Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fighting To Live

chapter 33

by youngandreckless 2 reviews

chapter 33

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-09-19 - Updated: 2006-09-20 - 554 words

its short but its something lol

Chapter 33

Lizy's POV

I excused myself from the party walking to the bathroom. My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to be sick. I was doing soo well and now this. Great.

Walking into the bathroom I splashed some cold water on my face taking deep breaths. My world felt like it was closing in around me. I couldnt catch my breath.

I grabbed a hold of the sink, using it to hold myself up. Things started to go blurry, and then I could see, blurry again.

Nessa's POV

"bathroom be right back," I mumbled to Charlie getting up. I walked around the people, stopping, say excuse me a couple times, before tapping my foot I know they heard me, i finally pushing through them, "God move allready," I shook my head.

I walked to the bathroom, knocking on it. No answer. "Someone in there?" No answer. "Uh this isnt happening," I mumbled.

"Bathroom locked again?" I nodded to the club worker that walked pass me, "Here you go,"

"Thank you," I smiled as he unlocked the door, walking away.

Pushing the door open it stopped suddenly. Now what. Sighing infrustration I pushed harder. A body slid into view. Blood was everywhere. Oh my. I think I'm going to be sick.

Pushing the door open more purlple streaks caught my attention oh my God its Lizy. "someone call 911" I screamed bending down to check on her.

"liz. Lizy c'mon wake up!" She wasn't responding. I checked for breathing and a pluse. There wasn't either.


Pete's POV

I watched a kid run out of the back screaming something about 911. what the hell?

"guys? Where are the girls?" everyone looked at each other before jumping up and running in the direction the kid had just come from.

Pushing open the bathroom door I saw Nessa performing CPR on Lizy. I pulled out my phone dialing 911 just incase someone hasn't already.

"they are on their way" I told nessa. I didn't know what to do I felt so helpless.

"Is she breathing?" Patrick asked kneeling next to her. Nessa shook her head not answering.

The parametics arrived not to long after taking her to the hospital. Patrick rode with them and we followed.

"how is she?" I asked as we walked up to patrick. He shook his head sadly looking up at us "the cancer spread into her brain stem. They are surprised she hadnt shown symptoms before. They don't know if she is going to make it" he choked breaking down.

Sitting next to him I pulled him into my arms fighting back tears. Looking at the others I saw they werent fighting them.

"I should have tried harder" Nessa cried into charlie's shoulder you. "you did all you could. If it wasn't for you she would be dead. Atleast she has a some chance no matter how small"

Joe's POV

Wow this is a great way to spend a birthday. It all seems so unreal. One minute she is happy and the next she is fighting for her life. I was trying to be strong but it was hard.

I looked down at laura pulling her close. I don't know what I would do if it had been her going through his shit.
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