Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Get Busy Living...


by BlueEyedBlonde 2 reviews

Chapter 6

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-09-19 - Updated: 2006-09-19 - 399 words

"Shit," Kali mumbled the next morning looking at her phone.

"What is it?" Pete asked rubbing his tired eyes.

"My dad...he called 3 times already, Im gonna go...I'll see you later ok?" she said kissing him on the cheek.

"Ok I'll call you later or something," he said yawning.

Kali got up to put on her clothes, Pete noticed the bruise again and rolled over thinking to himself....

How could he even think about hitting her

"Well, Im going..I'll talk to you later," she said walking to the door, "Oh and Pete?" she asked

"Yea?" he said lifting his head off the pillow to look at her.

"Thank you," she said smiling.

Pete gave her a grin and got out of bed walking over to her. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Anytime," he said before she turned and walked out the door.

She pulled up to her mom and dads house and got out of the car. She walked in and her mother came over to her.

"Oh sweetie how are you? John called and said that you guys broke up.." her mom said sweetly.

"Im fine mom, really, I met someone...and I think you will realy like him.."

"Oh really whats his name?" her mom asked

"Pe-" she was cut off by the sound of her fathers voice.

"So, after your done with one guy, you just move to another..? John was the best thing that ever happened to you Kali, how could just break up with him without even giving him a reason?" her dad said sternly..

She and her dad had never really gotten along, her and mother shared something very special, and Kali thought her dad was jealous of that..but he didnt have to be such a dick all the time....


"Well sure but dont you think he deserves another chance?" he said

"No, No I dont" she said in reply.

"And you know what else dad, he hit me! And Im not staying with someone who hits me!" she yelled lifting up her shirt so her dad could see the bruise on her side...she saw her dads face and she felt the tears well up in her eyes so she did what she always did...she ran...and she knew just who she was running to...
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