Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Change A Heart

Victory ... or Defeate?

by panda_1418 2 reviews


Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-09-06 - Updated: 2006-09-07 - 960 words

[No one's point of view]

Delilah and Julius walked out of Scarlett's office, their gadgets all ready. Both of them were still having trouble comprehending why they were being sent to an old bridge in the middle of the night.

"So ... Dr Dismay's bashing cars up and down on a bridge?" Delilah repeated.

Julius shrugged. "Maybe he's finally snapped."

"I doubt it. Maybe it's how he copes with ... inventor's block." Delilah suggested. "Anyway, maybe if he's preoccupied with his toys, we can catch him and put him away."

"What's the point?" Julius asked. "All the villains manage to escape again."

~~On the Bridge~~

[Eric's point of view]

My God. I stared at my uncle as he lifted cars off the bridge and sent them smashing down, laughing insanely. He was insane. Not that I was big on the whole criminal thing, but this ... this didn't seem all that evil. What was the point?

"Uncle ..." I began. "What are you doing?"

He smiled. "Stupid boy. You haven't figured it out?"

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously, or I wouldn't be asking."

Uncle fiddled with the Agito Ray. "Let's just say it's not only cars I'm planning to bash."


[Julius' point of view]

We drove to the bridge in silence. It was still a little awkward being alone with Delilah, after I had, well, tried to jump off a roof. I could hear car alarms blaring in the distance.

"Look out!" Delilah screamed.

I swerved the car, just missing a man who had come dashing out in front of us. Letting out a sigh of relief, I rolled down the window.

"Hey buddy, wanna watch where you're going?"

He looked at me. "There's a mad guy on the bridge using some kind of gun to lift all the cars up. Every time we get too close, he uses it on one of us and throws them back. You gotta help us!"

Delilah and me stepped out of the car. "That's what we're here for, sir," she said. "Come on, Julius."

We had to weed our way through a sea of people to get on the bridge. Before I even saw Dr Dismay I could hear him laughing like he was crazy. There was a scream, and I saw a person go flying overhead of the crowd. I guess they must have gotten too close.

When we stepped out of the mass of people, Dr Dismay turned to us. "Ah, Sugar and Spice. Glad you could come to my little party."

"I don't know what you're up to, but we're putting a stop to it!" Delilah shouted.

I couldn't help but notice how that Eric kid looked at Delilah. It made my temper rise, but I kept cool. Dr Dismay continued. "Do you really think that I was here for fun, you idiots?"

Delilah and I exchanged a look. This didn't sound good. Before either of us could react, Dr Dismay fired the gun at Delilah.

"No!" I cried, pushing her out of the way.

The bright silver beam hit me instead. My whole body froze, nothing able to move. Dr Dismay laughed wickedly as he spun in a circle. To my horror, the beam moved with him. I was just about to be sick when my head hit the metal on the bridge.

Stars burst in front of my eyes. The car alarms and shrieks of surprised people seemed far away. Everything was fuzzy and disoriented. I felt the beam release me, and I dropped to the ground. Delilah's scream echoed around my head.

Suddenly, she was beside me, hauling me to my feet. I groaned as things started to come back in to focus. This was worse than when she dropped me. Even though everything was still a little fuzzy, I clearly saw the silver beam as it fired a second time. It hit Delilah in the chest.

"No ..." I moaned, reaching my arm up to her.

Dr Dismay lifted her off the ground and walked towards us. This pushed Delilah over the edge of the bridge. She let out a scream as Dr Dismay released her.

I stumbled to my feet and threw half of myself over the bridge. I felt my hand grab Delilah's, but I was too slow. I only had her fingers. I could feel her slipping away from me.

She looked up at me. "Julius ... I love you ..."

And then her fingers slipped from my grasp.


[Eric's point of view]

"Julius ... I love you ..."

Those words tore me apart. The one person I thought I could love loved someone else. Time stood still as Delilah slipped away from - what was her partner's name, Julius? - his grasp. No matter how she hurt me, I couldn't let her die.

I flung myself over to the bridge. My hand shot down and grabbed Delilah's wrist. Unfortunately, I felt myself slipping over the edge. We were both going to die.

"Oh no you don't!" I heard Julius yell.

Arms wrapped around my waist and I ground to a halt. I reached my other hand down to Delilah. She grabbed it, relief showing in her face. Julius began dragging me - quite painfully, I might add - back over the side of the bridge. When I was over, he reached down and helped me pull his partner over.

"Thanks, kid," he said.

That word ... thanks ... I don't think I've ever heard it before. No one had ever said it to me. Mostly, I was being blamed for things, never ever thanked for them.

"No," I whispered, tears in my eyes, "thank you."

"STUPID BOY!" Uncle yelled, reaching for his gun. "You've ruined my plans!"

He pulled out the gun and aimed it at Delilah. "I'll kill them, and then you!"

He fired.

I jumped.
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