Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Show time
The next morning Jenna was up early as usual she wriggled out of Benji’s grip. She got dressed and made coffee whilst Benji was still softly snoring. Just as she was about to sit down with her coffee max walked in and grinned when he saw her.
“good morning.” She smiled simply at him knowing all what was about to come from him.
“and is it a good Morning?” max smirked pouring a cup of coffee.
“yes it is the suns shining...” she tried to play innocent.
“and you and Benji got...” max started grinning.
“shhh, he’s still sleeping.” Jenna laughed putting her hand over his mouth knowing the playful torment he was going to force her to endure for the forcible.
“oh really.” He said seriously for a moment. “kept him up that late did you?” he winked and laughed.
“shut it you child.” She laugh playfully smacking him on the shoulder. Just then Benji walked in.
“morning.” He said groggily.
“good morning.” Max grinned.
“coffee?” Jenna asked standing up pouring herself a second cup and Benji one.
“please.” He smiled sitting down at the table by where Jenna was just sat opposite max.
“oh I see special treatment you never get me a cup of coffee.” Max said in jest.
“your not a guest.” Jenna shot back with a smirk.
“and second cup for you must have been a late night.” Max joked Benji missed the joke from yawning Jenna gave max a playful warning look noticing Benji yawning she laughed to herself he never was a morning person.
“thanks.” Benji smiled groggily as she placed the cup in front of him sitting down next to him opposite max. “what time is it?”
“6.30.” Jenna said.
“what?!” Benji said shocked.
“I know she’s a maniac she insists we have to be up at this time every morning apparently horses need feeding, well fuck everyone else’s sleep if horses want feeding.” Max complained in their usual banter joking way.
“they do and we have to be up at his time to get shit done.” Jenna defended.
“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind the odd lie in.” Benji smiled with a laugh.
“and who’s side are you on.” Jenna joked outrage.
“hey I’m just trying to compromise.” Benji defended holding his hands up.
“well isn't this cosy.” Max laughed at the three of them in the small horse box bickering over morning coffee.
“well don't get too comfortable because we’ve got a busy day.” Jenna smiled getting up putting her cup in the sink max groaned.
“yay I love pack up day.” Max said sarcastically Jenna did a face of I hate it too but it’s got to be done.
“right well I best leave you two to it then I go check in with the guys.” Benji said standing up. “if I don’t get to see you before you go good luck.” He said giving Jenna a quick kiss on his way out
“thanks well be pretty full on here till late but if we get a moment ill let you know.” Jenna smiled.
Max and Jenna’s day went as follows they started their usual day routine of doing the stable jobs, getting the horses ready for the shows, helping over at the big top, Jenna getting changed and ready for the shows, doing the show then back to the stables to sort the horses for lunch, reset the big top for the second show, grab a bite to eat for lunch, back to get the horses and Jenna ready for the next show, doing the second show, sorting the big top for the night and next day, then sorting the horses for the night but including competition prep as they’d be leaving in the very early hours of the morning for the competition the next day, cleaning all the tack and packing all the equipment needed for the trip.
As Benji walked onto the bus Dean and Billy was sat in the kitchen area. Joel and Rachel was at the far end of the bus on the sofa.
“good morning and where was you last night do we need to ask?” Dean grinned and Billy smiled at him as he went to sit with them
“I take it everything's ok with you and Jenna after last night?” Billy said more quietly to Benji eyeing Rachel briefly.
“yeah we’re fine.” Benji said he couldn’t help the smile on his face.
“looks like more than fine from the smiled on your face.” Dean laughed Benji nodded still smiling.
“it’s so nice you two have found each other again it’s like fait.” Billy smiled Benji smiled and nodded.
“it’s always been Jenna I just never thought we'd ever see each other again.” Benji admitted.
“well just a heads up she had a right cob on so you might get it later.” Billy said motioning to Rachel.
“wonderful.” Benji sighed less than enthusiastically.
“it was a good night though wasn’t it.” Dean smiled thinking of last night.
“yeah they’re a great bunch, Jenna’s always been a good laugh but the rest of the circus team are a perfect match for her to fit into.” Billy said.
“Benj can we have a word bro.” Joel said walking past Benji motioning for him to follow him to the back of the bus.
“you all right Joel?” Benji asked following him.
“I take it you’ve been with Jenna?” Joel said.
“yeah.” Benji said not really knowing where to go with this.
“Rach is really upset by what she said to her last night.” Joel said Benji just nodded not knowing what he wanted.
“Jenna was a bit out of order don’t you think?” Joel said.
