Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories
Hidden Memories
(#) itsdynomite 2006-09-21
oh wow i hope he wakes up and remembers
write more soon please
i'll definatly be waiting for the update
you two are amazing writersHidden Memories
(#) PiecesInMe 2006-09-21
Aww...I cant imagine that....having someone you love in a coma and then if they wake up they might not even remember Im so glad you did another story! i cant wait for me soon!Hidden Memories
(#) patrickdance4me 2006-09-22
aw! i didnt get to read the first chapter because my computer is messed up but now i am sad! i hope he wakes up. lizy dying was bad enough, but if he dies... well, i just cant imagine joe dying. that would suck really bad. and now i have to go study for a biology 2 test and i'm sad :(Hidden Memories
(#) KitKathy4Real 2006-09-22
omg no joe has to wake up im in love with their love! lol great story!
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