Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Perfect Places


by Kirbywoww 0 reviews

Draco feels a weird sense of jealousy as Ginny and Harry seem to reconcile... While Harry feels jealousy over Draco talking to Ginny... Jealousy is everywhere!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Draco,Ginny,Harry - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2017-07-27 - 1829 words

OKAY! This is my first chapter written since being 25! I really feel like I capture the emotions more strongly now (or maybe I'm simply imagining it). And hey, even if it is still awful, I'm having a blast writing!

Once again, PLEASE REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter Three


Ginny had avoided Harry over the next two days. She was still so angry with him that she felt like she would have nothing nice to say to him so it was best to just avoid him. Hermione and Ron tried talking to her, explaining their point of view (which was the same as Harry’s) but she didn’t want to hear it.

“Ginny, it’s not that we think you’re weak,” Ron said during supper with his mouth full of mashed potatoes, “It’s just that you haven’t had as much experience on the field as us.”

“Precisely!” Hermione said affirmatively, “Maybe we could try training you over the summer! Then next year you can join us in the battles.”
Ginny rolled her eyes and sighed, “Guys, I get what you are saying. But neither of you had training—you just got thrown right into it and it seems to be working out fine. Besides, I did join you in the Ministry of Magic that one time! I personally think I kicked ass that night.” Ginny said factually.

“You did, Gin. But a lot of that night was lucky. And Sirius died that night…it could have been any one of us…” Hermione said sympathetically, gently touching Ginny’s arm warmly.

“Ugh, I don’t even want to talk about this anymore. Can we talk about literally anything else?” Ginny asked frustrated. She knew her friends were just being caring but it bothered Ginny that they wouldn’t give her a chance.

Later that night Ginny was walking back from the library. The nice thing about fighting with Harry was that she could catch up on a lot of her homework. She was just about to head to her dormitory when she caught a glimpse of the beautiful sunset over the lake. She decided to take a leisurely stroll outside to get some air before heading to bed.

The air was crisp and cool. Autumn was ending but you could still smell the distinct autumn air and hear the crackle of the dead leaves underneath her feet. Ginny loved autumn. She felt summer was too hot, winter was too cold, and spring was just a muddy mess from the melting snow. But Autumn was perfect. She walked to the edge of the lake and took a seat on the grass, observing the reflection of the sunset on the lake. It looked truly beautiful. Ginny got so lost in the beautiful image in front of her that she didn’t hear the footsteps come behind her.

“Hey.” Ginny’s heart skipped a beat. Startled, she turned around quickly to find Draco standing a few feet away from her, looking aloof with his hands in his pocket, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

Ginny panted for a second, catching her breath, “No, no, it’s fine. I just zoned out a bit,” she said, awkwardly laughing a bit. She kind of stared at him, waiting for him to start the conversation. Why had he gone out of his way to talk to her?

“What are you up to?” Draco asked, walking closer to her but not sitting down.

“Umm…nothing. Just watching the sunset. It looks pretty.” She said politely, but awkwardly,
“What about you?”

“Not too much, I was bored. Figured I would get some fresh air.” He said coolly, taking a seat on the grass a couple feet away from Ginny.

Ginny’s heart fluttered a bit. Draco’s behaviour had been so confusing lately. And what was even more confusing was the fact that Ginny was slowly starting to warm up to his company. She nodded her head acknowledging was he had said.

They sat in silence for a minute. Ginny simultaneously wanted to leave because the weirdness of the situation was stressing her out but she was also incredibly intrigued Malfoy’s behaviour. She looked at his face, he looked calm and peaceful. He didn’t have his trademark smirk on his face. Until he finally spoke again.

“So what had you so rattled the other day when you ran into me?” he said, his smirk growing larger.

“Oh, so that’s why you’re being nice to me. Searching for gossip, Malfoy?” She said, rolling her eyes towards him.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. What can I say? Have to be up to date with Hogwart’s finest.” He said, and Ginny couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.

“Yeah, I’m sure Hogwart’s finest, alright.” She said sarcastically, “It’s no big deal, though, really…”

“I highly doubt that. You looked like you just got into a fist fight.” He said, causing Ginny to sigh.

“Well, not that it is any of your business, but if you must know Harry and I got into a fight because apparently, I am ‘too weak’ to fight in the war with him.” Ginny sighed again, feeling slightly depressed by the lack of faith her boyfriend has in in.
Draco scoffed, “He said that? Wow, that’s a load of—“

“GINNY?” Draco was immediately cut off by the very familiar voice of Harry, “What are you doing?”

