Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Get Busy Living...

They Always Come Running...

by BlueEyedBlonde 0 reviews

Chapter 7

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-09-27 - Updated: 2006-09-27 - 421 words

"What happened?" Pete asked as she came through the door, with puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks...

"He doesnt care...he doesnt even give a shit," she sobbed falling onto the floor.

"Who doesnt? Whats going on?" he asked running over to her.

"My dad, he didnt even care that John hit me, or cheated on me...he wouldnt care if I fell off the face of the earth!" she said wipping away tears.

"I care.." Pete said lifting her chin.

He gave her a smile and kissed her nose, she sniffed as he helped her get off the floor. Pete sat down on the couch and pulled her down on him, she laid there with her head on his lap silently crying until she fell asleep. Pete kissed her on the cheek and fell asleep as well.

A few hours later Pete awoke to the ringing of Kali's cell. He picked it up to see the word "mom" flash across it...


"Hi..Um who am I speaking to?" she asked.

"This is Pete."

"Oh so you must be the guy my daughter said I would like...she's very fond of you ya know.."

"Yea, you have a very special daughter mam." Pete said smiling down at Kali who was still sleeping.

"Oh call me Katie," she said.

"Well Katie, Kali is asleep right now...she came home kinda upset so I dont think it would be a good idea to wake her right now.." Pete said running his hand through Kali's hair.

"Oh you're right Dear, dont wake her, but when she does wake up can you have her call me?"

"Oh yea sure thing..."

"Well, alright, and you tell her I said to bring you to meet me ok?" she said trying to sound cheerful but you could tell she was upset.

"Ok I will," Pete said slightly laughing.

"Alright dear Buh bye..."


"Who was that?" Kali asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes..

"That was your mom," Pete said.

"Oh what did she say?"

"She wants you to call her later, she sounded kinda upset,"

"Oh is that all she wanted?" Kali asked yawning.

"She also wants to meet me.." Pete said raising his eye brows up and down.

Kali giggled and kissed Pete softly on the lips before Pete wrapped his arms around her making the kiss more passionate. She got up and led him into the bedroom..taking off his shirt she kicked the door shut.

>>>Sorry its so short...I'm in class...
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