Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Cruise Life Away

Chapter 12

by youngandreckless 2 reviews

chapter 12

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-09-02 - Updated: 2006-09-02 - 679 words

Chapter 12

Stacey's POV

"Stacey?" he asked grabbing my arm lightly when I didn't answer him. I turned around smiling "it was nothing" he simply raised an eye brow before shrugging. We opended the door seeing laura and the fan girl toe to toe. "Laura its not worth it" I called out walking up to her. "oh but trust me it is." She didn't even turn around "this girl thinks I'm not a good girlfriend and she can be better" haha they all think that. "laura all of us know you and joe are perfect together ignore her and let her run her mouth" she took a step away from the fan "she's not worth it anyways" I smiled nodding my head "lets go find your lover boy" we found him sitting in the truck leaning agaisnt the window.

Laura's POV

"Joe it was a joke" I climbed in sitting next to him. When he didn't answer me I continued. "really I was just bored they werent attacks on you I promise" I layed my head on his shoulder looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "no more jokes like that" he said finally talking to me. Smiling I nodded kissing him. "is it safe to come in?" Pete asked poling his head into the van. "yup." Nodding he held the door open and they all climbed in. "Its almost time for sound check" Patrick pointed out as we drove to the dock. "oh yay! More fans" I said bitterly as we pulled up. "please try and be nice. They made us who we are" joe pleaded helping me out of the truck. I nodded slightly and simply walked to the speed boat as they signed and took pictures. "how much longer of this do we have?" I asked lizy as she sat down on the boat next to me. "four more days" she said moving over to make room for ana and stacey. "did you say anything to him?" I asked directing my attention to stacey. She furrowed her brows in confusion before it clicked. "no I don't want to start anything" I nodded slightly. It was her deal not mine. "you girls ready?" Andy smiled walking onto the boat with the others not to far behind. We all nodded and the boat was silent as we drove to the island. Getting off the boat the boys were taken directly to the stage area. Thank god there werent any fans here yet. "quiet time at last" I whispered sitting down on the sand not to far from the stage. "remind me why we do this again" I looked up shurgging to stacey. "because we love them" Lizy reminded us sitting down too. "ahh love is over rated" I grinned. "don't tell joe that" "so much for quiet time" I looked over to where ana was pointing. Three more speed boats had just pulled up bring fans with them. Oh god. Luckly we were pretty far from the stage that they didn't bother us and went straight to the stage. "do they have to go everywhere?" I asked playing in the sand. "makes me sad" I nodded in agreement with Stacey. "lets go listen to what they are saying" Lizy smiled getting up. We got up and moved closer. "I cant believe they are dating those bitches" was the first thing we heard as we moved closer. It took everything in me not to attack them. Quietly we sat down. "I've heard they are really nice" another said. Aww I like her! "but ofcourse I could treat them better" ok so maybe I don't. "anybody could treat them better, they were so mean to them the otherday as the signing" the signing? Mean? Us? No way we were having fun. Never were we mean to anyone.

Stacey's POV

I just love it when fans run their mouths with out the facts. "Hey laura! Don't you just love it when fans talk shit?" I laughed loud enough for the fans to hear. They instantly shut up looking behind them. "Hi"
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