Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires will never hurt you, or will they...

I found the cure to growing older...

by Sarah_punkrockpirate 3 reviews

new chapter, old story, you guys know this already, gerard's pov of what happened, more soon, hopefully

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-09-19 - Updated: 2006-09-19 - 1649 words

Chapter three
Gerard pov around two days earlier

I pulled Amie off the ground, she was in shock, I think, she was weak but we managed to make it back to the resistance with her leaning on me. Bob was carrying Frank. Frank had been bit pretty bad, the wolf had ripped at his neck while clawing his chest and arms, it was shocking to see, but what was even worse was the lack of bleeding, he was changing already. Jamie's leg was bleeding pretty badly, but it wasn't serious and Ray helped her back after we put a splint on it and stopped the blood flow.
We took them into the hospital and left them in the medics care,
'See you in a bit' I said to Amie, but I don't think she heard me
We sat in the waiting room while Frank, Amie and Jamie were being treated. After a while Jamie came back, limping slightly but her face looked much brighter,
'What happened? How are they?' I said franticly getting to my feet
'They're fine for now' Jamie replied with a grim look that was not at all reassuring
'their dad convinced Jake to let them live until we see what their like when, well, you know...'she trailed off
'Where are they? I have to see them now' I demanded
'Their in Holding rooms, 7a-d but we're not allowed to see them' she said
'What do you mean we can't see them!?!' I screamed
'Hey don't yell at me' said Jamie with rare attitude
'Sorry, I didn't mean, i'm just, I just, I'm worried ok' I said trying to find the right words
'It's ok, I get it' she said with a knowing look, she was the only one who knew about how I felt about Amie, and I wasn't planning on anyone else finding out, She only knew because she caught me staring at Amie then accused me of liking her. Ok, so I know it didn't have to admit it but Jamie had a weird way of getting things out of me, especially when I don't want her to know, but I know she would never, I mean NEVER tell anyone any of my secrets.
'So what now?' asked Ray
'We wait' said Bob
'This is all my fault' said Mikey and buried his face in his hands
'What no it wasn't' I said realising what was going through his mind
'Yes it was, I should have just left, why did I go in?' he said still sobbing
'Hey' I said sitting next to him and putting my arm around him, 'you didn't know what would happen, there's never been werewolves in there before, how could you have known, we can't change it now' I said softly so only he could hear, I tried hard to make him feel better, hugging him close and talking to him in comforting tones. He remained silent and soon fell asleep as it grew late. We sat in silence knowing all we could do is wait...
The next day we I woke to find Mikey, Bob and Ray gone and Jamie looking at me,
'whatsgoingonwhereseveryonegone?' I mumbled sleepily
'Breakfast der' she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, dragging me to my feet and off to the cafeteria where everyone was sitting.
'About time' said Mikey smiling
'Here' Ray chucked a piece of toast at me
'Jee thanks Ray' I said sarcastically 'I do so enjoy plain, cold toast' I said getting up and walking to the counter to buy a bowl of porridge and a side of bacon.
'Any time' said Ray smiling as I chucked plastic forks at him
I sat down laughing and we enjoyed breakfast, momentarily forgetting our problems, this didn't last long as Frank and Amies father, Andrew walked in and came over to us
'Hey guys, how're you holding up?' he asked
'Fine, so far, what about you?' I replied
'Ok i'm so worried, I just wish I could see them' he said sadly. We sat in silence then decided to go back to the waiting room. We sat there all day, mostly in silence, only leaving for food and bathroom. I was so anxious to know if they were ok or not, it was screwing with my mind, I felt as though if I spoke I would throw up. When it got late I curled up on the seat with a blanket and lay awake with my eyes shut. Bob was snoring loudly and Ray was talking in his sleep, man that guy never shuts up. I smiled to myself and fell, once again into a dreamless sleep.

