Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fighting To Live

Chapter 11

by youngandreckless 3 reviews

Chapter 11

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-09-12 - Updated: 2006-09-13 - 1449 words

Chapter 11

Laura's POV

I flung my hands up, and my mouth open in shock. I opened my eyes after a minute seeing Pete with his hands covering his mouth, looking to my left Charlie laughed. "Hello to you too," I looked down at my now soaked clothing.
"Water balloon fight let me in on that!" Andy laughed pushing passed me inside.
"No, no more water balloons!" Stacey yelled at them.
"You said nothing about we couldnt have water balloons you said to leave the dog alone, the dog is left alone," Dirty smiled dumping a bucket of water on her head. I bit back my laughter as she screamed, walking towards her and Pete's room.
"You guys are gonna make her go nuts, can i help??" I smiled, getting an evil look from Stacey who was at the end of the hall way.
"Laura! you're not suppose to be on their side!" Stacey whinned.
"If you cant beat them, join them, they out number me, im joining them," I shook my head, laughing.
"Pete raised her right," Dirty laughed throwing an arm across my shoulder handing me a balloon.
"Laura if you love me at all you wont throw that," she shook her head.
"I love you, but Im still throwing it," I nodded throwing it in Andy's direction, I missed hitting the wall.
"You six are gonna destroy my apartment," she cried.
"Baby go take Bell for a walk, stop pouting, its my apartment too," Pete handed her the leash. She rolled her eyes hitting him in the arm.
"Stop destroying shit!" she yelled at him.
"Sorry," Charlie laughed from the kitchen as we heard things drop, breaking against the floor.
"Oh my god," she grabbed her chest, taking a few breaths.
"I'll buy you a new one," Charlie laughed holding up this old looking dog thing that Stacey had in the kitchen, her mouth dropped open, she snatched the leash from Pete.
"I want them out, by the time I get back," she pointed at him, trying to stay calm.
"We'll wait for you to get back," I smiled waving to her as she walked pass me.
"You brat," she mumbled.

Pete's POV

"Try not to break to many things, I do gotta live with her after tonight," I shrugged, throwing and hitting Patrick with a balloon.
"Bored," Dirty sat on the couch, looking around we were all soaked, and pretty much out of balloons.
"Finger painting!" I yelled, running over to the bag of stuff Charlie bought, "Now you sure this shit comes off with soap and water? I dont Stacey scrubbing the walls for nothing," I laughed, Charlie nodded. I opened the can, grabbing a brush. Painting on the wall.
"Arent you boys a little old for finger painting?" Laura looked at us.
"Not this kind," Dirty laughed, running the brush on her cheek.
"I am not your canvas!" she yelled grabbing the brush painting him.
"You're my canvas now!" he laughed, grabbing another brush dipping it in the paint, the both of them in a paint war.
"Cover me in paint!" Dirty laughed pulling off his shirt, and undoing the buttons on his pants.
"Ah a Dirty painting on my wall!" I laughed grabbing a can of paint as he laid naked on the floor. After covering him completely he ran to a wall pressing his front side to it, then turning and next to that his ass, "A fucking master piece!"
"Guys..." we turned looking at Laura, she gave an uneasy laugh, "This shit doesnt was off with soap and water," my eyes widen and i look to Charlie, he looked down, "But it does come off with nail polish remover," she sighed.
"Dont scare me like that!" I screamed at her, "We'll send Stacey to get a million bottles of nail polish remover," I grabbed my phone flipping it open, "Baby..." i smiled into the phone, she growled a what into my ear, "I need you to go to the store and buy nail polish remover, lots of it... gotta go love you bye!" I yelled into the phone as she yelled at me, flipping my phone closed, "Back to painting!" I threw my hands up flinging paint onto Charlie. We stopped hearing a knock at the door, everyone looked at me. I walked to the door opening it, smiling seeing Nessa.
"Hi, Charlie called," she looked at me then passed me to everyone else.
"Welcome to the sleep over!" I laughed moving a side letting her in. She looked around the apartment with her mouth wide open.
"How do I help?" she shrugged, as we all cheered, handing her a paint brush.
"Couldnt let you be the only girl Laura,"
"Thanks Charlie you think of everything," Laura smiled, sticking her tongue out after having Andy get paint in her mouth, "EW," she cried, running to the kitchen. A few minutes she came running back out, "You guys keep painting, Nessa come with me," she laughed grabbing Nessa's hand.
"No sex in my room!" I yelled at them. Nessa looked back at me like what the fuck.
"We'll be quiet!" Laura laughed dragging her in the room.

Nessa's POV

"Jokes," Laura laughed, hitting me in the arm.
"Yeah, okay," I gave a half smile.
"Sleep overs, what always happens at sleep overs, for girls anyways," she looked at me a devilish grin printed across her face.
"Uhh truth or dare," I shrugged. She shook her head, walking over to the closet, opening the door, and inside walking back out with bra's in her hand, "Ah oh my god, yes," I smiled, laughing.
"Stacey's gonna kill us," she laughed grabbing all of Stacey's bra's, we walked to the bathroom, putting them in the tub, soaking every one of them. before grabbing them and walking back out into the living room.
"What are you girls doing?" Charlie asked.
"Girl stuff," we laughed, walking to the kitchen putting all the bras in the freezer.
"She's gonna kill you too," Patrick pointed at us. We just laughed, nodding.

Joe's POV

I laid on the couch with Alla, drifting in an out of sleep, waiting for her to walk through the door or for the phone to ring, "Where is your mommy?" I mumbled putting Alla on the floor opening my phone, calling Laura, it went to voice mail, each of the five times I called. I rubbed my hand over my face, sighing. Reminding myself she was going to fill Andy and Ana in, I called Andy's phone first, but it went to voice mail, same with Ana's. "What's the point of cell phones if no one answers," I wondered a loud, I shook my head, opening my phone again, hopefully she was with Pete or someone, but this was the perfect time for Mandie to come over. I opened my phone again, calling her, telling her to come over, and hurry. About ten minutes later she showed.
"Hello there," She leaned against the door frame smiling at me.
"Hey," I smiled pulling her inside, giving her a hug after closing the front door, "I dont know what time she'll be home, so its gotta be quick," she nodded pulling me to the bedroom. I closed the bedroom door, pushing her against it looking down at her.
"You sure you ready for this?" she asked.
"Ive never been more ready in my life,"

Laura's POV

"AHHH!" I yelled ducking the balls that were now being thrown. Dodgeball in the house. So much fun!
"Im a girl, that shit hurts ten times as worse!" Nessa yelled throwing a ball back at Pete.
"But you're playing with boys, so it dont matter," he stuck his tongue out at her, hitting Andy with the ball. We stopped throwing the balls, as Dirty covered his mouth, our eyes all looking at the picture that was now on the floor.
"Fuck, that's an non replaceable frame," Pete mumbled walking over to it.

Joe's POV

"You're amazing," I smiled, her hand laced in mine as we walked to the front door.
"I know that's why you called me," she laughed, "See you tomorrow?"
"Maybe we'll see, I gotta find out where Laura's at right now, and what we doing tomorrow, she usually calls,"
"Aw is some one worried?" she pinched my cheeks, I pushed her hands away.
"Yeah, I told you about all that shit that happen,"
"I know, but its just so cute," she talked in a baby voice. I shook my head.
"Okay I'll call you," I opened the door.
"Uh huh I'll be waiting," she kissed me, walking out the door. I closed it, walking over to my phone.
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