Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

Unknown Fears

by Marvolo666 1 review

Luna's comes to terms with her fealings

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Luna,Professor McGonagall,Ron - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2017-01-01 - 3376 words - Complete

The first week had gone by swimmingly for Harry. He had quickly lived up to the hype among the students as the one class you didn't want to miss. Harry remained a fun, almost playful teacher. He was also a very strict one. He meant it when he said he had no friends in the classroom.

Even Hermione had faced the wrath of Harry when she failed to perform an arrow spell and nearly hit Ron in an unfortunate area.

"Oh my god Ron I swear that was an accident," Hermione gasped switching from pale to flushed at an alarming speed. Ron did the same.

"I sure hope it was, but never the less, accidents will not be tolerated at the Newt level of Defense Against the Dark Arts," Harry spoke to the class as much as Hermione.

"We are dealing with very dangerous spells. In fact tomorrow I will be teaching an incredibly dangerous spell. So dangerous in fact I nearly killed someone with it by accident. I didn't know what the spell was for, and I used it in a panic, so what was my punishment. I missed my final Quidditch game and practically bankrupted Gryffindor in the points department. I hated the person I cursed but I never doubted I deserved it."

The class was silent now Harry rarely broke into stories but they were not only fascinating but hit the mark right on the head when educating.

"10 points from Gryffindor for accidents because sorry doesn't mean a thing if your partner is dead."

Hermione looked upset but smiled at Harry. She felt a great deal of pride for him at that moment.

Harry seemed to have it against the whole points system. His class room was the place points came to die and there was no prejudice. No one was safe and everyone lost points at some point.

Luna Lovegood had not been criticized, lost house points or even corrected. Some of the more jealous students cried out favoritism but the rest of the students knew better.

Luna had become far and away the top of the class. Even Hermione was left in the dust. The usually unfocused witch had become determined to master Harry's class and for the first week she had been unstoppable. Tomorrow was going to be another story...

Michael was pissed!

That night in the Ravenclaw tower the Head boy seethed. He really should not have lost his temper and had just finished a long week of miserable detention under the supervision of Harry Potter.

Michael was an incredibly brave and courageous boy. He was also very stubborn and short sighted often letting his emotions get the better. He was known for his short temper.

It was common knowledge that Ginny actually broke up with him after he had a complete temper tantrum after she and the Gryffindor's had beaten him in Quidditch. He had been certain that somehow they cheated. There was no way he could have lost, he was better than them, and he knew it.

He then had started dating Cho Chang of all people making him the only person to have dated both of Harry's girlfriends. Was it a coincidence...Not at all. Yes he knew Ginny had a crush on Harry and he wanted to beat Potter by winning over her affection from him. Even if Harry at the time was unperceptive to Ginny's feelings. To steal Harry's girlfriend was even better though.

It actually wasn't known that the two had started seeing each other while they were both still dating Ginny and Harry. Not even Ginny ever knew this, though Harry had long stopped caring about the mess of a relationship he had with Cho anyways.

Michael's temper would get the better of him again however when he started accusing Cho of using him to get over Potter. He was 10 times the wizard he was, just because Harry had a scar did not make him better than him. Harry had been raised by Mudbloods and was the son of a Mudblood so his blood was far from pure.

It all came to a head during the Carrow's reign of Hogwarts, when Michael sold out Cho to the two death eaters in secret, after he found out Cho had been keeping clippings from the Quibbler about Harry Potter. This was a punishable offense at the time and Cho was punished. If this was better known there was no way he would've been made Head Boy.

But Michael was very good at keeping his loyalties to the cause of good. He would help people he felt were in need. He cared about helping those weaker than him. One could almost say he had a good heart. Maybe he did have a good heart but his brain was tainted by prejudice, ego and hate.

Maybe that heart is what made him fall for the unusual Ravenclaw. She was strange but pretty and friendly with Potter. He knew she had feelings for the scarred wizard, so once again he wanted to steal that affection. Maybe he didn't have much of a heart.

