Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Thinking About You


by FFisoline 0 reviews

SasuxSaku/AU/OOC/SongFic: A wedding to attend to, flashbacks of a past love interest, unsettled emotions and all that other typical romantic clichés. But the biggest and greatest cliché of them a...

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Sakura,Sasuke - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2017-10-23 - 4482 words - Complete



"/I never really intended to know more about him."/






Green eyes open. The girl with rose gold hair awakened.

"Forehead!", Ino called her.

Sakura blinked the haze out of her eyes. "I-Ino?"

"Waky, waky~!"

"Wh- What the?! Where... What day is it?"

"Todays the big day, silly. Did you have too many beers last night?!"

"Uh, No! I'm okay."

"Are you sure?", Ino looked at her worriedly.

"Yeah!", Sakura sat up. "I just need coffee in me."

"Come on then! Sai made breakfast.", she invited her.

Sakura stood up from the couch and followed Ino to the dining area.




Sakura joined Sai on the table as Ino poured her coffee.

"Thanks." she smiled at Ino.

Ino then sat down beside Sai. "Shikamaru will have his car in front by 6. We only have until then to get ready.", she announced.

Sakura nodded then lowered her gaze on to her mug.


She stared at her reflection on the dark liquid while Sasori was telling a story.

"I'm telling you whenever me and my dormmates are drinking, all they ever talk about is their girlfriends. They whine and complain and tell me how lucky I am to be single. Of course I tell them, I have you and… well, they don't get it at first but that's because they're not me. They're not us. I tell them all about you and they're like, I'm so lucky I have such an understanding and supportive girl in my life-" Sasori paused. His smile weakens as he stared at Sakura.

Sakura had been holding her coffee cup for a while now - turning and tilting it every now and then. Despite the attention she was giving it, she didn't seem like she would be drinking from it anytime soon.

Sakura wiped the lipgloss stain on the corner of her cup.

"Sakura.", Sasori called her. "Sakura?"

"Yeah?!", Sakura looked away from the ceramic ware. "Wh- Sorry what's that?"

"Is... everything okay? You seemed... troubled."

"Oh.", Sakura couldn't keep her eyes on him so she looked around the coffee shop instead. "It's... nothing!"

"Is this because... of what happened last night?"

"HUH?!" Sakura finally looked at the boy in front of her.

Sasori wore a red t-shirt, khaki shorts, and summer sandals.

"Your parents didn't even pretend to be happy about the results of the finals, did they?"

"OH. W- Er..."

"Don't worry about it Sakura. I mean, what's new, right?", implied Sasori.


"No point in being upset over that. You just focus on beating the Hyuuga kid and I'm sure everything will eventually work out."

Sakura nodded.

"Or is it..."


"Because you're upset with me?"

"What? Why would I-"

"Look, I know you put so much work into revising my practice thesis but-"

"That's not it-"

"No, listen." Sasori rested his elbows on the table so he could reach Sakura's hands. He had her let go of her cup once and for all.

Sakura cast her gaze down at their joined hands.

/"...these cold hands are the ones I'm entitled to hold."/

"I'm sorry I couldn't use it.", he continued. "It's not that I don't appreciate your hard work or that what you did was not good. It's just that... it was so good, actually. So good, that it could work as a stand-alone idea. It would have diverted any reader's attention from my proposed project to other complex topics so. ... Besides, no one's going to believe I wrote that.", Sasori chuckled.

Sakura lifted her gaze and stared at Sasori's smiling face.

"But I did use it as a reference and I... eventually finished. Your suggestion about adjusting the design was also very brilliant and my professor thought that it could work."

"I-I'm glad.", Sakura smiled.


"Yes! Of course!"

"So, you're not upset with me?"

"No! I'm glad I was able to help as much."

Sasori smiled back at her. "By the way."


"Is this something I have to get use to?"


"Your new look?" Sasori let go of her hand to reach out for Sakura's hair. He brushed some strands behind her ear.

