Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > A Phoenix and a Pharoah

The first attack

by OceanAnge-Babe 2 reviews

What does the Pharaoh have to say about Neil?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Fantasy - Published: 2006-09-22 - Updated: 2006-09-23 - 542 words

On our last chapter we found our heroes deserted in Egypt...

The day was hot and we start our next chapter with Archie saying "I'm dehydrated, who wants a bottle of water" and you could probably guess what the rest of the team said "Yes please" Archie ran over to the nearest shop and asked for seven bottles of water "Sorry, we've ran out" the shop keeper said Archie ran back and told his friends that water wasn't going to be possible. The seven friends sat on a nearby rock and took of their shoes and stuck their feet under the sand. All of them wriggled their toes in the cool sand. Suddenly Jay heard a woman screaming "help it's coming for me" "did you hear that" Asked Jay. "Yeah, it sounds like someone is in trouble" Said Theresa. "Lets go" Said Herry they slipped on their shoes, all except Neil "I'm staying here" He said "Oh, No your not" said Atlanta as she pulled Neil of the rock. Neil started mumbling to himself.

At last, when our heroes reached the city they saw a giant rhino attacking the city. With out any thought they leap into battle, except Neil (again). Neil took out his mirror and started fixing up his hair "Oh, look at my hair now, it's all lifeless" said Neil. And because of Neil, this is how our story begins. The rest of the six were captured and brought to Kronos and Set. And Neil some how used his mirror to fight off the giant rhino. When the rhino was gone every one in that city crowded around Neil and brought him to the pharaoh. Pharaoh Kojo was combing his hair when Neil was chucked into the Pharaoh's room. Neil looked at the Pharaoh. He had white hair, tanned skin and was wearing a weird priest outfit. "Who's that" Said Kojo "Umm, I'm Neil. Have you seen my friends around?" asked Neil "No, I haven't" Answered Kojo. "Well, I better be going then" Neil went to make a un for the door "Holt" Yelled Kojo "come, take a walk with me" Kojo showed Neil a secret doorway through the centre of the building. "Wow" Said Neil "who else knows about this place" "only you and me" said Kojo " and keep it that way" "why?" asked Neil "I'm getting old" Said Kojo " and I need some one to watch over the city when I go" "you mean..." said Neil "Yes" said Kojo. "But, why me" asked Neil "I have faith in you that you will go rescue your friends" answered Kojo "I can't rescue them" said Neil with a tone "why not" asked Kojo "I'd be too scared" said Neil "maybe. What if you were to get the help of the golden one in the west" said Kojo " It could work, but in still don't understand why you chose me" said Neil "I have already wrote who I have chosen down on a piece of paper in my drawer" and Kojo "And I am due to die any minute now". A few hours later the Pharaoh Kojo died and Neil was made Pharaoh.

Will Neil be brave enough to journey to the west and save his friends?
To be continued.........
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