“I think they've both said and done stuff lately and it just came to a head last night.” Benji said diplomatically.
“really because to mean it seemed Rachel was just trying to get know Jenna and express a few genuine concerns to you and Jenna flew off on one at her.” Joel said.
“I don’t really know what you want me to say Joel.” Benji said.
“Rachel would like an apology off Jenna and I think she deserves one too.” Joel said Benji raised his eyebrows knowing it was highly doubtful Jenna would apologise. “right well...” Benji started.
“so you’ll speak to her? If Jenna just apologises then we can al move forwards and get on.” Joel smiled getting the wrong end of the stick.
“Joel I know I for one and Jenna too don’t want all this shit...” Benji started again.
“glad you agree Benj.” Joel smiled standing up.
“guys come on its time to go get ready for our show.” Paul interrupted before Benji could say anything else.
They went over and did thier sound check hung out with some of the crew and bands and played their show then made thier way back to the bus. Joel and Rachel got ready and went out. Benji Billy Paul and Dean where hanging out on the bus.
“hey Benj what did Joel have say earlier?” Billy asked.
“oh er he said Rachel was really upset with what Jenna said to her last night and that they thought she was out of order. He said Rachel wants an apology...” Benji explained.
“an apology! Is she for real!” Paul bust out outraged.
“he said he agreed with her and he seems to think I’m going to be the one to tell Jenna.” Benji finished off.
“has he completely lost the plot. Like shit will you get Jenna to apologise, not that she really needs to its nothing that Rachel didn’t have coming to her. Your not actually going to ask Jenna to apologise to her are you?” Paul said Benji looked like he was contemplating the idea. “dude it’s your funeral.”
“I just think if some how I can reason with Jenna then we can try and get Rachel and Jenna to clear the air and we can a just get along.” Benji said knowing it would never be so easy but he had to try.
“and do you really think it’s the right thing to do Jenna apologising to Rachel and getting nothing back from her, there’s no guarantee that even if Jenna apologises that Rachel will then play happy families after anyway, we all know what Rachel’s like.” Dean said.
“Yes and no really I think if we can't just draw a line under everything that they both need to apologise but as things stand Joel and Rachel don’t believe there's anything wrong on their part so the only thing I can do is try to persuade Jenna to just swallow her pride and be the bigger person in attempt for a quiet life for us all.” Benji explained.
“I can see where your coming from Benji and we can all just be hopeful things play out like that.” Billy concluded.
“I don’t know man I think you should just leave things as they are there's no point causing an argument between you and Jenna if you don’t need to.” Paul said to Benji.
Later on Benji headed over to see Jenna with the intentions to talk with her about the Rachel and Joel situation. As he got over to the stables Jenna and max was busy getting stuff out and ready to be packed for the competition trip.
“Hey.” Jenna smiled.
“Hey can we talk.” He smiled nervously knowing this could go terribly wrong.
“Yeah what’s up?” she eyed him suspiciously as she put a box in the back of the horse box.
“I've been talking to Joel he said Rachel was really upset about last night and She wants an apology.” Benji said with almost a flinch waiting for Jenna's reaction.
“Well she ain’t getting one, I’ve got nothing to apologise for.” Jenna said calmly and simply.
“She's just a bit upset...” Benji tried to reason.
“I’ve upset her with what I've said? Because she's never said anything unruly to me.” Jenna said with outrage and sarcasm as she carried on with her packing and sorting.
“Jenna come on.” Benji pleaded.
“No Benj.” Jenna shut down.
“So you don’t think you was a bit harsh.” Benji said then instantly regretted it.
“Harsh?! Are you for real Benji your meant to be on my side.” Jenna said clearly pissed off now stopping what she was doing to focus on him.
“I'm not on anyone’s side.” Benji defended.
“Why not Joel clearly is.” She said annoyed.
“Joel’s not...” Benji started knowing it was a lie.
“Joel is.” Jenna said clearly.
“Can you blame him.” Benji said.
“No but what I don’t get is where you stand in all this.” Jenna said in disbelief she didn’t expect him to fall out with anyone especially his brother because of her but she at least expected him to understand her side.
“But Jenna...” Benji pleaded knowing he'd really crossed the line with her.
“No Benji I’m not arguing with you over this.” She sighed too stressed over getting everything ready for the competition trip and tired from a long day.
“Jenna...” Benji tried again.
“I’m too busy Benj I’ve got shit to do so just drop it for now eh go back to happy families with Joel and Rachel.” She dismissed looking betrayed.
Jenna went back to sorting though stuff leaving Benji regretting bringing it up. He glanced at max who just raised his eye brows at him and carried on Benji turned and left.
