Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Darkness Within

Many Surprises

by story_master 5 reviews

You'll just have to read it to find out. ^_^ ( sorry but I can't write a summary without giving everything away)

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-09-15 - Updated: 2006-09-16 - 1429 words

Tory: Hi! YAY! It's the weekend. I'll be able to write a few chapters. Well after my homework is done, but I'll leave that till tomorrow.
Ferrets: Tory does not own CotT, but she does own the stories she writes and us.
Tory: Anyway enough out of me and... On with the fanfic...

Odie, Herry, Neil, Archie and Atlanta had been walking for what seemed like an eternity. It had been mostly quiet because they were all a little freaked out about the place they were in and they were all in pain from the entire realm flipping upside down. It was almost peaceful as they walked in silence down the never ending halls of the strange place... almost peaceful.

" I'm tired. Let's stop for a break. We've been walking for hours!" Neil whined as he slid down a wall onto the refreshingly cold marble floor.

" We need to find Jay and There-" Archie was cut off.

" Neil's right. We have been walking for a long time and I'm kinda tired too. Let's just take a short break." Atlanta said, joining Neil on the floor.

" Fine." Archie reluctantly agreed and sat down as well.

Odie and Herry also joined their friends. Odie took out his PMR and tried to get a gps lock on Theresa nad Jay, with little luck.

" Agghhh!" Odie cried in frustration as he smacked the tiny device.

" What?" Herry asked as he looked over at his friend.

" Something is jamming the signal. I can't get a lock on them." Odie replied as he shoved his PMR into his pocket.

There was anotehr silence while Neil looked in his mirror, Archie and Atlanta checked their cuts and bandaged them, Odie layed on the floor and Herry leaned againt the wall. Their semi- nice moment was interrupted by an earthquake.

" What's that?" Neil asked, his voice shaking becaue of the tremors.

" Not what. Who!" Herry said as he pointed down the hall at an incoming person.

The figure stopped about 2 meters away from them. He was wearing a black cloak and had the hood up so you could only see his mouth. He smiled and pointed a finger at the five friends. Then he laughed.

" Who are you?" Archie demanded, standing up.

The figure's laughing grew louder and louder. Then he stopped and pulled down his hood. Archie and Atlanta stared in shock.


Theresa was now slipping off the edge and hung on barely. Jay struggled to grab her hand but something kept pulling him back.

" Jay I don't know how much longer I can hold on." Theresa said as her fingers started to come off the edge one by one.

Jay searched desperatly around for somehting to use as a rope. He saw a tapestry laying on the floor and picked it up. Then he threw one end towards Theresa.

" Grab on." he ordered her.

Theresa reached a hand over to the makeshift rope put it was too far away.

" I can't reach it." she replied.

Jay couldn't get any closer to the edge because something always pushed him back. Jay then backed away from the edge and stood up. He walked towards but was once again pushed back. He backed up and then ran at the unseen barrier and he broke through. This sent his flying over the edge. He did manage, however, to grab onto a piece of the wall that Theresa was also holding onto.

She started to slip off the edge and then her final finger fell. She felt herself falling and knew her end was near. She shut her eyes and waited for the bone crushing landing. Then something grabbed her body and pulled her up. She slowly opened an eye and saw that Jay had caught her and was now pulling the two to safety.

Once safe on the solid ground and far away from the edge, the two collapsed to the ground.

" Thanks." Theresa said, turning her head to look at Jay.

" No problem." Jay replied, giving her a smile.

There was a silence but it was short lived. Theresa all of a sudden began to laugh uncontrollably. She couldn't help herself.

" Theresa?" Jay asked, concern in his voice.

She couldn't answer him, she was too busy trying to stop herself from laughing. After a few more minutes of laughing it subsided and Theresa stood up.

" What was that about?" Jay asked confused.

" I don't know. I just had to laugh." she replied with a smile.

" Had to laugh? In our situation?" Jay asked, standing up to face her.

" Yeah. It's all so crazy. Everything that's happened. It unbelievable yet it's real. It's so crazy you just have to sit back, look at it all and laugh." Theresa said as she began to walk.

Jay stood there for a moment dumbfounded before he ran to catch up with her.

" What?" he was still completely lost.

" Nevermind. Let's just find the others and get out of here. This place is seriously creepy." Theresa replied, shuddering.

The two walked down the halls. Suddenly Theresa fell forward, she had tripped on a pick of debris from the walls. She fell into Jay's arms and looked up at him. They stared into each others eyes for the longest time but neither wanted to look away. Jay helped Theresa to stand up straight. They leaned closer and closer together until their lips met. When they pulled away both were blushing.

" Uhh... sorry." Jay said, embaressed that he had just kissed her especially considering the situation they were in.

" Yeah. I hated that." Theresa replied sarcastically with a huge smile.

She started to stroll down the hall she had only made it a few steps before she fell to the ground.


" YOU!!" they cried in unision.

Yes. Me." the figure replied.

Archie took a step forward but Atlanta stopped him. Rage burned inside both but they knew they couldn't fight a dead person.

" Uhh.. do you guys feel like we're missing something here?" Odie asked Neil and Herry.

They just nodded in agreement.

" What do you want Billy?" Archie asked, he said Billy's name as if it were poison.

" Billy??" Herry, Odie and Neil asked at the same time.

" Well you see my father isn't too fond of unwanted visitors. He asked me to... how should I put it?.... Have fun with you.." Billy replied smirking, knowing that they coulnd't hurt him.

" Deal with us how?" Atlanta asked suspiously.

" Oh you know... have a little fun with you. We don't get many guests down here. And those that do come I get to keep as my personal entertainment." his smirk only grew wider.

Atlanta got a bad feeling in her gut. She knew that whatever he had in store wasn't going to be fun.

" Like we'd ever take orders from you." Archie retorted.

" I'm afraid it's not up for discussion." Billy replied.

" Oh ya? And how exactly do you expect to make us listen to you?" Archie asked.

Billy walked forward and placed a hand under Atlanta's chin, " I have my ways." he said before snapping his fingers.

Atlatna pulled awya with disgust. Then the ground started to shake again and a giant hole opened up below them and they were consumed by shadows.


Theresa's hands flew to her head as she screamed out in agony. Jay rushed to her side and tried to figure out what was wrong.

" Theresa? Theresa? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice was frantic and worry stricken.

" Make it stop!" was all she managed to say. Over and over.

" Make what stop?" Jay asked, not sure what she meant.

" Make it stop!" she replied once more.

What's wrong with Theresa? What does Billy have in store for the others? Could this be the end for them? Read the next chatper to find out.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hope you liked it! I will probably update tomorrow or sunday... or both. I just love to add in new twists and end with cliff hangers. It's so much fun! Yay! There was a brief fluffy moment. And there will be more to come as the story comes to an end. But not too soon cause I still have some ideas left. I'm not sure how many chapters are left in this story but there are still many to come. Oh and just a warning for the next chapter there may some swearing by Archie and Jay. And possibly lots of violence in the next or so chapter. Anyways sorry for the long note, please rate and review. Constructive critism is also welcome. ^_^
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