if someone says my name loud enough, these robots called Eliminators will come after me. Anyway, Jorgen and I eventually went somewhere called the Cave Of Destiny. I found Bowser Jr in there, and we agreed that if he helps me, I'll help him find his way back home."

Timmy paused for a second. "Here's the real crazy part. I'm apparently The Chosen One, and I have to stop this thing called The Darkness, by finding a Wand, and the only way to do that is by solving this riddle: The wand is hidden in a rock and sealed with a kiss."

"That's almost as crazy as my story." Violet commented. "Well, I'd be willing to help you."

"You would?" Timmy asked.

"Yep. So where would we be going next?" Violet asked.

"According to that big computer, Cosmo and Wanda would be in Las Vegas." Timmy answered, pointing to the computer.

"That sounds really far away.' Bowser Jr whined.

"Not a problem, because we have the Turner Cycle." Timmy said. He pressed a button on the keyboard, and a motorcycle appeared out of a hole in the ground.

The three hopped onto the motorcycle. They each put a helmet on. "Time to rock and roll." Timmy commented.

"Please drive better than Jorgen." Bowser Jr whispered.

A pathway out of the cave opened up, and Timmy drove through it. The garage of Timmy's house was tilted for a moment so he could jump out of the cave...

...And crashed into a MERF vehicle.

"Well, well, just the people we were looking for." The dark-skinned employee said.

"And they brought an extra. That girl precisely matches the description of the one missing from 3 years ago." The light-skinned employee noted. "Because of the Law, we are to take her to her home immediately."

After he said that, two muscular police officers took Violet and put in the back of a van and drove off, before Timmy and Bowser Jr could do anything about it.


Timmy and Bowser Jr were now locked in a room with the two MERF agents.

Timmy and Bowser Jr each sat in a chair, while the MERF agents were at a desk across from them.

"You're in a lot of trouble, mister," The light-skinned employee said to Timmy. "Because according to your records, you have no records, you don't exist!" Then he turned to Bowser Jr. "And as for you, you're just an alien turtle freak."

"Hey!" Bowser Jr shouted in protest.

"And that's why you're at the Military Extra-Terrestrial Research Facility." The dark skinned employee said. "MERF for short." He took a sip of his coffee.

"We're not aliens!" Timmy shouted.

"Well, these pictures of you on a hovercraft being chased through Dimmsdale suggest otherwise." The light-skinned employee explained.

"And these photos were taken from an hour ago." The dark-skinned employee said. He laid out photos of the Eliminators.

Timmy took one of the photos. "Wait, the Eliminators are back?"

"If I were you, I'd surrender now and let us start dissecting you." The dark-skinned employee smiled.

"Dissect?" Bowser Jr's eyes widened.

"We are not aliens!" Timmy screamed

"You think this is a joke?" The light skinned employee asked. "Huh? You think we're idiots? Well, I've got news for ya, they don't give out high-tech neural stun rays to idiots." He put that exact weapon on the desk.

"Or laser blasters able to cut concrete walls five feet thick." The dark-skinned employee continued, as he put THAT exact weapon on the desk.

"And you sure don't get a super spy car with a trunk full of spy stuff, unless you know what you're doing." The light skinned employee finished.

They went to another side of the room and did a little dance. When they looked up, everything was taken off of the desk, and there was a huge hole in the wall.

"I hope they don't take the car." The light-skinned employee said.

Timmy and Bowser Jr drove by, on their mission to find Violet, Cosmo, and Wanda.
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