Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Darkness Within

Let The Fight Begin

by story_master 8 reviews

The heroes learn that they have new people to fight. They have to do all that and save the world too.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-09-17 - Updated: 2006-09-18 - 1361 words

Tory: Okay here's Chapter 26. Hope you like it.
Ferrets: Tory does not own Class of the Titans. If she did she would make Jay and Archie confess their love to Theresa and Atlanta. She does however own us and all of her stories.
Tory: Now on with the chapter.

Theresa kept screaming in agony over and over again while Jay tried furiously to find out what was wrong. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get an answer out of her. After a few more moments of this it stopped. Theresa fell to the ground with her eyes shut. Jay looked at her with confusion.

" Are you okay?" he asked, approaching her cautiously.

She didn't reply. Theresa just layed there, breathing heavily.

" Theresa?" Jay asked, concern filling his voice.

Then he heard something behind them. Jay turned and searched the hall for the source of the noise. Then he spotted him. Billy.

" What doYOU want?" Jay asked as Billy came closer and closer.

He got no answer. He was starting to feel invisable. Billy kept coming closer and Jay stepped in front of Theresa protectively. Billy stopped in front of Jay and spoke.

" Step aside now. The girl is coming with me." he spoke slowly and with a voice that sent shivers up and down Jay's spine.

" No. You'll have to kill me first." he replied, keeping his stance.

" That can be arranged." Billy smirked.

Jay didn't move. ' No way am I letting this guy hurt her.' he thought.

Billy's smile faded and his gray face took on a more serious look.

" Move aside, NOW." Billy ordered.

" No." Jay replied.

" Fine. If you won't willingly move... I'll force you to." Billy warned.

With that said a fight exploded between Billy and Jay.


The last thing that Atlanta remembered was falling and then a painful impact, yet again, with the ground. She opened her eyes to find that she was in a large room with a hole in the ceiling. As she squinted at the hole she realized that she was looking up at New Olympia. This was where they had fallen through the first time. Atlanta managed to pull herself up. She searched the dim room for any signs of her friends. Her eyes scanned the room but she found no one.

" Hello? Anyone?" she called out.

She waited for a response but the only sounds that met her ears were the sounds of her voice echoing. She sighed and started to walk. She didn't know where to but she wasn't going to sit around. Atlanta walked around for a few minutes before she saw something. A body. And it looked very familiar.

" Archie!" she cried as she ran to his side.

She turned him onto his back and checked for a pulse. It was there. She tried to wake him up.

" Archie. Archie! Wake up!!! Come on. This is NO time to be laying down and resting! GET UP!" she yelled hoping he would hear her.

Atlanta felt tears forming in her eyes as her attempt to wake him up had failed. There was a silence that covered the room like a veil. Then all that could be heard was coughing. Atlanta looked down at Archie. He was awake! He sat up, still coughing, and looked at her. Once his couging fit had subsided he spoke.

" Hey." he said, his voice was hoarse from the fall.

" Are you okay?" she asked, worry glinted in her eyes.

" Yeah. But that's first step is a doozy." he said, his voice returning ot normal.

Atlanta laughed as she helped him up. Archie laughed too. He loved her laugh.

" A little help over here!" another voice rang out.

Archie and Atlanta looked around to find out who said it. Then they saw Odie and Neil digging in a pile of rocks. Archie and Atlanta walked over and started to help them. Then Herry stood up out of the rocks and rubbed his shoulders.

" That's gonna leave a mark." he said.

" So where to now?" Atlanta asked.

" I'm not sure. We could be anywhere." Odie replied.

" We're under our dorm." Atlanta said pointing at the gaping hole above them.

The four boys just looked at her with confusion.

" This is where we fell through the first time." she said as if it was completly obvious.

" So, how does that help us?" Archie asked.

" We can-" Atlanta was cut off.

" It doesn't." a cold voice said.

" Who's there?" Herry asked.

They heard muffled screams and then they saw Billy walk into the light.

" Miss me?" he asked with a smirk.

" As if." Atlanta sneered.

" Well that's too bad. I was hoping to have a party. In fact I even brought your little friends." he replied as he pulled on a rope.

Then five heroes looked as they saw Jay and Theresa dragged out of the shadows. They were both tied and gaged. Jay looked pretty beat up and like he could collapse any second. Billy just stood there, smirking.

" Let them go!" Archie said threateningly.

" Ummm... no." Billy replied.

Archie raced forward. he didn't really have a plan of attack, he just really, really wanted to hurt Billy.

Billy walked back into the shadows and disappeared jsut like that. Leaving Theresa and Jay to fall to the ground. The others ran to their side and untied them. Jay looked horrible and so did Theresa. The others tried to ask them what had happened but they only got a strained answer that could hardly be heard and then the two were out cold.


What had happened to Jay and Theresa...

As Jay and Billy fought Theresa sat up and felt as if she had been hit by a line of buses. She stood up, still feeling woozy and regained her focus just in time to be hit by Billy. This got Jay mad. He attacked Billy with all he had. And of course, Billy being already dead and all, Jay's attacks were just a waste of his energy. But never the less Jay fought on. Throwing every attack and manuver he had at Billy.

" Jay! Stop!" Theresa begged, knowing his efforts wouldn't help them.

Jay didn't reply, he had only one thing on his mind, get Billy. When Jay started to get tired Billy attacked. Jay was hit by attacks that could kill a man. But his determination kept him going. Until he was too tired and injured to even see straight. Billy used this opprotunity to strike. He set a bomb down adn disappeared.

" Jay!" Theresa cried, having seen everything.

She rushed to pull him away in time but the bomb went off. The explosion sent them both flying. Then Billy returned and tied them up.


Many hours passed before Jay and Theresa woke. First Theresa came to then Jay. The others had spent the last few hours trying to figure out a way to escape. Once everyone was up and bandaged things took a turn for the worst. Suddenly the lights went out and things became very cold.

" Great now what?" Archie asked sarcastically.

" Now...," a voice rang out, " you die."

The, without futher warning, the heroes were attacked by unseen fighters. Within minutes the heroes were forced into the corner and had no way out. Suddenly the lights came back on and the identities of tehir attackeres were revealed. The heroes were face to face with their look alikes. Their look alikes matched them equally in strength and looks. There was no way the heroes could win.

Can the heroes win? Will they come up with a plan to beat their look alikes? Where is Cronus in all this? Find out in the next chapter.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hope you liked it. In the next chapter will be a huge fight scene and their will most likey be some J/T and A/A. But nothing is for sure yet. The next chapter will either be posted next weekend or sometime during the week. Once agian all that will depend on how much homework I get. I will try to update during the week. Please R+R and constructive critism is also welcome. ^_^
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