A little later Seraya, Erin, AJ, Paul, Dean and Joel where sat around chatting by the RVs. Jenna needed to collect some paperwork from Jackie. On her way back she noticed Joel, her last rather heated conversation with Benji still bugging her.
“Hey we need to talk.” Jenna said quietly to Joel then walking over to one side away from the others sitting on the picnic table.
“what’s up?” Joel asked sort of already knowing as he sat opposite her.
“I thought we was supposed to be friends we've never been like this Joel.” Jenna said looking hurt.
“We are friends.” Joel frowned unaware of how much his actions lately have bothered Jenna.
“Doesn't seem like it.” Jenna said frankly.
“I know I’m sorry let’s just get things cleared up...” Joel said Jenna thought he meant forget about stuff, he thought she meant she’ll apologise.
“Ah really that’s good you’ll apologise and we can all start getting along fresh start.” Joel smiled.
“Joel I'm not apologising I meant clean slate she’s said shit I’ve said shit over and done with.” Jenna said simply, slightly annoyed at his misunderstanding.
“Jenna!” Max shouted to her annoyed that they still had stuff to do and she was taking so long.
“One sec!...” she called back.
“Jenna can’t you just apologise and then we can forget all this.” Joel sighed.
“Why should I apologise when it’s come from both ends.” Jenna argued.
“Don’t be like that Jenna.” Joel said.
“Don’t be like what Joel I'm nobody’s mug.” Jenna said annoyed standing to leave Joel grabbed her by the hand.
“You don't have to be just because you apologise.” Joel said.
“Well I guess we disagree Joel.” Jenna frowned shaking her hand from his grip.
“Jenna!” Max shouted more frustrated.
“I’m coming!” Jenna shouted back matching his frustration and waking back over to the horse box.
“Pre-competition tension over there wouldn’t want to get in their way whilst their getting shit together.” AJ said observing Jenna and max. They all knew it was best to leave max and Jenna to it when it came to serious stuff getting ready for shows and competitions and getting the horses organised for traveling. As well as Jenna and max get along even they usually end up bickering at some point through the stress of getting stuff ready. Joel went and sat back with them sheepishly.
“what was all that about?” Seraya frowned eyeing Joel. Dean and Paul eyed Joel having a pretty good idea what it was about.
“erm nothing.” Joel tried to brush off.
“didn’t look like nothing.” Erin said frowning.
“Rachel was really upset about the things Jenna said to her and she's asked for an apology.” Joel sighed explaining briefly. Seraya and Erin looked at him like he was crazy AJ let out a laugh in disbelief.
“you actually think Jenna's going to apologise for one little out burst after all what Rachel’s provoked.” AJ said.
“I don’t think Rachel has intentionally provoked Jenna.” Joel said actually truly believing it as he only sees the sweet side Rachel wants him to see of her.
“intentional or not she's not behaved like a saint.” Seraya said.
“they need to either just put it behind them or both apologise you can’t expect just Jenna to apologise.” Erin said fairly.
“well to be honest it's up to them anyway best to leave them to it rather than trying to get involved its their business to deal with between the two of them.” AJ said and they all left it there giving Joel some food for thought.
It was getting late Jenna and max had just finished packing the horse box getting stuff ready and finishing the horses stables both completely shattered.
“Done!” max exclaimed triumphantly as they closed up the horse box ramp
“Finally.” Jenna smiled as they did their classic high five into a hug.
“Come on let gets get some food.” Jenna said remembering they hadn’t actually eaten yet. As she turned Benji was approaching them looking sheepish.
“Hey.” he smiled hopeful that she wasn’t still grumpy with him from earlier. The look she gave him said it all be it a bit weary but still clearly said she was tired hurt upset and angry.
“I’ll go find something to eat.” max said to leave them to it and headed into the horse box
“Jenna please can we talk I’m sorry about earlier but please let’s not argue over it I don’t want them or anyone to come between us.” Benji said apologetically.
“Well don't put them between us.” Jenna said clearly frustrated.
“I know I’m sorry it’s just it would be nice if we could all just get a long." Benji said.
“And you think I don’t? Joel’s been what I would consider a close friend to me for years just like you and the other guys I don’t want to be falling out but I’m also not apologising for retaliating to weeks and weeks of shit stirring and sly digs and comments any opportunity she gets. It’s totally ridiculous. I think I’ve been more than patient with all the little games she's been playing recently.” Jenna said.
“Ok so don’t apologise I just hoped that if you did it might just clear the air and we can all get along.” Benji concluded knowing she would not back down and he in fairness agreed with her the more he thought about it.
