Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Goes Around...Comes Around...Lost and Found...Love

A Simple Task

by ilex 0 reviews

Everything's ready. Now, where are the guests? Outside? Oh, dear.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Angelina Johnson, Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix, Bill Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Colin Creevey, Crabbe, Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Ernie, Fleur, Flitwick, Fred, George, Ginny, Goyle, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, James, Justin, Kingsley, - Warnings: [!] [?] [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-25 - Updated: 2006-09-25 - 2105 words


Chapter 28

A Simple Task

Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape had just Apperated on the sidewalk, dead center in a particularly heavy crossfire of snowballs. Ploosh! Ploosh, ploosh! Ploosh! Ploosh! Dumbledore was hit on the shoulder, McGonagall's hat was knocked askew and Snape took one hit to the chest and two on the back of his hood. There was instant silence. Then Dumbledore bent over, formed a snowball and straightened up, slowly turned around, looking at the open mouthed combatants.

"Why is it that all of Anna's fun activities involve throwing things at people?" he wondered aloud, then whizzed his snowball past Fred, or was it George's, head. "Damn, missed!"

Laughter erupted as he grabbed another handful of snow and with Professor McGonagall, calmly walked out into the middle of the resumed battle. Snape stood immobile, looking up the stairs to where Anna had appeared in the open door, between Fleur and Penelope, her hand over her mouth, wide-eyed.

"Your doing?" he inquired, as he was struck two more times from behind.

She shook her head no, but her eyes were crinkling at the corners.

"I was certain this bore your stamp," said Severus as he walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"No. Sorry. I had no part in this. Do come in, Professor Snape."

He slowly bent over, thereby avoiding several hits, formed a snowball and stood up, looking to his hostess. "This has your name on it, I believe," he drawled.

Anna grinned back at him, quickly reached for and donned a jacket, then grabbing Fleur and Penelope around their waists, hustled the two squealing girls down the stairs to the sidewalk.

"Come on girls, can't miss the fun, can we?"

Fleur ran to Bill and hid with him behind a Range Rover. Penelope joined Percy, but gamely started making her own ammunition and firing off a few good shots.

"Which side are we on, Professor?" Anna inquired as she scooped up a handful of snow.

Ploosh! Severus took another hit to the back of his hood.

"I believe it's us against them!" Spinning rapidly, he fired a wickedly accurate shot at Charlie Weasley, who grinned and threw back two, in rapid succession, at his former Potions Master. And the battle was joined.

Apparition was kept to a minimum, as the warriors were well aware of the many Muggles watching the action from the safety of their own warm front parlors overlooking Harley Street.

Severus had thrown off his traveling cloak, as its hood inhibited his peripheral vision and its sheer bulk hindered his throwing ability. His steely determination to answer hit for hit made him a formidable target, generating a swift return missile toward any attackers. All in all, the staff members gave a good showing against the younger people, Minerva McGonagall being especially accurate, as Fred and George's learned, much to their surprise.

Soon, cold and exhaustion took their toll and Albus, Minerva, Severus, Anna, Gwen and Remus retreated to the warmth of the house, followed shortly by the rest. Molly had alerted Winky, who piled up towels on the center table of the hall. Between the towels and Molly fussing around using a drying spell, everyone was quickly warmed and de-iced.

X # X # X

"It's a simple task, Narcissa, do you think you can accomplish it?"

"Certainly. I want Lucius...all of them, out of Azkaban as soon as possible." Narcissa Malfoy looked up from where she was kneeling on the threadbare rug. "I will do as you instructed me."

"Bella, you were right. Narcissa will indeed be of assistance, without hesitation, in the plan to free my unfortunate followers. Although, perhaps, I will let them linger a little longer in that prison. They should be even more grateful that I am willing rescue them, despite their bungling at the Ministry. What do you think, Bella?"

"If you believe that would prove your point, Master, but..." Glancing at her sister and then back to Voldemort, she continued, "the longer they stay there, the longer it will take us to nurse them back to full health, so that they can again serve you." She held her breath, wondering if she'd said too much.

"Ah, yes, they have suffered, haven't they, poor dears? Although, without the Dementors as their guards, boredom was probably the biggest woe they faced. We will start with your visit, Narcissa, and then we'll see."

"Yes, of course. What ever you think best."

X # X # X

Everyone was chatting and greeting each other when Hermione Granger arrived with her parents.

"We're so sorry we can't stay, but we're on the way to the airport; skiing holiday and we're taking the late evening flight," Hermione's father explained. "We detoured to the Leaky Cauldron to drop off Hermione's trunk, so we're running a little late."

"Good thing, actually, or you'd have arrived in the middle of a major snowball fight out front." Anna informed them.

"Is that why the snow is so messed up out there. I should have guessed," laughed Hermione.

Bidding her parents goodbye, she and Anna waved them back down the stairs and into their waiting cab.

Ron walked up. "Hey, Hermione, you just missed a wicked snowball battle."

"So I hear," she answered, grinning at him. "Who won?"

"We did!" the Weasley siblings all chorused.

Anna walked up two steps on the staircase and clapped for attention. All heads turned to her.

"Good evening everyone and welcome to my house. Thank you for braving the weather to join me in ushering in a New Year. Make yourselves at home. Drinks are in the library, there's music in the back room if any one is inclined to 'cut a rug' and Winky assures me that dinner will be served promptly at 9:00. So, enjoy.

Hearty applause greeted her announcement. Everyone began to circulate and explore, chatting away, when the doorbell rang. It was the Dursleys.

X # X # X

"Petunia! Vernon! Come in, come in!" Anna stepped aside after opening the door and ushered them into the hall. Petunia was smiling and looked excited and happy, but Vernon Dursley had a slightly panicked look on his face, although he tried hard to hide it, smiling and busying himself with their coats. He turned from hanging them up, to find Harry had joined Anna and was holding out his hand.