Sakura blushed. "Oh. Uhm, I was eventually going to drop the braids when I'm in college anyway... Is it... weird? Does it not suit me after all?" she anxiously combed her hair with her fingers.

"No. You're beautiful. I was just wondering why you're suddenly wearing it like that."

"Oh. I'll have to tie my hair up at work starting tomorrow.", she suddenly shared.

"I see." Sasori's expression closed up. "You know, I'm still not very happy about the idea of you working at an open mic bar during the night, especially since you're doing it to pay another boy's debt."

"But it was my idea. Sasuke-kun won't even have that debt if it weren't for me.", she reasoned.

Sasori pulled away and leaned back on his seat at the mention of his name.

"And I owe him as much. He's put up with my selfishness for the past weeks... D-Didn't I already tell you the whole story?", she added.

"Yes. You did. About, how you chased after him the first couple of weeks until he gave in and complied with the pairing. And that you feel guilty for making him spend hours studying with you even though he rarely have enough time to sleep because he has to work in order to support himself."

"Yes. That's why I proposed this deal. So he had more time to study and rest."

"And after this summer... you'll be done with him right? New term. New pairings."


"Okay. Just... five more weeks and... he's out of your life, right?"


Sasori's phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me.", he told her before answering the call.

['Five more weeks and he's out of my life.']

Sakura stared at Sasori as he was talking on the phone.

/"I know Sasuke's gorgeous and all. It's normal to be attracted to him. What you're going through is just a phase. It'll pass as soon as you realize that it's just physical attraction.

Sasori however, he's the man of your dreams, remember? He loves you, you know that!

Don't let go of what you have with Sasori over an infatuation."/

['Ino's right.']

/"Anyway it's only for this summer. After that, you're finally gonna be free of him. Surely, whoever you get paired with in the next term can't be as much trouble as him... I'm sure whoever it is, you'll do an even better job since Sasuke was like... the most difficult to deal with. I really hope you beat Neji. No! You're definitely going to place first! And then, your parents will just have to let you move with me to Tokyo.

Then, it will be just you, me and Sasori. Like always!"/

['Besides, Sasuke-kun... He's cheering me on.']

/"So, what's the plan? What are you going to do now?"/

/"I still don't know. I'm not sure how to make a compromise... but-"/

/"You want to be with him."/

/"Do you think I'm being unreasonable?"

/"For being romantically motivated? It's not my place to judge..."/

/"If you really want to beat Hyuuga, don't neglect your own studies."/

['And... he already has someone else.']

/"It's not the first time I spent money to take a girl out-"/

['I'm not really sure but... No. It's for the best that he does. For his sake... and mine as well.']

Sakura smiled at Sasori just as he put his phone away. "What was that about?"

"My old pal back in high school. They heard I was home and want to hang out. But, they said that today is the only day all of us will be available to meet. They're not sure if we'll have another chance like this."


"Yeah. As in... now."

"Right now?"

"Can I? They said it's okay even if I stay for just a couple of hours."


"Tell you what. How about I take you to Ino's and you two hang out for a while? I'll just meet up with my friends real quick. I'll just show myself and I'll come see you again later. I'll bring food and a movie. The three of us can have a movie night like old days, hm? What do you say?"

"Well, if you're going to be quick, can't I just tag along?", Sakura suggested.

"Oh. It's just us boys so..."

"Okay. I understand."

"Cool. Thanks. So, ready to go?"






Sakura was greeted by Ino - who was wearing a purple t-shirt and crop pants under a green apron - as she entered the flower shop.

"Oh, hi Sakura."

"Hi Ino. I came to hang out. Hope that's okay."

"It's fine but… I thought you and Sasori are going out on a date?"

"We are-were just together.", said Sakura as she closed the door behind her. "He drove me here."

"The date is done already? Why didn't he come in with you?", wondered Ino. She then stood from her chair and went to the back room.