After Harry killed Voldemort, Michael considered his dreams of being head boy a lost cause. Saving first years was nothing compared to ending a bloody war. That didn't stop him from getting the Head boy letter and in one perfect moment he knew he was better than Potter. He had been right all along he was the best.

Then he saw Harry at the Staff table and his heart sank like a stone. Runner up again. Harry's Mudblood friend becoming Head Girl was just another blow to the angry wizard.

Then something happened to him that no one had done to him before. Luna blatantly betrayed him. Without hesitation or sympathy she told Harry and his friends that he was a Mudblood hater. His temper tantrum followed and in one fell swoop that Loony girl had destroyed his reputation.

That's what she was, Loony. She had to be Loony in order to choose Mudbloods over him right? There was something off about that girl and Michael was damn sure he was going to find out. He was sick of losing and he had no plans on losing to Potter ever again.

Then he got an idea. Michael knew exactly who would be able to answer his questions. Michael took out a quill and parchment and began to write.

Dear father,

I know you are not allowed to discuss any of your work as an unspeakable but I need to know any dirt you have on Luna Lovegood. She is a blood traitor and a friend of Potter who is now teaching at this school. I need to find a way to prove to the school not only my superiority but that of the Purebloods over the Mudbloods.

From your son Michael Corner.

When Harry had pulled out the fabled Sectumsempra to teach the class he brought out dummies from the room of requirements to teach them.

"This spell has never been taught before, in fact few knew it existed. It was invented by former potions and DADA Professor and Headmaster Severus Snape. I found it in a book he had written in with the words for enemies written beside it. When he said that," HE MEANT IT!"

"This is not to be used except in life or death situations. This curse has been put under the recently made "unforgivable curses" list. Using the spell in non-life threatening situations will get you expelled, using it outside of Hogwarts without good cause gets you Azkaban."

The room was silent, no one even breathed.

"One at a time we will be using this curse on a dummy. No funny business," Harry ordered his troops looking at Michael as he said this.

Harry used the curse on the dummy and everyone jumped. If it here used on a person, guts would be all over the floor. No one would be fooling around with this curse any time soon.

One at a time he called each student in alphabetical order. Some students managed the spell fairly easily while others failed miserably. One nearly cut off his own finger but a watchful Harry was already prepared to defect any misfired spells.

Eventually they reached Luna who preceded to raise her arm and...Nothing.

Luna broke her dreamy stare to look at her wand in confusion. She tried again nothing...She looked up at Harry with a look of grief on her face.

She started to try other spells and nothing seemed to work. "No...No...NO! NO! NO! NO!" Luna was starting to hyperventilate and threw her wand to the floor. She looked back up at Harry and then it happened.

Luna closed her eyes, before she unleashed an inhuman, deafening, shriek. The windows shattered and so did all the dummies. It was as if a hundred sectumsempra's were being used. Everyone in all of Hogwarts were covering their ears until the shriek was replaced by a deafening ringing in their heads.

Harry stood there as stunned as the rest of the class, while Luna seemed to be dancing with a smile across her face.

"Lu...Luna did you mean to do that?" Harry spoke as calmly as he could.

Luna looked at him, at the students, at the room and the damage she caused. "Sorry I didn't know what happened. I just tried really hard to do something...I think it worked..."

Suddenly half the Hogwarts staff burst into the room full of broken glass and shredded dummies.

"How bad?" Harry asked seeing all their shocked expressions.

The Headmistress looked bewildered. "The entire school has been hit. If it's glass, it's smashed. Classes are canceled for the rest of the day. Luna please stay here a moment."

Harry spoke "Remember this is like DA. So if anyone speaks of this to anyone not in this room, I will remove 50 points from their house."

Luna's proud smile was replaced by an expression of worry. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just wanted to do a spell."

