Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fighting To Live

Chapter 7

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 7

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-09-10 - Updated: 2006-09-11 - 1390 words

Chapter 7

Andy's POV

"Bud she cant kiss this boo boo and make it better.."
"Yes she can, let her you'll see, go now," he uncrossed his arms walking over to me pulling at my arm.
"Jordan, I cant,"
"You want her to cry?" he stopped looking at me with sad eyes.
"I dont want her to cry," I shook my head.
"Then go let her kiss the boo boo, now," he narrowed his eyes at me, waiting for me to get up. Can you believe he's only six? Yeah, thinks he's grown half the time.
"Bud I cant, I wanna sleep, go play or something," I shrugged laying down.
"NO!" he yelled, "GET UP NOW!" he went on screaming at me, stomping his feet on the floor.
"Jordan what's with all the yelling?" Ana appeared in the doorway.
"He's being mean, he make you cry and he wont let you kiss his boo boo," Jordan lowered his voice, pouting as he pointed at me.
"Come here," she motioned him to her, squatting down as he walked over, "He didnt make me cry, I made me cry, cause I hurt him, he's not the bad guy, mommy is,"
"You never bad guy," Jordan hugged her, pulling away he looked at us, "Hug and make up now," he crossed his arms.
"Its not that easy.."
"No, hug and make up now, or you both getting time out!" he yelled at Ana.
"Stop with the yelling, and I told its not that easy, go play," she stood up.
"Not until you make up," he shook his head at her.
"Jordan..." she placed her hands on her hips, looking down at him.
"Mommy..." he copied. I couldnt help but smile. He was trying her, and she was gonna let him keep going, she always let him keep going.
"Jordan do what your mom says," I sat up after a minute.
"No, you make up or im gonna run away!" he yelled at us. Ah, the run away trick, wonderfull.
"We're the adults here, do what your mother said," He shook his head, pushing passed Ana, closing the door.
"You two stay in there until you make up!" he yelled at us, we heard a door slam.
"Sorry," she mumbled.
"For what?" I asked.
"Jordan.. and yesterday morning.."
"He thinks he's in charge he just dont wanna see us fight," I shrugged.
"I dont wanna see us fight either," she mumbled.
"And like I do.."
"We're fighting and its cause you wont let me fix it,"
"What's there to fix Ana, im sorry isnt fixing it, and sleeping together again isnt gonna fix it cause all I'll think about is you thinking of him, so theres no way of fixing it," I shrugged, "Better go check on Jordan,"
"Why dont you go check on him? I dont take orders," she rolled her eyes swinging open the door, walking towards the kitchen.
"It wasnt an order, just thought maybe you wanted to check on your kid!" I yelled getting up, walking to Jordan's closed door, pushing it open. Seeing him not in it. I walked to the closet opening it, "Jordan," I called looking around the house.
"Why are you calling him isnt he in his room?" Ana asked walking out of the kitchen.
"If he was in his room, then I wouldnt be calling him," I rolled my eyes opening the front door, "Jordan!" I yelled walking outside. I jogged down the stairs still calling his name.

Stacey's POV

I bit on my bottom lip, reaching for the razor, sitting back against the door, closing my eyes, using my free hand to wipe away some of the tears. This was gonna make the pain stop, it was gonna make everything clear. I opened my eyes breaking the blade from the razor, cutting my finger, I looked at the blood that covered my fingers for a moment, still not content with myself. I had to cut it this way, on my wrist for it to make the pain stop. There was no other way. I sucked in a couple breaths bringing the blade closer to my arm. I jumped dropping the blade to the floor, as I heard a knock at the door, "Baby," I heard him call, "Stace open the door," I shook my head, trying to block out his voice, trying to pick up the blade again.
"Im sorry," I mumbled, more tears falling from my eyes blurring my vision even more so. I couldnt see the blade in my fingers anymore, I probably dropped it. I wiped my hand across my face moving and looking for it, I looked up as the bathroom door open, and shock took over Pete's face, I quickly spotted the blade, reaching for it as he grabbed my hands, pushing me back on the floor, "Let me go, I have to, I have to make it all better," I cried as he fought with me.
"How the fuck is killing yourself gonna make this better?!" he yelled at me, grabbing me by the arms, making me stop and look at him.
"It will you'll see," I cried trying to pull my arms out of his grasp. I had to do this there was no other way.
"Stacey! stop!" he yelled, I jumped, the tone of his voice was like in my dream. Terror took over as I looked at him, "You cant do this, we'll find a different way to get through this," he lowered his voice, most likely seeing the scaredness across my face, he took my hand that had blood covered all over it, examining it. He sighed seeing I only cut my fingers. He pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly, I lifted my head, my eyes still fixated on that blade, it was the only thing that could make this better, and he didnt realize it right now, but once it was done, he'd see.

Pete's POV

"Baby, look at me," I pulled away from our hug, placing my hand on her chin, "We'll find a different way to get through this, I rather fight these dreams and have you with me at the end of it all, then give into the dreams and loose you," I whispered, tears rushing passed my eyes. I was loosing her, and I knew it. The sad part of it all was I couldnt figure out how to bring her back. And if I loose her all the way this time, Im gonna loose myself.

Joe's POV

"Im not," i mumbled, looking to the window seeing Mandie, when she seen me she smiled and waved.
"You're not? seems to me like you are, Joe I wont tell her about last night, but you go talk to that chick and i'll tell her today,"
"Charlie, you dont understand, Mandie's a friend, you just cant tell Laura about her yet,"
"Why not? I think your girlfriend deserves to know, that your fucking some other chick,"
"Im not fucking her, shes a friend, just dont tell her, please?" I pleaded. He shook his head.
"Im not gonna lie to her," he mumbled, "She's been trying to be a great girlfriend to you, dont do that pay back shit, its not worth it," he pointed at me, "If she asks I tell, other wise my mouth stays shut, I dont wanna see Pete kick your ass," he pointed at me, getting up walking out, as Mandie walked in.
"Hey there sexy," she smiled taking the seat Charlie just sat in.
"Hey," I mumbled looking out the window, "You do what I ask?" I turned to her.
"Of course, its all in motion, just say a date and time and it'll be all done and ready for you," I nodded in approval, drinking my drink.

Patrick's POV

I laid her head on my legs, as I waited for the paramedics to come. I didnt know what else to do but call 911. I sighed, trying to talk to her to see if she'd wake up. I heard a knock on the door, screaming its open. The paramedics rushed in. I stepped back letting them take over. This was gonna be our life until this cancer was gone? right? This wasnt the life I wanted with her. Not the life I wanted for her.
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