Ginny spun around so fast her head hurt. Standing right behind her was Harry with a very twisted look on his face. A mixture of pure confusion and disgust. His eyes were darting back and forth between Ginny and Malfoy, as if he had just caught them naked in bed together, when in reality they were sitting a metre apart from each other.

“Oh, hello, Potter,” Draco drawled, “I was just admiring the pretty sunset with your girlfriend, thanks for asking.”

Harry spat with his teeth clenched together, “I wasn’t talking to you.”

Ginny found her voice again and calmly explained, “Harry, really. I was just sitting here and Draco sat beside me. We were just discussing our awful detention last month.” Ginny couldn’t help but notice Draco smile a bit at the use of his surname, but Ginny mentally kicked herself for not calling him Malfoy. That would surely make the situation look worse in Harry’s eyes.

Harry turned to Malfoy and said, with venom dripping from his words, “Do you mind if Ginny and I have some privacy?”

“Well, actually, I quite enjoy this place.” Draco said smugly, getting more comfortable in his seat.

Ginny turned to him with a pleading look, “Malfoy, can you please leave?”

Draco sighed and stood up. He walked a foot away from Harry and paused for a moment before sarcastically saying, “Have a great, fucking night, Potter.”

Harry looked like he could have hit him but quickly looked at Ginny’s stressed face. Immediately he relaxed and Draco slowly walked away. As soon as he was out of ear shot Harry turned to Ginny.

“Ginny, what the hell was that?”

“Harry, honestly, all we were doing was talking. There’s nothing to get worked up about. I mean, besides the fact that he was acting like a prat, but what else can you expect from him?” Ginny explained, trying to sound as sweet as possible, even though she was slightly annoyed her conversation had been interrupted by Harry.

“But…why were you talking to him? Are you two buddies now or something?” Harry spat.

“What? No!” Ginny shouted, but Harry looked at her with disbelief, “Ugh, Harry, just because I’m so tired of this stupid decade long feud between you and Malfoy and am tired of the whole ‘you’re an evil death eater’ and ‘you a filthy blood traitor’ rhetoric, and can actually have a civilized conversation, does not mean that I am ‘buddies’ with Malfoy.” She didn’t know where that rant had come from. It surprised both her and Harry.

“Yeah, but…”

“No. Honestly, Harry, I’m still pretty fucking pissed off at you. So, if I were you I wouldn’t start making an issue out of nothing, which is all this was,” Her face started growing red again.

Harry sighed, “You’re right. I’m sorry I overreacted. I trust you and I trust that you know what you’re doing,” Ginny nodded but remained silent. Harry continued, “Actually, I was out here looking for you to discuss what happened the other night. I’m not here to say that I want you to join us on the next raid, but I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I’m open to at least considering it. The next one shouldn’t be for a while so can we please just put this conversation on hold until it is more relevant?”

Ginny smiled a little bit, her heart felt a little less heavy. “Thank you for at least considering what I said.” She stepped closer to Harry and he pulled her into a big hug, kissing the top of her head.

“Actually, I was thinking that you and I go on a proper date tonight. It’s been a while since we did anything special,” Harry said, and Ginny’s eyes lit up with joy, “I was thinking we could have a midnight picnic on the Quidditch pitch tonight? Complete with your favorite snacks and butterbeer? I heard the stars are supposed to be beautiful tonight.”

Ginny gave a little squeal of excitement and squeezed into the hug even more, “Yes! Of course, I can’t wait!”. It had been over a month since her and Harry did anything romantic. Instantly she felt her anger subside and the warmth of Harry take over. And most importantly she felt the thoughts of Draco slowly disappear from her mind, leaving her stomach feeling more settled than it had in a while. Maybe this was all her and Harry needed? She thought, maybe she hadn’t noticed she had been craving this for so long.

They broke apart and Harry smiled down at her, “I’m going to do some homework before then. I’ll meet you in the common room at 11:30?”

“Sounds great, Harry!” they kissed and Harry walked away towards the school leaving Ginny smiling peacefully towards the lake before also sauntering inside.

Little did they know that Draco had been watching from afar. He was unable to hear the conversation but it was evident from their body language that they had clearly resolved their fight. He felt a weird pain in his chest. Annoyance? Disappointment? Jealousy? He had no idea. He rolled his eyes at his inner conflict and decided to go back to his bedroom to see if Rose was up for a quick shag. That always made him feel good.
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