Categories > TV > JAG > Love Conquers All

Awaiting Rescue, Hope Seemed Lost.

by Ew11581 0 reviews

Mac and the kids try to be brave while awaiting rescue. NCIS is called in.

Category: JAG - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2020-08-25 - 2292 words - Complete

Well, here's where things start to really happen. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks to everyone who read the previous ones I do not own any characters not recognized from the show. The NCIS crew will appear in this, but it will be more of a guest appearence than a crossover.

Back at the JAG headquarters, the JAG team kept digging. They had been at it for almost twenty-four hours. Coates had been taking turns with Bud looking in on Harriet, who had finally been coaxed to get some sleep for her own health and her unborn baby's. For the time being, the office clerk was working with the attornies and Mikey to gather information. By this time everyone was feeling stressed out. After awhile Harm pounded his hand on a desk, startling everyone nearby.
"There has to be something in here that'll tell us how to find where Farmer has Mac and the kids!" Harm insisted, frustration coloring his voice.
"Commander! Stand down. Shouting will not help anybody." Chegwidden ordered.
Harm took few deep breaths. "My apologies,sir. What do we have so far?"
"Only that Farmer's brother has them.
" We've just got to keep digging." Turner urged.
At that moment, Mac's office phone rang. Harm took the call and when he came out he was as white as a sheet.
"What's going on, Commander?" asked Coates in concern.
"What's wrong?" Turner piped in.
"That was Chloe's Grandmother's closest neighbor. She went in to check on her like she does every morning and found her on her barn floor. She's dead." Harm managed to quietly explain. The entire room grew silent. Everyone was in shock.
"That poor kid." Coates whispered with tears in her eyes."
"How do we break it to her?" Harm wanted to know, as he shook his head."
"And after what she's probably been through this weekend, to have no one to go home to...." Bud began before trailing off.
"First things first, we need to focus on finding Chloe, Mac, and little AJ. We'll deal with this situation after we have them back safely." stated the admiral briskly. He was right, of course, so they all got back to work.
"Hey, here's something." Bud spoke up. The others gathered around.
"Corperal Farmer had some property outside Fairfax. The brother inherited it." Bud continued.
"That's gotta be where he has her." Coates pointed out.
Chegwidden held up a hand. "We don't know that though. We could be walking into a trap. Turner, you and I will go check it out. The rest of you stay here and keep working. Tiner, call Gibbs at NCIS. We'll need all the man power we can get. "
"Aye-Aye, Sir." the yoeman responded.
"Sir, I need to be there." Bud protested.
"I'm coming, too. I need to see for myself that Mac is ok." Harm added.
"Not happening right now, gentlemen. We don't even know what will find there. It could very well be a dead end. If there ends up being a take-down, you both will be called." the admiral promised.
Turning to Bud, he added, "Besides, Leutinent, I believe your wife needs you right now. With those words, the CO pointed towards Bud's office where Harriet was apparently awake and sitting all alone, hugging herself. Bud looked in that direction and soberly nodded. Harm and the Admiral watched as Bud walked into the office and pulled his wife into his arms, letting her sob into his shoulder.
"Turner, with me." came the order as Chegwidden headed out. Turner quickly followed with an appologetic look in Harm's direction.
Back at the hostage location, Farmer gave an evil smirk when he realized that Mac had figured things out. "You got it. Corperal Farmer was my brother and you are responsible for his death."
"He was the one who murdered six men in his platoon. He made that choice. My job was to defend him, but there was only so much I could do. I supported him until the end."
Farmer scoffed. "Yeah, right. You didn't try very hard at all. He disgusted you. Because of your neglagence, my brother is gone. Now that my wife is gone too, I have to raise my daughter with no support."
