Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Change A Heart

A Million Tomorrows

by panda_1418 3 reviews


Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-09-07 - Updated: 2006-09-07 - 628 words

[No one's point of view]

Delilah screamed as Eric fell to the ground, clutching his chest. Dr Dismay swore, and raced away. Julius thought about going after him, but couldn't bring himself to leave Eric.

Eric groaned in pain. His eyes were closed tight and he was biting his lip extremely hard. His hand was soaked in crimson blood.

"Delilah ..." His voice was barely audible, and his lips hardly moved.

"Yeah?" she asked, trying to hold back her tears.

Eric smiled, trying to keep his eyes open. "I'm ... glad ... glad I never did any ... anything ... wrong."

He took a deep breath and exhaled, coughing weakly. Eric lifted his clean hand up to Delilah's, stopping when it was half-way between them. She placed her hand on his, so their palms touched.

"I ... will always ... love you ..."

Eric's hand slipped away and fell onto his chest. His eyes misted over and closed for the last time. Eric Dismay died with a smile on his lips.


A surprising amount of people showed up for Eric's funeral. Julius had to convince Delilah to go. She was too broken up. He was too, because of her feelings for Eric. But still, he owed it to Eric. He had saved their lives.

The two spies stood at the back of the room as the preacher told everyone what a great kid Eric had been. When the time came to look in the casket, Delilah couldn't do it. She stopped a few feet from it, not able to see Eric's body. Julius noticed her trembling with fear. He placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to look."

She buried her face in Julius' chest. "I want to ... I just can't. Let's go."


[One day later]

Julius stood outside Delilah's door, a food tray in his hands. Delilah had been in her room ever since the funeral. She hadn't come out once, not even to eat. That was why he was here. He knocked gently on the door.


"No offence, but I'm not in the mood to talk." Delilah answered.

Julius sighed. "Can you at least take the food? You can't starve yourself, De. Come on, open the door."

A few seconds later the door slowly opened. Delilah stepped to one side, allowing Julius to enter. He put the tray on her bed and then went to leave.

"No ... stay." Delilah whispered.

Julius turned around, not quite knowing what to say. There was a long, awkward silence before Delilah spoke again.

"You know what I said on the bridge?" she asked quietly. "When I thought I was going to die ... I meant it. Eric ... I just didn't think you felt the same way, and Eric did ... but I really do love you, Julius."

All the time she had been talking, Delilah had been moving closer to her partner. She looked up into his soft, blue eyes ...

*I think you all know what happens next*

The End

Every dreamer has dreamed of a perfect life
The world has been trying for years to get it right
We try and try, but find it impossible to do.

Don't you wish we could make this a better place?
Can't you see that we must live life a different way
Every day, imagine what love could turn this to

Wanna change the world, then change your mind
We'll light the darkness one life at a time

When you change a heart, you change the world
A spark of love could turn into a fire bright as the sun
If you change a heart today
Than that could change a million tomorrows
What started as a whisper will echo on and on
When you change a heart, you change the world

"Change a Heart, Change the World
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