Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fighting To Live

Chapter 28

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 28

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-09-18 - Updated: 2006-09-19 - 1172 words

Chapter 28

Laura's POV

I sat in the sand, very once in a while looking up gazing at the water. It was well before six am and I couldnt sleep. It hadnt sank in all the way, and I dont think it really ever will. I was going to devote my entire life to just him. I'd pretty much done that the past five years. wow. five years. that was a milestone in itself. but this was huger then just boyfriend, girlfriend titles. I'd take his last name. I'd be refered to as Mrs. no longer ms. and this would be happening sooner then I ever thought it would. Actually I never I would be getting ready to do this. Bridal books, and flower arrangements. This rebel was in the mind set of not getting married ever and just hooking up with random guys for the rest of my life.. at one point that is. I looked down at the planner I had in my lap flipping the page over. Saturday, September 1st. Joe's 27th birthday! was written. I quickly flipped back and forth. Oh no. a week away. I hadnt even asked what he wanted. hmm nor had anyone else thought about it, and if they did; they didnt say anything.
"Sneaking away now?" I looked up seeing Patrick and Andy, the sat on both sides as I closed my planner.
"Secrets," Andy laughed grabbing the notebook flipping it to the page I was at, "The first is saturday?" he looked at me.
"Yeah so," Patrick mumbled.
"September 1st," I looked at Patrick.
"What's so special about that?"
"Its Joe's birthday!" Andy reached over me hitting Patrick with the book. Patrick thought about it for a second.
"Ohh, how is he gonna be?" I shook my head, grabbing my planner.
"27," I answered.
"You should know, dont you know how old you are?" Andy rolled his eyes.
"I cant forget things?" Patrick mumbled, "So what are you doing for his birthday?"
"I dont know," I shrugged.
"Well find out and let us know," Patrick nodded his head in agreement with Andy.
"When's the big day?" Patrick asked after a moment of silence, taking my hand looking at my ring.
"No set date, just sometime earlier spring, we agree that last night,"
"Cool, ey just dont put us in these weird tuxes," Andy pointed at me.
"Im gonna make you all wear bright orange," I smiled, they just stared at me.
"I feel so bad for Joe," Patrick shook his head.
"Hey," I yelled pushing him.
"You're evil, bright orange? I wont go if I gotta wear bright orange,"
"Then I guess I dont have to put you on the guest list," I laughed.
"How long have you been out here?" I looked up seeing Joe stand there, tapping his foot in the sand.
"Morning," I smiled up at him, he kept a serious face, "Since like five something," I shrugged.
"Why?" he asked.
"Cause I couldnt sleep,"
"Hey guys! breakfast!" Ana yelled at us. Patrick and Andy got up racing each other back to the house.
"You arent just suppose to leave while im sleeping, are you trying to kill me?"
"No," I shook my head, "Babe," I mumbled, as he wrapped his arms around me, as we walked back to the house, huh he mumbled in my ear, "What do you want for your birthday?"
"You." I stopped turning and looking at him.
"You allready have that, what else do you want?"
"I dont know, nothing really, just chill at home, me and you,"
"Something we do often? nothing special you want?"
"That is special, what you talking about?" I thought about it for a moment, in a way it was, but it was something we did repeatedly.

Pete's POV

"Morning!" I smiled walking into the kitchen. Patrick, Lizy, Ana and Andy looked at me, "What cant I say morning??" I asked, "Morning!" I smiled as Joe and Laura walked into the kitchen.
"Morning," Laura mumbled sitting down, "Why are you so happy?" I smirked looking to the door way.
"Peacefully night,"
"Very," Stacey smiled sitting next to me.
"EW, private shit stays out of the kitchen," Laura covered her ears. I looked at her, as she uncovered them.
"Done?" I asked. she nodded, shrugging, "I didnt mean it that way," I watched their mouths drop open, Patrick dropped his fork onto the plate, staring at me.
"What happen?" Lizy asked.
"Cant I say something without you people freaking out," I put my hands up grabbing a piece of toast. They shook their heads.
"We think hes figured out a way to get rid of my nightmares," Stacey mumbled, they all said ohh, like it was practiced or something. We sat laughing and eating. Enjoying this sunday morning. Tomorrow we'd head back to reality; but at least we had a peace of relaxation while being out here.
"Saturday night, think we could set up a surpise party?" Laura whispered after she watched Joe head upstairs to take a shower.
"His birthday's saturday?" I asked, thinking about the date. she nodded.
"He said he just wanted to chill, but I wanna surpise him with a party,"
"We could try," I mumbled.
"What kind of theme?" Stacey asked.
"I dont know, whatever, I just remembered this morning, thank god for planners," she shook her head.
"Now I dont feel so bad," I laughed, as she hit me, "He wants to marry you and you forgot his birthday, my forgetting it is minor,"
"Thanks," she rolled her eyes.
"Guitars everywhere, and a layered guitar cake," Lizy spoke up. we looked at each other nodding.
"Guitars for what?" me, Laura and Stacey turned seeing Joe, considering our backs were to him.
"Just ideas for stuff," Ana shrugged. Joe looked at us.
"Cool," he mumbled sitting down.

Stacey's POV

We got dressed in our suits heading back out for surfing lessons. "Not today, im not gonna loose my ring again," Laura shook her head sitting on the sand. Joe and Pete tried to make her go but she just refused, if she had to take off the ring then she wasnt surfing. I decided to sit out to, "So what did he do that helped?" she asked as I sat down next to her.
"He sang," I smiled.
"Are you sure its gonna work next time?" she asked.
"I dont know, we'll just have to wait and see," I shrugged.
"I pray it will," she leaned her head against my arm, "Id take over the nightmares for you if I could," she smiled.
"I know, thanks, so birthday plans," I changed the subject.
"I was thinking of renting out a club and finding a way of getting him there, I dont like telling him I want him to go dancing with me, and then everyone be there,"
"That sounds good, but how are you gonna get him to go dancing with you?"
"I dont know, havent figured that out yet, im sure i'll think of something,"
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