“Well I’m not. You don’t see me demanding an apology for all what she's done and said to and about me.” Jenna added. “Anyways if she wants one so bad then she should be asking for it herself not having you and Joel chasing around for her.”
“I just think if we can clear the air it'll make life better for everyone.” Benji tried to reason.
“I’m happy to be civil and draw a line under it all but as far as apologies go she owes me one first if we’re playing that game.” Jenna said getting angry again.
“Fine let’s just try to put it all behind us. I really don’t want to argue over it all.” Benji said pulling her in to a hug which she sighed, relaxed and accepted.
“Me neither Benji especially not now I’m shattered and have to be on the road in less than six hours as she pulled back a little to look at him but they still had arms round each other.
“I’ll talk to Joel and Rachel and tell them we need to just move on we've all said and done things so let’s just drop it.” Benji said agreeing with Jenna. Jenna shrugged and nodded not holding her breath for one second that Rachel will go for it and stick to it.
“Benji I’m so sorry I’m so tired I need food and sleep.” she said through a big yawn.
“Ok, are we Ok?” Benji asked tentatively.
“Yes course we are.” she smiled determined that all Rachel games would not come between her and Benji in any way shape or form.
“Good now go eat, sleep, good luck for your competition and be safe.” He said giving her a squeeze in a hug and a kiss on the top of her head
“Thanks, I’ll see you when we’re back I’ve not forgot our date.” she laughed giving him a kiss.
“Look forward to it.” he smiled and left as she went into the horse box.
When Jenna got into the horse box max was just finishing making them some food.
“good timing.” He smiled handing her a plate.
“you are the best you know.” She smiled in their usual over the top jokey way.
“so what’s all that been about today?” max asked knowing there was stuff going on with the talks she's had with Benji and Joel but didn’t know the full story as they’d been too busy sorting stuff for the trip and Jenna was in a bit of a grump from whatever they'd talked about on top of being tired and a bit stressed getting everything sorted for the competition.
Jenna explained everything to him as they ate.
“what the hell have you got to apologise for I mean yeah you did go off on one at her but she totally deserved it I think after all she's said and done lately she's lucky you’ve kept your cool this long most people would gave flipped way before now.” Max said outraged.
“I know, I know it’s a tough one but there’s no way I’m prepared to let her get between me and Benji.” Jenna said.
“good I hope not as it’s clearly you two have something special. So do you think Benji agrees with you now?” max said.
“yeah I think he sort of always did just he’s a bit stuck in the middle obviously Joel’s got Rachel’s back but then Joel and Benji are so close as brothers he won't want to fall out with him not that I'd expect him to anyway plus from what I gather he has been pretty good friends with Rachel up until this whole thing started and then there’s me on the opposite end.” Jenna laughed at how dramatic it all sounded.
“Jesus.” Max laughed shaking his head. “don’t do thing's by half do you. And you say Joel's fallen out with you?”
“well sort of. That’s what hurts the most we used to be really close friends and now with all this he feels so off and distant.” Jenna said sadly.
“well hopefully it’ll all just work its self out in time.” Max sighed.
“I hope so. I don’t see that me and Rachel will ever be best friends but hopefully tolerate each other so we don’t have to have all this drama and friction forever and hopefully build bridges with Joel again.” Jenna said.
“it’s a good job your so easy going not many would put up with all that. Anyways let’s get some sleep we'll have to be up again soon.” Max yawned.
“night max.” Jenna said getting up taking their plates and going to the back bedroom as he got in his bunk.
4am and Jenna and max was up not so bright but defiantly early. They got the last things together, prepared the horses and loaded them up just as they was about to set off Jackie came over smiling looking much more awake than they was.
“what are you doing up so early?” Jenna smiled at her.
“just came to wish you luck and have a safe trip.” Jackie smiled.
“well you really didn’t have too you could have had more sleep.” Jenna laughed.
“no chance I wanted to see you off. I’m sure I don’t need to ask you if you have everything.” Jackie said looking at the box.
“nope I’m pretty sure we have everything and more.” Max laughed.
“good.” Jackie smiled then turned a little more seriously to Jenna “I know you’ve had some stuff going on around here...” Jackie said referring to the Benji Joel and Rachel situation. “ don’t go letting it get to you at least not these next few days clear your head go to this qualifier and smash it like we know you can.” Jackie smiled giving her a hug Jenna smiled and nodded.
“don’t you worry I plan to.” Jenna laughed.