"Evening, Uncle Vernon. Glad you made it," said Harry, with a smile on his face.

"Oh, hello Harry," replied his uncle, shaking Harry's hand. "Yes, bit of a messy drive, but we did want to stop by, although we won't be staying long. Another important party to attend; business. You know how it is," he explained, turning to Anna.

"Of course I do, and we won't keep you too long. A drink and a few introductions, then off you go, I promise." Anna bestowed a dazzling smile on him and then turned her attention back to Petunia, who was chatting with Molly Weasley.

Dumbledore was approaching, so Harry cleared his throat. "Excuse me...Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, I'd like you to meet my Headmaster, Professor Albus Dumbledore. Professor, this is my Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon."

"Petunia, we meet at last," he greeted her warmly, grasping both of her hands. "Please call me Albus, won't you?"

"Albus." Petunia seemed stunned, and then a smile slowly spread across her face. "You're exactly as Lily described."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Oh, no, just splendid. This is my husband, Vernon."

"Mr. Dursley...Vernon, charmed to meet you." Dumbledore regarded him over his half-moon glasses, his eyes twinkling.

"Oh, yes, charmed, I'm sure. Oh, I say, charmed, Ha! yes, very good, that." Vernon laughed as he shook hands.

"How about a drink, Uncle Vernon?" Harry offered, although he suspected his uncle had already fortified himself for this visit.

"Splendid idea, Harry, where's the bar?"

"Right through here," said Harry, leading the way into the adjoining room.

His uncle paused for a moment in the doorway to the library, clearly impressed by the vastness of Christopher's collection of books, the richness of the furnishing and expansive bar that had been set up on a side table.

A tall man, dressed in black, was lounging in one of the leather wingchairs, idly leafing through a volume. He glanced up as they entered, but after a second looked back down at the book he was holding.

"What'll it be, Uncle Vernon?" inquired Harry, relishing his role as bartender.

"Oh, ah, just a splash of whiskey, Harry. Still have some driving to do." Vernon laughed heartily.

The tall man laid down the book he'd been perusing and stood up, obviously intending to leave, which suited Vernon Dursley just fine. The man was giving him shivers down his spine, but just then Harry spoke up.

"Oh, Professor Snape, let me introduce you to my uncle. Uncle Vernon, this is Professor Snape, my Potions teacher. Professor, this is my uncle, Vernon Dursley."

"How do you do?" Vernon held out his hand.

Snape stopped, looked him up and down and then shook Vernon's hand.

"I am honored to meet you, sir. The Wizarding community owes you a debt of gratitude for all you have done for young Potter, here; taking him in and raising him, as you and your wife did, providing him with home and shelter, until he was ready to come to Hogwarts. Thank you for your unselfish efforts."

"Oh, ah, well, we you know... no trouble at all...thank you, sir." Vernon stumbled to a halt. "Did Harry say Potions? What exactly..."

"Our hostess' late husband once described Potions as 'a cross between chemistry and pharmacology'. I believe those were the terms he used. Difficult course, at best, and Potter is a fair student. But then, I'm a demanding teacher. Excuse me." Severus bowed and walked out.

Vernon stood there, mouth half opened, and then he turned to Harry. "Are all of your teachers as creepy as that one, boy?"

"No, Professor Snape is the only one I'd call creepy. Strange, loony, bizarre, right-nutter, and dead cover about half of the rest, though," replied Harry. "I'm just kidding," he added, laughing, seeing the look on his uncle's face. "Snape is the only one that's really, what you'd call, mean. But there has to be at least one teacher who's that way at every school, right?"

"Yes, yes, I agree with you on that point," Vernon replied, downing his drink and holding out the glass for a re-fill. Harry grinned and obliged.

X # X # X

"I know you have to get to your other engagement dear, but I've had a lovely time chatting with you," Molly Weasley helped Petunia on with her coat, as Harry held Uncle Vernon's. "We'll have to have lunch sometime, won't we Anna?"

"Indeed. Maybe over Spring break, when I have more than just a couple of hours in town. I'll write to you Petunia."

"Yes, that would be lovely. It was nice talking to you, Molly. You too, Gwen."

"My pleasure, also," said Gwen, who then walked off with Molly toward the music room.

"Oh, did I thank you for the gift basket, Anna? It was so generous of you."

"Nonsense. What are friends for?" Anna gave her a hug and then turned to Vernon. "I hope you enjoyed yourself. I saw that Arthur Weasley had you cornered there for a while. He is very interested in Muggle technology, as I'm sure you are aware by now."

"Yes, very inquisitive fellow, but a delight to talk to. Wants a tour of my factory, sometime, don't you know." Vernon beamed, as nothing pleased him better than bragging about his business.

"Well, I'm sure something could be arranged. Well, let me see you to your car." Anna opened the front door.

"Goodbye Aunt Petunia...Uncle Vernon," said Harry, coming up behind his aunt and giving her a kiss.

"Oh, there you are! Goodbye, Harry. Have a good time at school," said his aunt, patting him on the cheek and stepping out into the cold night air. "Brrrr! I believe it's getting colder, Vernon."

"Yes, I can feel it. Don't bother coming outside, Anna, my dear," beaming with that 'just one more for the road' cheerfulness, "you'll catch your death. Well, goodbye Harry," said his uncle, shaking hands with him. "This was an interesting evening. Thank you for inviting us, Anna. We had a delightful visit, short as it was."

"Well, you're always welcome to drop in, you two. Drive carefully. Goodbye." She and Harry stood in the vestibule, watching as the Dursleys made their way to their car and drove away.

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