Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Through The Eyes Of...


by MaryJaneSixx 0 reviews

Leave it to izzy

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2017-06-17 - 1166 words


Fuck fucking walking. This shit sucks. I hate carrying around all this fucking shit. And Jesus fucking Christ does it have to be so goddamn hot? I look up and see the kid with his shirt tied around all those pretty spiral curls. Beads of sweat cascade down his spine. Fuck I just want to run my tongue up it.

"Fuck this," I hear Izzy say with a defeated sigh as he drops everything he's carrying on the highway.

"Come on Izz, we can't stop now," Axl whines, "We are like two miles from the next town."

Izzy slides his shirt down off his shoulders and ties it around his waist. He paces a little and pants as he searches for a cigarette. "This is bullshit," he tells Axl as he lights his cigarette.

I can see Axl approach him almost cautiously. "How long has it been?" he whispers to Izzy.

Izzy drags from his cigarette and doesn't answer. "Just take the guys and go wait at the bottom of the hill," Izzy points down to the bottom.

"What are you gonna do?" Axl asks and shrugs.

"Get us a goddamn ride," he nods affirmatively as he wipes the sweat from his upper lip.

So we all left Izzy at the top of the hill and drag all the shit to the bottom. Izzy is standing there shirtless and glistening in the sun for about two minutes when I see a van stopping and Izzy leaning into the window. From here you can see him throwing on every last ounce of his charm. Moments later the van rolls down the hill and Izzy waves for us to load up.

I look at the van and shake my head as I load equipment. It reminds me of the goddamn Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo. I can't wait to see what kind of people are driving this damn thing. When I slide the van door open I see a mini skirt and go go boots staring me in the face. My eyes travel up that glorious thigh across perky tits in no bra to lips cloaked in white lipstick. Fuck.

Izzy is already reclining in the seat and displaying all of his cool. "Guys, that's Star and Moon," he says as he licks his lips and looks over the driver. I haven't got a look at her yet.

I lean over the front seat using my own suave Casanova skills. "Hi, I'm Duff, thanks a lot for the ride." I lean in to shake her hand. She turns to face me and I see why Izzy is drooling. She has lips as red as cherries. Her eyes look like Cleopatra. Her hair is perfectly straight and down to her waist. It's so blonde it's white. Not a bleach job. She's wearing some long Stevie Nicks looking dress with a beautiful unbound rack almost busting out. I can see right down her shirt to her navel.

She smiles at me and places a pill on her tongue and then leans in and grabs my face and kisses me gently as she transfers the pill into my mouth. I close my eyes and swallow it. Fuck it, what could happen? "You're just in time, The ride is just starting," she coos.

I look over at Izzy. I can tell he apparently got the same greeting from the smile on his face as he slaps my back and tells me to just go with it.

"I'm Axl," Axl says in that strangely curt way of his hoping for the same warm greeting as Izzy and myself. His eyes hone in on the perfect thighs I had locked on at first. And the chick...Star is it, gives Axl and the rest of the guys similar greetings.

An hour later I'm feeling my teeth clenching. I'm looking around at everyone and feeling so bound to each and every one of them. I feel in harmony with their very life forces. I love the fuck out of them all. And given half the chance I think I just might fuck the shit out of them all.

I don't even realize it but my hands are stroking the back of the Mystery Machine's seat because it feels fucking awesome. Crushed velvet. My fingers glide through the ridges and get an almost orgasmic blast from it. My eyes feel heavy as shit, but no fucking way am I sleepy. No I'm...I'm in rapture.

Slash has his head resting on the back of the seat and his hands glide across his leather pants. Whatever I'm feeling, he obviously feels too. I can see Axl fucking braiding Star in the white lipstick's hair if you can believe that shit. They are having some deep and philosophical discussion about fish and if they had fucking feelings. Man, I could not make this shit up if I tried.

And our silent controller? Well let's just say Izzy is in full control of the situation. I can't hear what the fuck he is saying to the driver but her face is all pretty in pink as he grins from ear to ear and lightly traces her ear as he coos at her. He eventually glances at me and winks.

"There's this awesome little place we can stop not far from here and go down to the beach," the driver says almost in a moan as she writhes in the seat. I don't know if it's Izzy giving her tingles or the drugs. I mean fuck I can't even answer that shit for myself.

"That'd be perfect darlin," He smiles and looks over at Axl like he's asking for permission or something.

And when we got down to that beach I found out why it looked like Izzy was asking for permission. He wasted no time with foreplay. He and Moon, our generous driver, walk out into the ocean and clothes start flying for the shore. I see Izzy filling his hands with those huge round visions of perfection and his lips seizing those plump red lips that had been taunting us all. Axl seems to waste no time with jealousy and takes a pretty direct approach with miss go go boots.

Slash and I meander down the beach for a more private setting to display all the things this drugs brings out. I want to fuck him right here in the sand. At the same time I want to give it to him right. Trust me sand up your ass is mildly discomforting.

We walk and laugh at what whores Axl and Izzy are.

"I think Izzy is just being polite and thanking her," Slash innocently shrugs as we hear the moans and screams he's getting out of the chick in the water. Judging from how long those two have been going at it I'm going to assume this drug produces a delayed fuse.

I laugh and pull him to me and kiss deeper than science should allow.
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