“that's my girl.” Jackie winked and smiled proudly. “right well I’ll let you get going now so good luck and safe trip.” Jackie said hugging Jenna once more and Patting max on the back.
“good morning.” She smiled simply at him knowing all what was about to come from him.
“and is it a good Morning?” max smirked pouring a cup of coffee.
“yes it is the suns shining...” she tried to play innocent.
“and you and Benji got...” max started grinning.
“shhh, he’s still sleeping.” Jenna laughed putting her hand over his mouth knowing the playful torment he was going to force her to endure for the forcible.
“oh really.” He said seriously for a moment. “kept him up that late did you?” he winked and laughed.
“shut it you child.” She laugh playfully smacking him on the shoulder. Just then Benji walked in.
“morning.” He said groggily.
“good morning.” Max grinned.
“coffee?” Jenna asked standing up pouring herself a second cup and Benji one.
“please.” He smiled sitting down at the table by where Jenna was just sat opposite max.
“oh I see special treatment you never get me a cup of coffee.” Max said in jest.
“your not a guest.” Jenna shot back with a smirk.
“and second cup for you must have been a late night.” Max joked Benji missed the joke from yawning Jenna gave max a playful warning look noticing Benji yawning she laughed to herself he never was a morning person.
“thanks.” Benji smiled groggily as she placed the cup in front of him sitting down next to him opposite max. “what time is it?”
“6.30.” Jenna said.
“what?!” Benji said shocked.
“I know she’s a maniac she insists we have to be up at this time every morning apparently horses need feeding, well fuck everyone else’s sleep if horses want feeding.” Max complained in their usual banter joking way.
“they do and we have to be up at his time to get shit done.” Jenna defended.
“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind the odd lie in.” Benji smiled with a laugh.
“and who’s side are you on.” Jenna joked outrage.
“hey I’m just trying to compromise.” Benji defended holding his hands up.
“well isn't this cosy.” Max laughed at the three of them in the small horse box bickering over morning coffee.
“well don't get too comfortable because we’ve got a busy day.” Jenna smiled getting up putting her cup in the sink max groaned.
“yay I love pack up day.” Max said sarcastically Jenna did a face of I hate it too but it’s got to be done.
“right well I best leave you two to it then I go check in with the guys.” Benji said standing up. “if I don’t get to see you before you go good luck.” He said giving Jenna a quick kiss on his way out
“thanks well be pretty full on here till late but if we get a moment ill let you know.” Jenna smiled.
Max and Jenna’s day went as follows they started their usual day routine of doing the stable jobs, getting the horses ready for the shows, helping over at the big top, Jenna getting changed and ready for the shows, doing the show then back to the stables to sort the horses for lunch, reset the big top for the second show, grab a bite to eat for lunch, back to get the horses and Jenna ready for the next show, doing the second show, sorting the big top for the night and next day, then sorting the horses for the night but including competition prep as they’d be leaving in the very early hours of the morning for the competition the next day, cleaning all the tack and packing all the equipment needed for the trip.
As Benji walked onto the bus Dean and Billy was sat in the kitchen area. Joel and Rachel was at the far end of the bus on the sofa.
“good morning and where was you last night do we need to ask?” Dean grinned and Billy smiled at him as he went to sit with them
“I take it everything's ok with you and Jenna after last night?” Billy said more quietly to Benji eyeing Rachel briefly.
“yeah we’re fine.” Benji said he couldn’t help the smile on his face.
“looks like more than fine from the smiled on your face.” Dean laughed Benji nodded still smiling.
“it’s so nice you two have found each other again it’s like fait.” Billy smiled Benji smiled and nodded.
“it’s always been Jenna I just never thought we'd ever see each other again.” Benji admitted.
“well just a heads up she had a right cob on so you might get it later.” Billy said motioning to Rachel.
“wonderful.” Benji sighed less than enthusiastically.
“it was a good night though wasn’t it.” Dean smiled thinking of last night.
“yeah they’re a great bunch, Jenna’s always been a good laugh but the rest of the circus team are a perfect match for her to fit into.” Billy said.
“Benj can we have a word bro.” Joel said walking past Benji motioning for him to follow him to the back of the bus.
“you all right Joel?” Benji asked following him.
“I take it you’ve been with Jenna?” Joel said.
“yeah.” Benji said not really knowing where to go with this.
“Rach is really upset by what she said to her last night.” Joel said Benji just nodded not knowing what he wanted.
“Jenna was a bit out of order don’t you think?” Joel said.
“I think they've both said and done stuff lately and it just came to a head last night.” Benji said diplomatically.