Harry spoke "Luna you might be the most powerful witch or wizard ever to exist but that means you have to learn to control your power. You could do great things with this power but without understanding it you could hurt just as many people. You understand?"

Luna nodded as she looked around the room. An owl came through the broken window and dropped a letter into McGonagall's hand.

"Dear Merlin, Hogsmeade was hit too. Every window in the village is shattered. I have never seen anything like this..." McGonagall was silenced when she noticed the glass begin to move.

Luna had closed her eyes and was slowly raising her hands the glass shot back into the windows and other objects including McGonagall's broken glasses fused back together.

Luna then ran out the of the room while the other teachers looked on in amazement

"You know she knows what she's doing Headmistress," Harry said with a hint of a smirk across his face.

"What do you mean Potter?" McGonagall asked confused.

Harry smiled "She broke everything thing made of glass in a 50 mile radius. My glasses remained untouched."

Harry left the room as the teachers began to speak. He immediately ran into Hermione.

"What just happened?" Hermione asked.

"Luna basically destroyed the school. Not to mention the neighboring village then repaired both in the span of 2 minutes just by screaming and waving her hands. Yet she couldn't perform a single charm with her wand. I saw her trying first year stuff and nothing. It was like..." Harry paused as he remembered what Flitwick had said about Pandora.

"Hermione you're a genius, you have to go talk to someone. OK please do me a favor and talk to Luna. I really have to take care of this. Thanks again Hermione," Harry repeated before he took off leaving Hermione rooted at the spot.

"Genius...I didn't even say anything."

"This is dark magic. She should be expelled and sent to Azkaban."

"Professor Trelawney, if you are going to make outrageous statements at meetings you will be excused," McGonagall said exasperated. "Now that we know the true capability of Luna's power we have to teach her to manage it. No wizard is capable of matching Luna's power but Potter gets through to her. Helping her manage it is now Harry's top priority with her tutoring."

Professor Trelawney was not convinced. "Is that really wise, the boy though remarkable, is still practically a child."

"That is why he is perfect for her. Harry freely offers friendship that we can't, nor do most students sadly."

Slughorn interjected. "What happens if those two offer each other more than friendship."

The teachers where silenced by this so Slughorn continued. "It's a strange situation, Potter is a professor and Luna is a student but they are practically the same age. I have seen the way Luna looks at Harry. In fact I think her feelings for the boy are the reason she has been excelling in all her classes."

"More reason for Harry to continue with her lesson and to be the one to teach her to control her powers. You do bring up interesting points though Horace. I shall have to speak with Potter about all of these things."

"It is human nature to always want more and to never be satisfied with what you've got," Luna said to herself as she sat by the lake. The only thing she wasn't sure of was what exactly did she want? She was finally friends with the one person she valued above all others and yet she suddenly felt empty and numb all over again.

It was not an unusual feeling for Luna. It was not an unhappy or miserable feeling but one of content. Over the last few weeks of summer and school she had felt something more. Her faint emotions were becoming stronger, and that terrified her.

Luna felt sadness, like when the House Elf that saved her, died. She felt fear, like when Voldemort attacked the school. She felt joy, like when she conjured her first Patronus during DA. All those feelings were hollow though. Like they were hidden behind a veil.

She didn't feel that way with Harry, with him, she experienced real emotions, real feelings, and true happiness. But what does Luna know about happiness. She wasn't sure she knew the answer but she sure felt like she did last week. When she saw Harry had kept her picture up. It was strange and wonderful at the same time...not that it mattered. Today was a brutal wake up call. She had been right and now all good things would come to an end.

Yet despite this, all she could think about was Harry. Maybe the students were right and she was Loony.

"You're not Loony Luna," Luna looked up startled to see Hermione sitting beside her with a look of mirth on her face.

"Luna don't looked surprised, you do realize you've been talking out loud for the past 5 minute's, right?" Hermione said laughing.