"He has to meet with his friends real quick. But he'll come back later with food and a movie.", Sakura yelled loud enough for Ino to hear.

"Really? That's great!" Ino came back with a stool. She placed it beside her chair and offered Sakura to sit beside her. "Want some tea?"

"No thank you. We just had coffee." Sakura joined Ino behind the counter.

Ino took in Sakura's look as she sat down. She wore a light blue blouse, white and blue floral shorts and white sandals. "Want me to help you braid your hair?", Ino offered.

"Huh? Oh no. I'm keeping it like this."

"So you intended that hairstyle for today. But didn't Sasori prefer your hair braided?"

"Yeah. He said it reminded him of the dolls his grandmother makes. But... I'm dropping the braids starting today."

"I see." Ino shrugged. "Suits you."


"Maybe you should drop the hairclips too. How about a headband instead?"

"Uh no." Sakura reached for her hairclips. "I like it like this better."

The sound of the bell caught their attention and the two of them turned to look at the door.

"Welcome- Karin? Naruto?"

Ino and Sakura were surprised to see them.

Naruto was wearing an orange t-shirt, black cargo shorts and a pair of men's summer sandals. Karin wore a grey crop sweater, denim shorts and her pair of black high cut converse.

"Good afternoon ladies!" Naruto grinned. "Wow! You look... great Sakura-chan! That hairstyle! Really works for you."

"Good afternoon to you too, Naruto. Thanks.", Sakura greeted back. "Hi Karin."

"So, what brings the two of you here?", wondered Ino.

"Naruto and I are going to run an errand and I thought I stop by to bring these.", answered Karin, raising her shopper for emphasis. "I brought your bags and uniforms. Good thing Sakura's here too."

"Thanks!" / "Thank you."

The two girls stood up and met them halfway.

"Are you two in a hurry? How about tea?", Ino offered as she accepted the shopper.

"We are in kind of a hurry so, no thanks.", Karin told her.

"Ah! Hold on! Mind if I used your toilet? I actually need to go so bad!", Naruto proclaimed.

"S-Sure. It's this way.", Ino led him towards the back. She placed the shopper on top of the counter as she passed it.

"Thanks! Excuse me Sakura-chan.", said Naruto as he followed her.

"Hurry up Naruto!", Karin demanded.

"Oh, I just remembered. Since you're already here, I'll return the clothes you lent me." Ino told Karin as she let Naruto go through the door first. "I'll go get it now."

"Oh. Okay.", said Karin.

"Sakura. Mind the store for a sec? I'll be quick.", Ino pleaded.

"Sure." Sakura nodded at Ino then turned to Karin. "Sorry. I didn't bring your clothes with me today. I was going to hand it to you tomorrow night at work."

"That's fine. So, what's your schedule?"

"Oh." Sakura took out her phone and checked her messages. "Orochimaru-san said; '3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Monday ... through Thursday. Then, '3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. during Fridays' and '3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. during Saturdays'. ", she read. "Sundays is my day off, which is really perfect. I get to go home early on Saturday nights so I'm not too tired to spend my Sundays with Sasori.", she added.

"Uh-huh. Just as Sasuke-kun requested.", noted Karin. "Mine is three pm to seven pm. My day off is on Tuesdays."

"Uhm, what do you mean... as Sasuke-kun requested?", Sakura inquired.

"Sasuke-kun was the one who suggested our schedules. He requested Orochimaru-san to assign your day-off on Sundays and to let you off early the night before. 'Sunday is Sasori day' after all, right?"


Sakura nodded.

"And as for me, Dad doesn't want me to tire myself out since I still have to help in the hospital so I can only work there for four hours.", continued Karin.

['Even though we were supposed to work there to help him out, he's still finding ways to make it more convenient for us.']

