Categories > Games > Undertale > AU Sans X Reader Chan!

Ink X Heartbroken! Reader

by DaKawaiiMarionette 0 reviews

Title says it all!!

Category: Undertale - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2019-05-07 - 440 words

You lay curled up on the bed, crying, attempting to nurse your broken heart with music. Impossible blares from your headphones...the headphones that were a present from Drake, your previous boyfriend. You sob harder, yanking off your headphones, throwing them across the room. You glare at the neko headphones in disgust, as the heartbreak comes anew.

Flashback time

"D, I'm hoooooome!" You shouted, using your pet name for your (human) boyfriend. You loved him to death, despite Ink's (your best friend) disapproval. You two had been together for almost a year now. You slammed the door behind you.

"Drake, where are you?"

You heard something coming from the kitchen, and you follow the source of the noise, which must be Drake. Your eyes widen in horror at the sight before you, however.

Your beloved "D" had another girl-oh my god, my cousin!!, you think- pinned up against the wall, kissing her passionately. "D-Drake.." tears welled up in your eyes.

He finally looked up at you, mid grope, and said, "Y/n, this isn't what you think-"

But you were already out the door.

Flashback over

Your phone bleeps.

I swear to God, if it's Drake calling to "apologize", I'll- But you pause when you see the ID. It's Ink, your skeleton best friend. You glance down at the text.

Are you okay, Y/n? I know what Drake did.

NO. Then as an afterthought, Come over.

If anyone would be able to help you through this heartbreak, it was Ink. Even though he was usually busy with AU's, you knew he would make time for you.

About ten minutes later, you hear a knock at the door. Getting up from your bed, you go to answer it. Ink is standing on the other side, with a box of (Favorite Candy) and some tissues.

You open the door, and you're immediately embraced in a hug. "I heard what Drake did. I'm really sorry, Y/n."

"It's okay, Ink." You smile to show you're "okay".

"No, its not! That condescending jerk had absolutely no right to cheat on you!! Y-your're smart and beautiful and funny, and-" He stops, and blushes.

You stare. What? Ink...could me? You can't help but think.

He takes your hand. "I know your still heartbroken, but I still just wanted to let you know...I love you."

He looks down.

All the times, good and bad that you've been through with Ink go through your head. That's when you realize there was really no need to be heartbroken at all, cuz you did have someone who loved you: Ink.

"I love you too, Ink."
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