Categories > Original > Drama > Crimson Moon

Chapter 3: The Grimm Academy of the Arts (part 2)

by Horrorhalloween 0 reviews

After the test, Jack learned how to summon a scythe, the first step in controlling his powers.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Horror - Published: 2018-01-29 - 310 words

As I lay on my bed, I realize that I left my bag in the commons. Luckily, they still allowed me to get it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have any clothes for the next day.

Over the night, I kept remembering that day. The day everything changed. "Hey, it's ok. I'm here," an older sounding voice said.

"Must break out of the ice," I must have said, because he said "There's no ice. It's just a dream." When he said this, I must have woken up, because I backed out from under him. "This always happens to at least one of the new kids. Luckily, I've been here for 7 years. First question: you ok?"

"Now that I'm out of the dream, I'm good. Thanks."

"Drink this," he says as he hands me a beverage of an Amber color, and a woody aroma. "It's ok. The Academy allows alcohol for its students because the Grimm is the best filter in existence. Thus, no hangover." I take a sip, and it burns my throat. Yet, I enjoyed it.

"What was that?"

"Bourbon, 101 proof."

"Good stuff."

"Get some sleep, we've got school tomorrow."

"Ok," I say before I lay back down. He gets off of my bed.

The next day, we learned how to summon our scythe. Since the scythe was connected to our aptitude element, I had to say "ignem mittere," or "fire scythe." My scythe's blade was silver on an ebony handle. "Ah, a classic starter scythe. Much room for features. For now, this will do. Jack, try to turn it into a sword," the professor said. I did just so, and was congratulated with a flame. When class finished, I practiced what I learned that day. Summoning a scythe, then switching it into a sword, back to a scythe, and making it vanish. This lasted all night until I got tired
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