“really because to mean it seemed Rachel was just trying to get know Jenna and express a few genuine concerns to you and Jenna flew off on one at her.” Joel said.
“I don’t really know what you want me to say Joel.” Benji said.
“Rachel would like an apology off Jenna and I think she deserves one too.” Joel said Benji raised his eyebrows knowing it was highly doubtful Jenna would apologise. “right well...” Benji started.
“so you’ll speak to her? If Jenna just apologises then we can al move forwards and get on.” Joel smiled getting the wrong end of the stick.
“Joel I know I for one and Jenna too don’t want all this shit...” Benji started again.
“glad you agree Benj.” Joel smiled standing up.
“guys come on its time to go get ready for our show.” Paul interrupted before Benji could say anything else.
They went over and did thier sound check hung out with some of the crew and bands and played their show then made thier way back to the bus. Joel and Rachel got ready and went out. Benji Billy Paul and Dean where hanging out on the bus.
“hey Benj what did Joel have say earlier?” Billy asked.
“oh er he said Rachel was really upset with what Jenna said to her last night and that they thought she was out of order. He said Rachel wants an apology...” Benji explained.
“an apology! Is she for real!” Paul bust out outraged.
“he said he agreed with her and he seems to think I’m going to be the one to tell Jenna.” Benji finished off.
“has he completely lost the plot. Like shit will you get Jenna to apologise, not that she really needs to its nothing that Rachel didn’t have coming to her. Your not actually going to ask Jenna to apologise to her are you?” Paul said Benji looked like he was contemplating the idea. “dude it’s your funeral.”
“I just think if some how I can reason with Jenna then we can try and get Rachel and Jenna to clear the air and we can a just get along.” Benji said knowing it would never be so easy but he had to try.
“and do you really think it’s the right thing to do Jenna apologising to Rachel and getting nothing back from her, there’s no guarantee that even if Jenna apologises that Rachel will then play happy families after anyway, we all know what Rachel’s like.” Dean said.
“Yes and no really I think if we can't just draw a line under everything that they both need to apologise but as things stand Joel and Rachel don’t believe there's anything wrong on their part so the only thing I can do is try to persuade Jenna to just swallow her pride and be the bigger person in attempt for a quiet life for us all.” Benji explained.
“I can see where your coming from Benji and we can all just be hopeful things play out like that.” Billy concluded.
“I don’t know man I think you should just leave things as they are there's no point causing an argument between you and Jenna if you don’t need to.” Paul said to Benji.
Later on Benji headed over to see Jenna with the intentions to talk with her about the Rachel and Joel situation. As he got over to the stables Jenna and max was busy getting stuff out and ready to be packed for the competition trip.
“Hey.” Jenna smiled.
“Hey can we talk.” He smiled nervously knowing this could go terribly wrong.
“Yeah what’s up?” she eyed him suspiciously as she put a box in the back of the horse box.
“I've been talking to Joel he said Rachel was really upset about last night and She wants an apology.” Benji said with almost a flinch waiting for Jenna's reaction.
“Well she ain’t getting one, I’ve got nothing to apologise for.” Jenna said calmly and simply.
“She's just a bit upset...” Benji tried to reason.
“I’ve upset her with what I've said? Because she's never said anything unruly to me.” Jenna said with outrage and sarcasm as she carried on with her packing and sorting.
“Jenna come on.” Benji pleaded.
“No Benj.” Jenna shut down.
“So you don’t think you was a bit harsh.” Benji said then instantly regretted it.
“Harsh?! Are you for real Benji your meant to be on my side.” Jenna said clearly pissed off now stopping what she was doing to focus on him.
“I'm not on anyone’s side.” Benji defended.
“Why not Joel clearly is.” She said annoyed.
“Joel’s not...” Benji started knowing it was a lie.
“Joel is.” Jenna said clearly.
“Can you blame him.” Benji said.
“No but what I don’t get is where you stand in all this.” Jenna said in disbelief she didn’t expect him to fall out with anyone especially his brother because of her but she at least expected him to understand her side.
“But Jenna...” Benji pleaded knowing he'd really crossed the line with her.
“No Benji I’m not arguing with you over this.” She sighed too stressed over getting everything ready for the competition trip and tired from a long day.
“Jenna...” Benji tried again.
“I’m too busy Benj I’ve got shit to do so just drop it for now eh go back to happy families with Joel and Rachel.” She dismissed looking betrayed.
Jenna went back to sorting though stuff leaving Benji regretting bringing it up. He glanced at max who just raised his eye brows at him and carried on Benji turned and left.
