Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Heart Strings

Screams of the Night

by darks00 4 reviews

I continue to watch Julius suffer under Con Mans chip that made him have nightmares.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-09-16 - Updated: 2006-09-17 - 135 words


I continue to watch Julius suffer under Con Mans chip that made him have nightmares. It must have been bad, for Julius was freaking out.

"JULIUS!" I continued to scream. "Please, stop!"


Huh? I slowly opened my eyes to see Julius in front of me. was a nightmare. Thank God. I gave Julius the biggest hug I ever gave him.

"You were screaming in your sleep. I thought I should wake you up." He explained.


I cried out in pain when I tried to get out of bed. Then I saw it- my ankle was bleeding, from where I got hurt in my nightmare. Julius gasped.

"What happened?" He asked.

I was choked. I couldn't speak. Was my nightmare actually real?

...THE END?!?...

xxDarkness' Kidxx
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