"Is this really what you want to teach your little girl, to be a murderer and a bully?" Mac angrily spat out. She was rewarded with a hard smack to her face that split her lip and made both Chloe and AJ scream.
"Do not tell me how to raise my daughter!" their captor bellowed.
"She's just a kid. She doesn't deserve this life!" Chloe shot back.
The creep started after her, but Mac taunted,"So you're so weak that you have nothing to do but torment little children and young girls?"
"SHUT UP!" shouted Farmer, kicking Mac in the stomach and knocking the wind out of her.
Then he informed his hostages with an evilly gleeful look, "I'm going out again. I'll be back in a few hours for some fun before you die tomorrow." With that, he stormed out as AJ started sobbing again.
Chloe tearfully ran to Mac. "Mac! Are you ok?"
Mac worked to catch her breath before saying, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. You need to find a way to get AJ out of here."
Chloe looked at her big sister in shock. "What?! Mac, no! We can't leave you!"
"Chloe, listen. If Harm and the rest don't find us tonight, it'll be too late. One of us needs to get out and get help. I can't run in my condition." Mac admitted, as she gingerly held out her arms to AJ who cuddled into her.
Chloe quickly grabbed the hidden blankets and handed them out, but before she could respond to Mac's request, the door opened, revealing Farmer's daughter. "I-I brought you some sandwiches and hot chocolate. Also, I brought some more water bottles."
"Thank you, sweetie. What's your name?" Mac gently replied.
Sensing the girl's hesitation, she encouraged,"It's ok. Your daddy isn't here. He said he'd be gone for a few hours."
The young girl nodded and sat down. "I'm Alandra. Alandra Jane Farmer."
"How old are you? I'm four." AJ spoke up.
Alandra smiled at the little boy. "I'm nine going on ten."
"Alandra, do you know a way out of here?" Chloe asked.
"A way that your daddy might not have thought of?" Mac added.
Again the child hesitated, but slowly rose and walked over to the wall across the room. She moved a shelf from in front of it and revealed a large vent. "This vent leads out of the house to the back yard. If you run straight out you'll read the road. You'll have to leave within the next hour. That's when the guards will come check on you."
"Thanks so much, Alandra." Chloe told the younger girl.
"You can call me Lanie if you want to." was the shy response.
"I'm Mac, Lanie." Mac introduced herself.
"I'm Chloe and this is little AJ." added Chloe.
"I'm sorry my daddy's doing this to you. He's been mean ever since my mamma died. I hope you get out of here. I wish I could." the young girl timidly admitted.
Chloe took Lanie's hand. "When I get help back here, you can get out of here, too."
"We won't leave you here by yourself." Mac promised.
"Will daddy get in a lot of trouble?" Lanie inquired quietly.
Mac sighed. "Honey, he's done some very bad things. He needs to be held accountable."
"Does that mean he'll go to jail?" was the next question.
"Yes. How long he is there will be up to a judge, though." Mac calmly explained.
"Ok." the child answered softly.
"Sweetie, you know, don't you, that this is all on him. It's in no way your fault." Mac firmly reminded the girl.
"I know. But what's going to happen to me?" Lanie choked out.
Mac put an arm around her as she gently told her, "We'll make sure you are safe and well cared for. Lanie leaned into Mac and cried for a bit. Then Mac and the kids ate the sandwiches and drank the hot chocolate and water before preparing for Chloe and AJ to sneak out.
"Lanie, you go up to your room. And grab what you can fit in a backpack or duffle bag. Hide it so your dad won't get suspicious if he gets back before help arrives."
Lanie nodded, but waited while Mac gave instructions to Chloe and said goodbye. "Chloe, does my cell still have battery power?"
Chloe checked. "Yeah, but there's no service."
"Ok. when you get outside, run until you find a place with service. Call Harm." was the next order.
"I love you, Mac." Chloe stated, hugging the woman tightly.
Mac hugged her back and pulled AJ close as well. "I love you both so much. I promise I'll be fine. Just hurry."
AJ grabbed his Yoda and allowed Chloe to lead him towards the vent. once they were inside, Lanie put the cover back on and scooted the shelf back before running back out the door.
