Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fighting To Live

chapter 24

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 24

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-09-17 - Updated: 2006-09-18 - 836 words

crying on command is fun! lol but thank you for taking the time to review you guys rock! now who ever is flaming the story again there is a little button like two or three spaces to the left of the one you keep clicking on. Try clicking that one and leaving a comment. Its more effective then just rating :)
but enough of my talking and on to the story

Chapter 24

Stacey's POV

Why does rain always have to ruin our fun. Looking outside I jumped as lightening flashed and thunder echoed through the house.

"Hey lets watch a movie?" Patrick suggested getting up and walking over to the movie rack. "who's up for a scary movie?"

Laura and I met gazes and instantly protested "NO!" Shrugging he put the movie in anyways "you're out voted"

Jumping onto the couch I snuggled into Pete's shoulder "protect me?" Smiling down he kissed my head "always"

I glared at Patrick as the credits for Scream scrolled across the scream. This is the one movie that gives me nightmares.

The last one I had was with the scream dude chasing me in a jail and I couldn't get out. And it was like an never ending row of cells kinda random I know but hey what the hell.

Laura's POV

"I so want one of those masks" Joe laughed pointing to the screen. Looking up at him I growled "not if you ever want to sleep in my bed again"

He smirked tickling my sides "your bed?" I laughed begging him to stop but was quickly silenced as the power cut out.

"oh god! You had to put in a scary movie too" I whined hiding under Joe's arm. "Man go check the power" Patrick laughed nudging andy. "dude did you learn anything from the movie! You don't go down to the basement if the lights go out!"

He turned to us ladies "you girls should go! Girls are always the last to go" Lizy looked up from under patrick's arm "haha virgins never die in scary movies, Andy we all know your not getting any you go" it was good to see her interacting with us even if it is at Andy's expense. Oh well. He'll get over it

"how do you know!" he pouted crossing his arms. "I'm just good like that"

Pete sighed getting up "alright kidies I'll be right back" he bowed walking out of the room


Joe's POV

"oops he's a goner now! Loved him while it lasted" I laughed dodging the pillow stacey had thrown at me. "you get to protect me now too" she grinned pouncing on my side that laura was laying on.

"you whore get off me" she laughed pushing her to the ground. I jumped as the house phone went off.

"um just out of curiousity if the power is off shouldn't the phone not be working?" Ana asked staring at the phone intently. "don't answer it!" I yelled throwing it across the room. That's another rule to a scary movie you NEVER answer the phone.

"whats taking pete so long?" shaking my head I shrugged, I told them he was a goner. "he's dead and anyone who leaves will die too. It's a rule"

"dude you have seen one to many scary movies. I think they are getting to you" Patrick laughed while trying to comfort Lizy.

"he's not dead! Don't say that! just what I need" stacey mummbled adding something about fucking nightmares?

Pete's POV

Laughing I dialed the house number again. Why not have some fun right? I have a feeling I will be shot for doing this but oh well. Atleast I will go with a laugh.

"Stop calling!" Lizy screamed into the phone before slamming it shut. I love being able to block your number. Its not like they would check the caller ID anyways. They are to scared to even move probably.

Cutting the power on again then off I heard the girls scream then it hit me like a bag of bricks. I guess scaring people is not the best thing to do when your baby is trying to get over nightmares?

I turned the power back on walking back upstairs. "you didn't die!" laura yelled throwing her arms around me. "ofcourse not! I told you I would be back" She nodded glaring at joe. Joe and his stupid scary movie rules he needs to get out more.

"what happened?" I asked playing clueless "the phone was ringing and the power was still out! How the hell does it do that?! Then the lights started spazzing out and the phone kept ringing and ringing and it was scary!"

I tried so hard to keep a straight face as laura told me the story but it didn't work out to well. "you asshole!" she yelled smaking my arm.

"it was all out of fun!" I defended holding up my arms trying to block the shots. "that wasn't funny!
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