Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Lost Uchiha

True Family

by TsukuRasu 0 reviews

Kakashi's blood finds out who his true family is with the help of apologies from his deceased fathers.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Kakashi - Published: 2018-01-07 - 1556 words


But anyway, let's make this quick.

That's all I have to say right now.


C3: True Family

He sat up, blankly staring at the wall, lost in thought. Mental images of the dream-like thing he had. He could feel, he could move, he couldn't tell by smell or taste though. But there was one thing he thought of the most.

Should he really go?

It could be a trick, someone maybe trying to lure him. But he would go. He felt like he could trust the splitting image of his best friend. The words they spoke between each other seemed so real, so true. Hopefully he would show up, hopefully, it wasn't a false dream... Vision, whatever he should call it.

"See you soon, okay?"

Those exact words repeated in his head. Looking around the room, he realized he wasn't alone. All three of his students sat scattered in the room, asleep in their own chairs. He moved his hand to sit himself up even further, it instead brushed against something soft that slightly tickled it. He turned to see Sasuke, head resting on his arms, propped next to his pillow. Kakashi smiled and ruffled to boy's hair, it was an urge. He'd done that all the time with both him and Naruto when the kids were still cute and innocent little genin. It was when he seemed so much older than them, henges change that, he was really only a couple years older.

He peered at the door that slowly opened, the person hearing the light snores of his team.. Light snores of Naruto, they opened the door as quietly as possible. Tsunade stepped in, seeing that Kakashi was awake, she frowned.

"I've discovered something in your blood.." She trailed off, catching Kakashi's immediate attention. What could possibly make her seem so hesitant to tell him one thing? Feeling a bit nervous himself, his eyes darted toward the sleeping faces of his students.

"Since we've never been able to get a blood sample from you... You do not have Sakumo Hatake's cells... Instead, you have.. Fugaku Uchiha's cells..."

Kakashi froze, eyes going wide. That means he.. He...

"I.. I'm an U-Uchiha?!" He almost yelled in shock, not wanting to wake his peacefully sleeping students, he stared in disbelief at the Hokage's words. His eyes traced down to the white sheets he clenched onto. It didn't make sense! He looked like Sakumo, and the man had been there for his entire life! Did that mean he had a family? A father, mother, sisters, brothers--


He looked at his dark-haired student in shock, did that mean he was.. Sasuke's older brother? He knew the little Uchiha's father was Fugaku. A multiple mix of emotions flooding his being. Kakashi shook slightly, the red in his eyes beginning to build up, before releasing in a stream down his face. He looked up at Tsunade, pure anguish in his eyes, the older giving a gasp in return.

His eyes were spinning, returning to the scarlet blood red with the three tomoe. It proved that he was a true blood, a full-blooded Uchiha. A million thoughts ran through his head all at once. Why did they abandon him? Why did his own Sharingan just now activate? Why didn't Sakumo tell him, was he supposed to live without knowing his true parents and being lied to?

"I need to.. I need to find out why my clan pushed me out..."

Tsunade hesitated, but she looked at the jonin's face. It was determined but pained, it all flashed through his eyes clearly. She smiled, before nodding, giving him her permission. She could tell he smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama." He grabbed some tissue to wipe his eyes before they stained his face. He got up carefully, not to wake the one in close proximity to him. He ran to the window and checked his chakra control before he ran down the hospital walls.

It was when he was gone when Tsunade noticed that he completely left and forgot his hitai-ate, revealing his 'plain' eyes to the world. Shaking her head, she quietly left the room.

The silver-haired male ran through the town, ignoring everyone who stared at the blur who ran past them. He noticed Gai who was talking with Raidou, Asuma, Kurenai, and Genma. The man had firmly stepped in front of his path, making him slow to a halt, but tripping over a small lump in the pathway. He found himself falling on his hands, glaring at the spot he tripped over. He got up dusting himself off, acknowledging the snickers his fellow jonin made.

"Dear rival! I challenge you to--"

"Sorry Gai, not now." He said quickly darting past the man in green spandex, leaving everyone to blink. Kakashi never runs from a challenge, but it looked like he was in such a hurry. Curious, they began tailing him.

Not too far away from town, he stopped. It was a small clearing, rectangular sized. Going through a series of hand signs, a large home sizzled to life. As soon as it appeared, Kakashi stepped through it. The five who were watching gaped, but quickly followed him inside.

Kakashi slowly walked through the house, a small fear tying a knot in his stomach made him pause in opening the door. He took a breath and pushed the door. It creaked from its old age and it from not being opened in a long time. He stepped in the room, unable to stop himself to look at the large blood stain in the middle of the floor.

The memory of finding Sakumo dead in that spot instantly coming back to him, how he stood and silently stared at the dead body. He hated him, but slowly found the heart to forgive him, but vow he would never be like him, to never find the easy way out. It wouldn't benefit anyone, just form negative emotions from the people close to you. Not realizing his eyes were fixed on the dried blood. He shook his head and turned to the drawers that were in the room.

He began to dig out everything, looking at every piece of paper and reading the contents. The jonin who were spying were watching their friend mercilessly throw things to the side, searching for something. They didn't know if he was stealing or not, but they continued to be quiet and peer into the room.

Kakashi was walking to look under the old bed until he heard the creak of the floorboards underneath him. Crouching, he removed the loose plank. There were two scrolls hidden underneath, he plucked the one on top.

Sakumo, please take my son, Kakashi Uchiha, and keep his surname away from the world. I cannot keep him any longer, I am afraid that someone is out to kill him, and I do not trust anyone with my son. Take good care of him, and don't let him know who he is. He looks just like you, I don't understand how the silver hair came to be, but it was probably a birth defect of some kind. But thank you if you do accept him, I just want him to be safe. Don't let him think he was a burden upon our clan, just tell him it was to protect him.

Fugaku Uchiha

Kakashi blankly stared at the scroll, he gripped it tightly, needing a moment to recollect himself. It was the truth.
It felt like the truth.
He felt better that he wasn't neglected from his clan or family. It soothed the aching feeling in his chest to know that something wasn't wrong with him. He always looks on the bad side of things more than the good side. It was a bad habit that a certain blonde was slowly beginning to beat out of him.

He opened the other scroll, freezing when he read the first sentence.

I must be dead if your reading this now, Kakashi Uchiha. It's weird to take in that name now because of the name I gave you, huh? I'm sorry I couldn't tell you who you really were, your father, your real father, would kill me. I'm sorry that I couldn't handle the cruel world, I was weak, don't ever be like me, alright? I hope you have a better life with your real family. I love you, even if we aren't related by blood.

Sakumo Hatake

"You always were the type to make people smile." He whispered. He sat there for a moment, a smile on his face. None could tell he was smiling, it was a genuine smile that he never did often. Only his students were able to trigger that smile maybe once or twice. Gladly his little eye problem didn't act up, no random blood dripping everywhere and to show itself to his friends--

He blinked.

He had forgot about them.

Instead of bothering with them, he left the way he came. He smirked, and with a burst of speed, he was at the door frame. They were frozen, staring at them as if frightened. He gave them a blank stare, before continuing his trek out the house, his friends following behind. He concealed the house again, and ignored them when he walked back to town, scrolls clutched tightly in his hands.

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