'Gerard' Mikey shook me awake
'Huh?' I said 'what's going on, are they letting us in?' I asked hopefully
'Not yet but Andrew's talking to Andy now, I thought we could go as well, see if we can convince them to let us in' he replied
'Ok' I said sitting up 'Where is everyone?' I asked him
'Out getting lunch' he said helping me up
'Ok' I said and we walked down the corridor towards Andrew and Andy. They were arguing by the open door of holding room 7a-d, where Frank and Amie were being kept.
'I just want to see my children, is that to much to ask' Said Andrew angrily to Andy
'I already told you, go in if you must but you can't let them out, Jake's orders' said Andy starting to get angry
'They're not monster's, you can't lock them up like this' Andrew said trying hard not to yell
'Yeah, I need to see them, you can't keep them in there forever' I said suddenly 'they're my best friends, you have to let us in'
'It's not like they're going to attack us' said Mikey confidently 'they're our friends'
'Jake said they have to stay there until we know if they're safe' said Andy
'Why can't we go in with them?' I whined
'It's to dangerous, full moon tonight remember' said Andy angrily 'You can talk through the glass and that's it' he stalked off down the corridor.
Andrew sighed 'I guess we can't do much else yet, shit! I'm supposed to be on duty!' he said looking at his watch, 'I'll be back tonight, look after them for me Gee' he said quickly, and ran off down the hall and disappeared from sight. I was a bit hesitant of what I would find in the room but Mikey stepped forward and I followed him in,
'Gerard!!!' screamed Frank, getting to his feet and pressing against the glass, Amie looked at me and started laughing uncontrollably, soon Mikey and I joined in and ended up rolling on the floor gasping for breath. I was so happy to see they were ok, I spent the afternoon blissfully happy, I couldn't help it. There were a few awkward moments but they were soon forgotten. We spent the afternoon talking and soon Bob, Jamie and Ray joined us, Frank screaming their names and sending us back into fits of laughter, it was just like old times, as though nothing was wrong. I think I was trying to put off the truth, I preferred to live in this fantasy than to try face reality, I didn't want to realise that nothing would be the same again.
Soon Andrew came in after his duty was over, and I knew what that meant...
'Dad!' Frank and Amie said together, getting to their feet
'Frank, Amie it's so good to see you' he said with a smile. They stood there looking at each other, they looked so happy, I didn't want to say anything, I felt as though I was simply intruding on a private family moment and stood there silently. I was trying to delay the inevitable, I guess I thought if maybe I didn't think about it, then it wouldn't happen. But then I looked at Frank and my fears were confirmed. His body was shaking and his eyes were rolling back, he was screaming in pain.
'Shit, it must be sunset!' said Ray
'What do we do?' Amie said franticly
'We can't do anything' said Andrew a little too calmly 'We have to wait it out, see if he remembers us, that's what Jake is counting on'
'And if he doesn't?' Amie was pale and shaking, I wanted to comfort her so badly, it was hard for me to see Frank like this, I can't imagine what it was like for her
'We'll see' Andrew said solemnly
Frank fell to the floor screaming, I felt sickened, how could this happen? Frank was such a great guy, he was in pain he didn't deserve, but he fighting it with every ounce of his being. He clutched at his stomach as him bones began to crack and reform, his teeth were becoming long and pointed, fur sprouted on his body and he was screaming so loudly I thought my head would explode. It was horrible to see but I felt it was my duty to watch. His pain was so intense I could almost feel it then suddenly it stopped. Frank the wolf slowly got to his feet, shaking and unsteady, but his appearance was still threatening
'Frankie?' Amie asked as I held my breath, afraid of what the answer would be.

This chapter is dedicated to my bud Xanthe and all of my lovely reviewers, thank you so much
ok so I know that's not anything new but i hope you liked it anyway and will leave me reviews if you enjoyed it :) tell me if there's anything you would like to happen and i'll see what i can do. I will update asap I promise so that you can get something new to think about, although this chapter should get you thinking, hopefully
more soon xo

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