Around the time Chloe and AJ were beginning their escape,Chegwidden, Turner, and Gibbs' team were arriving at the scene. They stayed back and looked through binocculars so as not to tip Farmer or his cronies off.
Soon Tony DiNozzo's voice came over the radio. "Hey I see someone in the distance. It looks like two kids."
Turner took a look through his own binocculars. "It's Chloe and AJ. I don't see Mac, however."
The Admiral looked and then quietly got out of the car. When the teen got close enough, he softly called out, "Chloe!"
This started the girl who let out a squeal.
Little AJ recognized the voice immediately. "Uncle AJ!"
"Admiral?!" Chloe called out.
"I'm right over here, Darlin'. Can you see me?" Chloe pointed Mac's phone towards him with the flashlight on. She started to cry in relief and she pulled the little boy along with her to her rescuers. Chegwidden scooped both kids into his arms and hugged them tightly as they sobbed. "I've got you. You're alright now. You're safe." After he'd calmed them down he led them back to the cars so Gibbs could question them.
"Where is Colonel McKenzie? Do you know?" was his first question.
"She's still in there." AJ said as he pointed towards the cabin.
"He has a nine year old daughter. She showed us how to get out so we could go for help. the psycho creep hurt Mac pretty bad. She's not dying or anything but she's pretty beat up." Chloe explained.
"Can you get her back and Lanie, too?" AJ asked innocently.
"That's our plan." Gibbs assured the kids.
"The creep isn't back yet, but his cronies are in there somewhere. You gotta get Mac and Lanie out of there before they come check on us." insisted Chloe.
"AJ, you and I will go around front, Turner, DiNozzo, you two go around back. Dobbs I need you to keep an eye out for Farmer and Blackadder, stay with the kids. I don't want them out of your sight for a minute." Gibbs ordered.
Blackadder looked like she wanted to protest, but wisely kept her mouth shut and did as ordered.
"Call Harm and Bud, if you can get service." the admiral requested. Then the agents and lawyers took off into the darkness.
Blackadder made the call and then tried to keep the young ones entertained while they waited.
Back at headquarters, Harm went to get Bud and told him they were ago. "They found them. Chloe and AJ are out and they're going in after Mac and to take down Farmer's men."
"Is my baby ok?" Harriet asked anxiously.
Harm put a hand on each of his friends' shoulders."Agent Blackadder said he and Chloe are both physically ok. They're just really scared."
"Thank God." Bud sighed in releif.
"Harriet, You should stay here with Jen, Tracy,Tiner, and Mikey. It's too dangerous for you to go with us. Mac isn't out yet and they are still trying to round up Farmer and his goons." Harm requested.
"No. I'm coming. I need to see my sweet little boy. He needs me." Harriet protested.
"Harriet, the commander's right. Mikey can bring you to meet us at the hospital when it's all over. I can't worry about you,too." Bud insisted.
"I promise, I'll take you as soon as we get the call." Mikey told her.
Harriet eventually gave in. But she wasn't happy about it. "You better call me the second it's safe, Bud Roberts."
"I will." Bud agreed. He kissed his wife goodby, ordering his brother to take good care of her. Then he and Harm rushed out of the building.
Inside Farmer's cabin, Mac was waiting tensely for help to arrive. About fifteen minutes to the end of the hour, Lanie returned with her loaded backpack. "I hear something outside. I think they're coming to get us."
"It could be your dad coming back early. Chloe hasn't had time to get help here yet." Mac warned.
Lanie shook her head. "It's more than one set of feet, and the guard are inside."
"Ok. But we need to be very quiet until we know for sure." Mac conceded.
Lanie nodded and leaned back against Mac and waited. Pretty soon they heard the door slam open and yelling above them. That was immediately followed by several gun-shots. Then, there was silence.

Wow. So, who won? Will Mac get rescued or were the rescuers killed or injured by the guards? Tune in on Thursday to find out. Thanks for reading. Bye!
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