A little later Seraya, Erin, AJ, Paul, Dean and Joel where sat around chatting by the RVs. Jenna needed to collect some paperwork from Jackie. On her way back she noticed Joel, her last rather heated conversation with Benji still bugging her.
“Hey we need to talk.” Jenna said quietly to Joel then walking over to one side away from the others sitting on the picnic table.
“what’s up?” Joel asked sort of already knowing as he sat opposite her.
“I thought we was supposed to be friends we've never been like this Joel.” Jenna said looking hurt.
“We are friends.” Joel frowned unaware of how much his actions lately have bothered Jenna.
“Doesn't seem like it.” Jenna said frankly.
“I know I’m sorry let’s just get things cleared up...” Joel said Jenna thought he meant forget about stuff, he thought she meant she’ll apologise.
“Ah really that’s good you’ll apologise and we can all start getting along fresh start.” Joel smiled.
“Joel I'm not apologising I meant clean slate she’s said shit I’ve said shit over and done with.” Jenna said simply, slightly annoyed at his misunderstanding.
“Jenna!” Max shouted to her annoyed that they still had stuff to do and she was taking so long.
“One sec!...” she called back.
“Jenna can’t you just apologise and then we can forget all this.” Joel sighed.
“Why should I apologise when it’s come from both ends.” Jenna argued.
“Don’t be like that Jenna.” Joel said.
“Don’t be like what Joel I'm nobody’s mug.” Jenna said annoyed standing to leave Joel grabbed her by the hand.
“You don't have to be just because you apologise.” Joel said.
“Well I guess we disagree Joel.” Jenna frowned shaking her hand from his grip.
“Jenna!” Max shouted more frustrated.
“I’m coming!” Jenna shouted back matching his frustration and waking back over to the horse box.
“Pre-competition tension over there wouldn’t want to get in their way whilst their getting shit together.” AJ said observing Jenna and max. They all knew it was best to leave max and Jenna to it when it came to serious stuff getting ready for shows and competitions and getting the horses organised for traveling. As well as Jenna and max get along even they usually end up bickering at some point through the stress of getting stuff ready. Joel went and sat back with them sheepishly.
“what was all that about?” Seraya frowned eyeing Joel. Dean and Paul eyed Joel having a pretty good idea what it was about.
“erm nothing.” Joel tried to brush off.
“didn’t look like nothing.” Erin said frowning.
“Rachel was really upset about the things Jenna said to her and she's asked for an apology.” Joel sighed explaining briefly. Seraya and Erin looked at him like he was crazy AJ let out a laugh in disbelief.
“you actually think Jenna's going to apologise for one little out burst after all what Rachel’s provoked.” AJ said.
“I don’t think Rachel has intentionally provoked Jenna.” Joel said actually truly believing it as he only sees the sweet side Rachel wants him to see of her.
“intentional or not she's not behaved like a saint.” Seraya said.
“they need to either just put it behind them or both apologise you can’t expect just Jenna to apologise.” Erin said fairly.
“well to be honest it's up to them anyway best to leave them to it rather than trying to get involved its their business to deal with between the two of them.” AJ said and they all left it there giving Joel some food for thought.
It was getting late Jenna and max had just finished packing the horse box getting stuff ready and finishing the horses stables both completely shattered.
“Done!” max exclaimed triumphantly as they closed up the horse box ramp
“Finally.” Jenna smiled as they did their classic high five into a hug.
“Come on let gets get some food.” Jenna said remembering they hadn’t actually eaten yet. As she turned Benji was approaching them looking sheepish.
“Hey.” he smiled hopeful that she wasn’t still grumpy with him from earlier. The look she gave him said it all be it a bit weary but still clearly said she was tired hurt upset and angry.
“I’ll go find something to eat.” max said to leave them to it and headed into the horse box
“Jenna please can we talk I’m sorry about earlier but please let’s not argue over it I don’t want them or anyone to come between us.” Benji said apologetically.
“Well don't put them between us.” Jenna said clearly frustrated.
“I know I’m sorry it’s just it would be nice if we could all just get a long." Benji said.
“And you think I don’t? Joel’s been what I would consider a close friend to me for years just like you and the other guys I don’t want to be falling out but I’m also not apologising for retaliating to weeks and weeks of shit stirring and sly digs and comments any opportunity she gets. It’s totally ridiculous. I think I’ve been more than patient with all the little games she's been playing recently.” Jenna said.
“Ok so don’t apologise I just hoped that if you did it might just clear the air and we can all get along.” Benji concluded knowing she would not back down and he in fairness agreed with her the more he thought about it.
