Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fighting To Live

Chapter 15

by youngandreckless 2 reviews

chapter 15

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-09-13 - Updated: 2006-09-14 - 1003 words

Chapter 15

Joe's POV

I thought about what he said for a second, "This is different," I shook my head.
"Whatever you say, I dont want no fights that's the only reason my mouth is still shut, but if it comes up, Joe, I will tell her what I saw," I rubbed my hand over my face.
"It wasnt what you thought, its not what you think, and I cant explain it now, just wait you'll see," I nodded, feeling arms wrap around me. I looked up, seeing Laura.
"Hi," she smiled, sitting next to me, "Pete wont push me on the swing," she stuck out her bottom lip, "He's mean,"
"That has to be the saddest face Ive ever saw," Nessa laughed.
"She's had alot of practice," I rolled my eyes, "Come on," I grabbed her hand pulling her towards the swing.

Charlie's POV

"Maybe it wasnt what we thought we saw," Nessa looked in the direction of Joe and Laura.
"I dont know, but if it is, we're gonna see hell,"
"You think?" she looked at me.
"Oh yeah, Pete and Joe will go round and round,"
"Pete!" we looked seeing Patrick and Andy yell at Pete as he jumped in the sand castle they were making.
"Sorry, I had to do it," Pete laughed as they threw sand at him.

Stacey's POV

"How bad is the apartment messed up?" I looked over at Laura as she stopped swinging and Joe sat on the middle swing. She smiled.
"Its not that bad.. theres a couple things broken, and a couple surpises, but we cleaned up,"
"Lovely," I shook my head.
"What happen to the nail polish remover?"
"What did you guys need nail polish remover for?" Joe looked at her.
"Its a secret," she nodded.
"Everybodies got secrets these days!" Dirty ran passed us, being chased by Pete. I looked to Joe as he stared off into space.

Laura's POV

I parked my car, turning it off, looking to my right as Joe got out of his. He waited, taking my hand, as we walked up the stairs. "What did you do all night without me??" I asked as we walked into the apartment.
"Watched Tv, then Stacey showed," he shrugged, "I love how you call me though, tell me your at your brother's,"
"It was a last minute thing and my phone died,"
"Uh huh, you didnt even think to call me, just let me sit here and worry," he shook his head pulling me to him.
"Yeah you're right, sorry," I smiled.
"Just dont let it happen again," he poked my arm, I turned away from him.
"Whatever," I mumbled going to walk over to the couch and sit down, he grabbed me tickling me, "Stop!" I yelled turning trying to push his hands away.
"Dont whatever me, I was worried," he stopped, both of us now on the ground.
"Okay, okay, you were worried I get it," I held his hands away from my sides, "I wont let it happen again,"
"You're just saying that," he sat up on the floor.
"No, I wont, seriously, I dont want you to worry," I moved in the middle of his legs, kissing him.
"Uh huh, okay," he mumbled pulling away. I pouted, "Dont pout, you make me worry, all night, and then you tell me whatever, you are not on my good list right now," he leaned back, his elbows holding him up.
"Good list? I dont go on good or bad list, i am your list baby," I smirked.
"If you say so," he shook his head, getting up. Placing his keys and phone on the table, "Gonna take a shower," I nodded, laying back on the floor, Alla ran out of the room as Joe opened the door, licking me.
"Hii," I smiled. I played with Alla, looking up as his cell phone rang, I crawled over to the table, pulling it down as Alla barked and jumped around. Unknown caller. blinked across it. I opened it putting it to my ear, before saying hello a women talked on the other end.
"Joey, baby, gotta meet up with you again, we missed a couple things last night," Confusion took over my face.
"Uh this isnt Joe, its Laura," I mumbled into the phone, "And who are you?" there was a long pause.
"Im Joe's friend Mandie,"
"Uh okay, you saw Joe last night?" I asked, remembering what he told me he did.
"Yeah, just old friends catching up, can you tell him that I called?" she paused for another moment.
"Yeah sure, he has your number?" I bit on my bottom lip shaking my head.
"Yes he does, thanks," I could hear her smile into the phone, I mumbled bye, hanging it up. he lied about what he did. I sat there the same thought repeating over and over in my head. I couldnt believe this. I looked up as he stood over me.
"You allright?" he asked, "Staring off into space like you got the worse news ever," he kissed my head.
"Yeah, no im okay, just thinking," I smiled.
"Okay, uh I gotta talk to Pete about something so Im gonna meet up with him, wont take long, okay?" I nodded.
"Love you,"
"Love you too," I smiled at him as he walked out of the door, "Alla was there somewhere here with Daddy last nights??" I askeed pulling her on my lap. There better not have been anyone here besides Stacey with him last night. I reached over grabbing my phone, "Stace.. I gotta question.. was there anyone here with Joe last night when you showed up? A Mandie?" I asked waiting for her reply.

Lizy's POV

"Shall I call your boyfriend to pick you up?"
"No, I'll take a cab," I shook my head signing the discharge papers.
"Im sorry we cant let you do that, shall I call your boyfriend or sister or perhaps another friend?" I sighed.
"You can call Patrick I guess,"
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