"That's very... kind of Sasuke-kun. And very considerate of Orochimaru-san. "

"Yeah. The bar is actually open from five pm to three am but Sasuke-kun requested to have the two of us work there only during the early hours so we don't have to stay out too late or deal with drunk customers.", noted Karin. "We just have to help clean up the place and set things up for the opening. Then work a few hours waiting tables. … Naruto's sorry he can't help us, by the way. Dad wants him to focus on summer school so~"

"It's okay. Tell him not to worry about it. So, What's Sasuke-kun's... schedule?"

"He said his shift begins at 5:00 pm" Karin sighed. "I leave at seven so I only get to spend two hours at work with him."

"Well at least you get to see him six days a week even though it's summer break.", Sakura cheered her up.

"Yeah! You're right." Karin smiled. "Are you gonna be okay there on your own after I leave two hours earlier than you."

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I'll manage. Everyone seems nice so... plus Sasori said he'll pick me up every night."

"That's good. Besides, Sasuke-kun will be there until closing time so he'll probably make sure nothing wrong happens to you until your boyfriend gets there."

"He's not-"


"Nothing. Never mind."

"I'm back.", said Ino as she walked in. Ino placed the pair if gladiator shoes on the floor and laid the clothes on top of the counter. She pulled out her and Sakura's things from out of Karin's shopper and replaced it with Karin's shoes and clothes. Then she walked towards Karin and handed the shopper back to her. "Here you go."

Karin nodded to her as she accepted the shopper.

"Okay. I'm ready!", yelled Naruto from the back. "So~", he said as he showed himself. "I'm ready to shop for the party!"

"Party?", wondered Ino. "What party?"

"Sasuke's!", Naruto answered despite Karin's gestures for him to keep his mouth shut. "You know how we weren't able to celebrate his birthday last Thursday because we only made up yesterday. And, since everyone will be busy with work or summer school starting tomorrow, we're having the party today."

"Oh yeah, It was his birthday." Ino looked at Sakura. "But the celebration is… today?"

['I didn't know.']

Ino fell silent sensing Sakura's mood.

"Yep!" Naruto grinned. "I thought we would have a hard time convincing him to let us throw a party for him but to our surprise he said it was okay."

Karin palmed her face.

"But it's going to be a small party. You know how Sasuke is so it's just me, Karin, Kakashi-sensei and some others.", continued Naruto. "Too bad you can't come Sakura-chan because you already have plans today."

"Did Sasuke-kun say that?", asked Sakura.

"Er...", Karin was about to say something but-

"Yes.", confirmed Naruto.

"He... I wasn't invited. I wasn't even informed."

"Uhm. Sasuke-kun said not to invite you because it's Sunday and... You know!", Karin explained.

"What? He didn't invite you?!", Naruto seemed shock. "Well... Was he wrong? Are you free after all?"

"No!", Ino joined. "We do have plans. We're watching a movie with Sasori."

"Saso...ri... huh?", said Naruto. "See? Sasuke was just... being considerate of you."

"Right.", Sakura shrugged.

"Yeah. So don't get upset.", said Karin.

"I'm not! Why would I be upset?!", Sakura chuckled.

"Riiiight~ Okay then. We... are- We're just gonna go. Come on Naruto." Karin pulled his hand. "Bye Ino. See you at work Sakura."

"Bye!", bid Ino as the two walked towards the door.

"Yeah! See you at work.", Sakura waved at them. She turned to look at Ino with her lips pressed together then turned to look at the other two again "Oh! Uhm. Enjoy! Have fun at... Sasuke-kun's birthday party!", she yelled.

"Yup! We will-", Naruto yelled back. "Ouch!"

Karin pulled Naruto - by his ear - out through the door. "You err... enjoy... watching that movie... I guess.", yelled Karin before closing the door behind her.


As soon as Naruto and Karin were gone, Sakura stomped back to her stool. She flopped down then crossed her arms. "He could've tried asking me. I could've made time for him.", she scowled.

"Would you?", Ino asked her. "I think he knows you well enough to understand that parties aren't your thing."

"But... It's his /birthday/."

