Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Lost Uchiha

Family Ties

by TsukuRasu 0 reviews

The students look through some scrolls.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Kakashi - Published: 2018-10-07 - 938 words




C4: To Be Determined

He managed to escape his friend's prying eyes, asking unsaid questions when following him back into the Konoha district.

How he escaped, you ask?

All he had to do was run like he had his Chidori charged, and go up the hospital walls through the window, never looking back.

Though he returned, he has to stay in those white walls. He doesn't want to get caught with two normal eyes, or sudden blood exiting his body. It would cause unneeded casualties everywhere he set foot on.

He paced around the quiet room, a hand pressed against his hair, pondering, stuck on a question. Murmuring words to himself. He remembered his chat with "Obito"

"Why he's showing up now... Why didn't he come back after the rocks? Where has he been this entire time? And... Why was he wearing an Akatsuki cloak?" It should've clicked in his head that he was an enemy, but it was hard to picture Obito as a missing-nin. He doubted it was also just that, maybe it was the knowledge that they were family? Cousins... So he's always had a piece of family with him? Obito in his team, Itachi in ANBU, Sasuke, current team 7... He found himself stopping to look over at the said.

He slowly shifted on the edge of the bed, and he ruffled the boy's hair. He then the boy stirred, and his eyes widened.

"Sensei?" The boy drawled, eyes dazed like he had just awoken from a dream, but Kakashi knew that look wouldn't last long.

"... Yes, Sasuke?" He couldn't help but talk to his little brother like he was his... Little brother! Might as well make as much use with it as he can.
It became eerily quiet, and Kakashi could only keep his composure for so long. Just as he was about to get up, he spoke again.

"Are you leaving?" The teen asked after a long pause.

The young adult shook his head. "No, I just came back."

"Oh.." He moved back to his regular position as the older settled back in under the white sheets. Kakashi relaxed his head on the pillow, right after he patted the boy's own head.

"Night.. sensei..." The younger yawned before slowly drifting off.

"Night, otouto."


He awoke to the peering eyes of his three students. They looked worried but brightened when he was able to lock eyes with them.

"Hey-hey Kaka-sensei! How are you?" The young man seemed to pause. "Do your eyes hurt?" He asked more carefully, a tone that was full of caution and was slowly spoken was pointed at him.

"No Naruto I'm fine," He saw the look the blonde teen gave him. His eyes were narrowed, and he was positioned over the side of the bed, inspecting his expression. "-I swear this time." He added quickly.

He could feel eyes burning into him, it was Sasuke from the side, but he was further away than where he slept. They stared at each other silently, the other two students sensing the tension between them. Kakashi couldn't figure out what the boy was thinking.

"Well... I have somewhere to be, gotta run!" He didn't know what the problem was, but he had to go, and he wanted to escape that room.

It was finally time.


"Ah wait! Sensei..! ... Darn it." The blonde huffed, stepping near the window that the jonin escaped through.
When he did, he nearly slipped on something that rolled. He looked down at it, it was a scroll the sensei may have dropped while fleeing. He forced it open, and read it.

"You guys probably wanna see this..." The other two flashed by his side, reading the scroll quickly. Two of the three were confused about the writing at the bottom.

"Fugaku Uchiha? Sasuke-kun, do you happen--" The boy was stiff in the shoulders, eyes wide, marred with disbelief. He snatched the scroll out of the blonde's hands who let out a quick "Hey!" at the action. His dark orbs scanned the words scribbled in ink once again, carefully this time.

"No way... Didn't that paper just say Kakashi-sensei is one those... Uchidna?!" Ignoring the fact that Naruto said it wrong, Sasuke slowly nodded.

"Night.. sensei..."

"Night, otouto."

The last words the two had spoken to each other came back clearly to him, before, he had only recalled Kakashi's response. He was wondering why his sensei would call them as a brotherly figure, he would only figure that they would have established a father and son-like relationship. But now, it didn't sound right, it never sounded right when he thought about it. Something always kept bothering him with titles, so he's always ignored it, though it was always bugging him that it was something bigger than he'd ever thought.

"Is it really... true..?"

Kakashi could only go as fast as his legs could take him. He would stumble in his steps a couple times, thus being an effect of having weak legs from being bedridden for a few days. Due to not exercising the muscles back to ordinary health.
The streets got progressively barren the closer he got to Konoha's KIA stones, and he could spot someone standing in front of a certain stone he visits every day.

The jonin slowed considerably once he got nearer to the mysteriously masked person who stood in the spot he always stood in. Soon, the figure noticed his presence and turned toward him.
Kakashi could only choke out one word.





Half of what is here now has been sitting in here for a while

Now its finally published!

Your welcome :3

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