Categories > TV > Xena: Warrior Princess > Pebbles


by ukeueue 1 review

How did Gabrielle know what chocolate smelled like in Punchlines?

Category: Xena: Warrior Princess - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Aphrodite, Gabrielle - Published: 2006-09-03 - Updated: 2006-09-04 - 186 words - Complete

10. Aphrodisiac
11 May 2006
Gen. Because how did Gabrielle know what chocolate smelled like in Punchlines?

"What's that?" Gabrielle eyed the small brown pieces arranged artistically on the small plate.

"Chocolate," Aphrodite replied, as if the answer was entirely obvious. "One of the best ideas you mortals will ever have. Total aphrodisiac, you know."

"Looks like turds."

Aphrodite pressed a hand to her bosom, as insulted as if Gabrielle had told her that her outfit was out of style. "I'm just trying to be nice and give you something you'd like for Me Day!"

"You day?"

"You know? Candy? Flowers? Show your appreciation for the ones you love?"
Gabrielle's face was as blank as ever. "What does that have to do with these bloody turds?"

Aphrodite sighed and waved a perfectly-groomed hand, and the pieces seemed to flow together and meld into the form of a rabbit with a pathetically cute expression.

Gabrielle gave a strangled cry and stabbed her sais through the rabbit's head with enough force to drive them through the plate.

The goddess of love blinked and said, "Maybe I should have tried a puppy."
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