['Which I was completely unaware of.']

I would've gone. He's my friend too."

"He is. That's why he intended for you to spend time with Sasori instead of him.", Ino noted as she sat beside her.

"But it would've been fine. I mean, Sasori ended the date early to hang out with his friends."

"Would you like to go then?"

"Huh?!" Sakura looked at Ino.

"If we cancelled, would you go to his party?"

"N- Why would we cancel because of him? Of course I'd rather spend time with you and Sasori."

"Okay. Without cancelling then?"


"We won't cancel. But we will give you time to make an appearance; an hour or more."

"That's not necessary! It's not even really his birthday today anyway. It was last thursday.

['Which I wouldn't have known if Naruto hadn't brought it up.']

I can just send him an e-mail or greet him tomorrow at work. Besides, if he didn't think it was necessary for me to be there then it's really okay that I'm not there. It's his party. It's up to him who he spends it with."

"If you say so.", Ino leaned her elbows on the counter so she could lean her chin on her hands. "You know? Sasuke's actually a pretty nice guy."



['Now that I think about it, I don't know him that well at all. My initial idea of who he was, were based on what Ino gathered about him. I wouldn't have even asked about him if I hadn't been paired with him and everything I heard turned out to be wrong.

Everything I know about him now, is just from the bits and pieces of information shared by Kakashi-sensei, Karin and Naruto. And from the bits and pieces of information he chose to share about himself.

I thought I knew him better. I assumed that I knew him well enough. But that's not the case at all.

There's so much I don't know. And the reason I still don't know so much about him... is because Sasuke-kun has chosen to not tell me everything.

And because... I didn't care enough.

I asked to be friends but...

It's kind of funny how I realized this only because I just learned of his birthday. But, the fact that I never thought about it;

I didn't know. I didn't ask. Was I even going to?

How could I let myself believe that I... 'like' him when… I never really intended to know more about him?

Approaching him for the sake of the pairing, wanting to be friends with him, or even liking him. Was it really all because it was convenient for me?

Would I care or at least pretend to care as much about him when we are no longer partners? Would I even still matter to him then, now that his friends with Naruto again?

Is this really all we ever were? Is this really all we're going to be? /Temporary confidants/. It's like we were only each other's company inside a shared shelter during a storm.

If so, then I hope this storm quickly passes so we can just be off on or own way.

I hope summer ends soon so things can just go back to the way they were.

Back when it was only Naruto and Karin and Kakashi-sensei and his family and whoever that girl is that was a part of his world.

And back when I only thought about Sasori.']




"Welcome to /Sound Country/~!", Sakura greeted the customer. "Oh, Naruto."

"Hey, Sakura-chan!", Naruto greeted back as he walked inside the bar wearing his school uniform. "The uniform suits you."

Sakura was wearing a black kimono inspired apron dress which uses a thick rope for an obi. The collar, right side of the front and the cuffs were decorated with silver quaver note patterns. The left sleeve, as well as the miniskirt, was in the color of the employee's choosing. Sakura's was of course; red. She was also wearing a jewelled hair pin to hold her high bun. She still wore her hair clips but it was only to keep the left side of her hair in place. Her fringe and a few strand of hair were left to cascade on the right side of her face.

"Thanks. Did your classes just ended?"

"Yeah. Having summer school is really a bummer. I thought I'd check on you guys before I went home.", said Naruto as he looked around the place. "So, how's your first day at work?"

"No problems so far."


Sakura and Naruto turned their heads to look at Karin who just snarled at a customer.

"Quit acting like a flustered teenager and say your order louder so I can hear you!", she told the man.

"Y-Yes! Ma'am!", the customer told her before repeating his order.

Rather than being taken aback by her rough approach, he seemed to like it and was even enjoying the treatment.

"Be right back then.", the ponytailed redhead arrogantly excused herself from the customer.

"Looks like… Karin is also doing… fine.", Naruto commented.