“Well I’m not. You don’t see me demanding an apology for all what she's done and said to and about me.” Jenna added. “Anyways if she wants one so bad then she should be asking for it herself not having you and Joel chasing around for her.”
“I just think if we can clear the air it'll make life better for everyone.” Benji tried to reason.
“I’m happy to be civil and draw a line under it all but as far as apologies go she owes me one first if we’re playing that game.” Jenna said getting angry again.
“Fine let’s just try to put it all behind us. I really don’t want to argue over it all.” Benji said pulling her in to a hug which she sighed, relaxed and accepted.
“Me neither Benji especially not now I’m shattered and have to be on the road in less than six hours as she pulled back a little to look at him but they still had arms round each other.
“I’ll talk to Joel and Rachel and tell them we need to just move on we've all said and done things so let’s just drop it.” Benji said agreeing with Jenna. Jenna shrugged and nodded not holding her breath for one second that Rachel will go for it and stick to it.
“Benji I’m so sorry I’m so tired I need food and sleep.” she said through a big yawn.
“Ok, are we Ok?” Benji asked tentatively.
“Yes course we are.” she smiled determined that all Rachel games would not come between her and Benji in any way shape or form.
“Good now go eat, sleep, good luck for your competition and be safe.” He said giving her a squeeze in a hug and a kiss on the top of her head
“Thanks, I’ll see you when we’re back I’ve not forgot our date.” she laughed giving him a kiss.
“Look forward to it.” he smiled and left as she went into the horse box.
When Jenna got into the horse box max was just finishing making them some food.
“good timing.” He smiled handing her a plate.
“you are the best you know.” She smiled in their usual over the top jokey way.
“so what’s all that been about today?” max asked knowing there was stuff going on with the talks she's had with Benji and Joel but didn’t know the full story as they’d been too busy sorting stuff for the trip and Jenna was in a bit of a grump from whatever they'd talked about on top of being tired and a bit stressed getting everything sorted for the competition.
Jenna explained everything to him as they ate.
“what the hell have you got to apologise for I mean yeah you did go off on one at her but she totally deserved it I think after all she's said and done lately she's lucky you’ve kept your cool this long most people would gave flipped way before now.” Max said outraged.
“I know, I know it’s a tough one but there’s no way I’m prepared to let her get between me and Benji.” Jenna said.
“good I hope not as it’s clearly you two have something special. So do you think Benji agrees with you now?” max said.
“yeah I think he sort of always did just he’s a bit stuck in the middle obviously Joel’s got Rachel’s back but then Joel and Benji are so close as brothers he won't want to fall out with him not that I'd expect him to anyway plus from what I gather he has been pretty good friends with Rachel up until this whole thing started and then there’s me on the opposite end.” Jenna laughed at how dramatic it all sounded.
“Jesus.” Max laughed shaking his head. “don’t do thing's by half do you. And you say Joel's fallen out with you?”
“well sort of. That’s what hurts the most we used to be really close friends and now with all this he feels so off and distant.” Jenna said sadly.
“well hopefully it’ll all just work its self out in time.” Max sighed.
“I hope so. I don’t see that me and Rachel will ever be best friends but hopefully tolerate each other so we don’t have to have all this drama and friction forever and hopefully build bridges with Joel again.” Jenna said.
“it’s a good job your so easy going not many would put up with all that. Anyways let’s get some sleep we'll have to be up again soon.” Max yawned.
“night max.” Jenna said getting up taking their plates and going to the back bedroom as he got in his bunk.
4am and Jenna and max was up not so bright but defiantly early. They got the last things together, prepared the horses and loaded them up just as they was about to set off Jackie came over smiling looking much more awake than they was.
“what are you doing up so early?” Jenna smiled at her.
“just came to wish you luck and have a safe trip.” Jackie smiled.
“well you really didn’t have too you could have had more sleep.” Jenna laughed.
“no chance I wanted to see you off. I’m sure I don’t need to ask you if you have everything.” Jackie said looking at the box.
“nope I’m pretty sure we have everything and more.” Max laughed.
“good.” Jackie smiled then turned a little more seriously to Jenna “I know you’ve had some stuff going on around here...” Jackie said referring to the Benji Joel and Rachel situation. “ don’t go letting it get to you at least not these next few days clear your head go to this qualifier and smash it like we know you can.” Jackie smiled giving her a hug Jenna smiled and nodded.
“don’t you worry I plan to.” Jenna laughed.
“that's my girl.” Jackie winked and smiled proudly. “right well I’ll let you get going now so good luck and safe trip.” Jackie said hugging Jenna once more and Patting max on the back.
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