Categories > Original > Drama > Crimson Moon

Chapter 4: Underground

by Horrorhalloween 0 reviews

SHORT CHAPTER: Jack visits the vampire sector for the first time.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2018-01-30 - 105 words

A few weeks later, I learned enough shadow abilities, as well as fire summonings, to be able to go to a sector of the city. I went with someone who was unorthodox to the traditional approach. Mainly, this was because he used guns. We were both taught how to spot trouble. I saw it before he did. The Blood Brothers, as I was told, were the most dangerous vampires. Soon, Princess Maria Lucious was to inherit the throne of queen. After defeating the Blood Brothers, I was knighted by the princess. Either way, I shut down a major operation before it could become a war.
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