"Y-Yeah. Her uhm... 'feisty' attitude seems to be popular with the customers.", Sakura shared as they watched Karin make her way to the counter.

Parading in her violet miniskirt and over the knee gladiator boots, Karin got a lot of heads turning towards her.


"Oi! Are you gonna order or what?!", Suigetsu sneered at one of those distracted customers who was staring at the exposed skin of Karin's thigh.

"Huh, Oh… r-right.", the customer seemed apologetic but was still stealing glances at Karin even when he was reading the menu.

"Tck!", Suigetsu clucked as he irritably waited on that particular table.

"A-Anyway, where's Sasuke?", wondered Naruto.

"Oh, he…", Sakura turned to look at one of the empty tables. "He was just clearing a table a while ago. Maybe he went into the kitchen with the dirty dishes… I… think."

"Do you mind calling him out for me?" Naruto winked at her and flashed her a pleading grin.

"Y-Yeah. Okay. Wait here."

"No problem. Thanks Sakura-chan."




Sakura joined Karin by the serving hatch as she patiently waited for the food she would serve the customer. "Naruto's here."

"Oh." Karin turned to find the blonde boy sitting at the table near the entrance. "What did he want?" She smiled at him as he waved at them.

"He's looking for Sasuke-kun."

"I see."

"Karin, can you serve this to the woman over there?", said Kabuto as he placed the sushi plate along with the Sake bottle and cup in a tray. "Kimimaru is taking his five."

"Why that slacker! We've been barely open for two hours and he's already taking a break.", Karin complained.

"Uhm~ I'll do it. I'm not doing anything at the moment.", Sakura offered.

"Nah. I got this. My shift ends in a few minutes anyway. You still have more than two hours to go.", said Karin before she took the tray and left.

"K-Kabuto-san.", Sakura called him before he went back to his work.

"Hm?", the cook acknowledged her.

"Is Sasuke-kun still there in the kitchen?"

"I just asked him to throw away the garbage." Tayuya announced as she peeked from behind Kabuto. "He's in the back if you need him."

"I see. Thanks." Sakura excused herself just as Suigetsu trudged towards them and slammed an order slip on the counter.




Sakura peeked out of the service door and saw Sasuke putting garbage bags on the trash bin. He wore the same uniform as Suigetsu; the male counterpart of her Kimono - an oriental tunic. The quaver notes on his tunic were midnight blue.

/"You know... I keep forgetting that you're one of the kids born with a silver spoon."/

/"And how should I take that comment?"/

/"As a compliment!"/

This recollection led to another.

/"Paintball? … What would you have done if I chose to wear a dress?"/

/"I would've gotten a good laugh out of seeing your reaction."/

/"Still bored?"/

/"If you're happy then show it."

/"So, what's the verdict?"/

/"Real enough."/

The memory of holding each other's hands as they stood made her take a step back inside. She leaned her back on the wall just beside the door.

/"Ne, Sasuke-kun."/


/"Let's be friends?"/


['I know I said that but...']

/"…Was there ever something that I wanted for myself?"/

['Uchiha Sasuke.']

Sakura shook her head.

['Didn't I already decided that I would just go back to the way things were as soon as summer is over? Dammit Sakura! Get yourself together. You've already got Sasori.']

"Sakura?", Sasuke noticed her as he walked in.

Sakura gasped and quickly turned to look at him.

"Sorry to startle you. What were you doing there?"

And then, she blushed as she recalled accidentally kissing him on the corner of his lips.

"I-I-I… N-Naruto!", she quickly averted her eyes.

"Naruto?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"He's here! H-He came to see you! He's w-waiting for you out there!"

"Okay.", said Sasuke as he made a move to head back inside.

"B-by the way!", Sakura reluctantly called him.

"Aa." He stopped.

"B-belated happy birthday."

"A-ah. Thanks. … Sak-"

"T-That's all I wanted to say! I'm g-going back to work now!", she said before running away from him.



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