Luna shook her head and looked into the lake. "I know I'm not loony but I am aware that I'm different. There are things about me that people don't know Hermione. Things that I would like to stay unknown. I don't feel things the way you do Hermione so I'm at a loss. Please help me Hermione. Help me figure out my head."

Hermione sat silently and more seriously as Luna continued. "I cried last week. I haven't cried since my mother died. No it was before that even. I did not even cry when my mother died. I felt sad and alone but I couldn't cry. I cried last week though. I wasn't even sad, I was happy. The happiest I ever felt in my life. That doesn't make sense does it?"

Actually it makes perfect sense to cry tears of joy Luna, But what made you cry anyway," Hermione asked giving her a knowing look.

"He...kept my picture up. He didn't disregard it, wipe it away or insult it ...he told me it was beautiful. It was like he accepted my very soul. And in that moment, I could...FEEL!" Luna's usually dreamy voice was now a soft whisper full of emotion that was foreign to her.

"I felt like I could feel everything, Hermione. What do I feel?"

"Isn't it obvious Luna," Hermione replied with a kind smile on her face. Luna met hers eyes before looking down and nodded.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; but never doubt I love."

Luna looked back at Hermione, who seemed surprised that Luna new Shakespeare.

"Mom convinced me to read a lot when I was younger. Next to you I am probably the most well-read person in school...I love him, don't I?" Luna said almost sadly.

"Why did I have to fall in love? I couldn't just be happy by the miracle that he would actually want to be my friend. Now I want something he could never give me."

"What makes you think that Luna?" Hermione said surprised at Luna's seemingly lack of self-worth.

"Because even if he does feel the way I do…which he doesn't. It would not matter. The Nargles are coming for me," Luna moaned sadly.

Hermione just couldn't help but scoff at this. "Luna, Nargles aren't real. They won't stop you, only you will. Stop blaming your problems on imaginary creatures."

Luna looked up. "Is it so offensive to you that my beliefs are different than yours?"

"NO!" Hermione said too quickly "But I hate to see you waste our life away, out of fear of imaginary fairies."

"Nargles are real Hermione but I don't care if you believe me or not. I care that you care so much about what I think," Luna said seriously. "Is it really so shocking that in a world of magic things aren't always as logical as it seems. Some things can't be explained in a book. Some things can't be learned at all. Believe it or not Hermione books can and have been wrong."

Hermione seemed offended by that thought but still conceded its accuracy.

"I used to be like you Hermione but I have seen things that made me doubt everything I thought I knew. Things you wouldn't believe. I also saw what happens when people are offended by others beliefs and blood status. It's all the same, Violence, Death and Scars," Luna then grabbed Hermione's wrist and pulled her arm out. Looking at her wrist.

"Does anyone else know about your scar here, or did you put the concealment charm over it before they noticed," Hermione was frozen in shock.

"How do you know?" Hermione whispered.

"Logically I shouldn't be able to see through a concealment charm but I can see it says Mudblood. Bellatrix wrote it, didn't she? I know she wrote mine. It didn't hurt but..." Now Luna froze, looking back up at Hermione who now had a concerned look.

"What did that bitch carve on your arm?" Hermione grabbed for her arm but Luna pulled away jumping to her feet. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"They can't find out Hermione. It's hopeless, I'm sorry I can't say more. Thanks for talking but I've got to go. I'm going to be late, I'm late."

Luna bolted away, leaving Hermione even more concerned and confused.

Luna ran all the way to a strange picture and was soon inside the Hogwarts kitchens. The elves ignored her as they worked and Luna dropped to her knees crying again, this time in despair.

"I love him, I love Harry Potter and it's too late. The Nargles are going to take it back, I just need more time."

"Again with the Nargles?"

Luna looked up and wiped the tears from her eyes to see a pale skinny wizard stating in the corner. He looked like she was the last person on earth he wanted to see but Luna smiled, despite their ugly history.

"Hello Draco...what are you doing down here?"
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