Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Amazons, Gifts and Weird Feelings

Infinidad Amazonas

by qternalanimator 6 reviews

The gang find out a dark secret of Artemis and Herry is given a special gift from Hercules

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-09-26 - Updated: 2006-09-26 - 2690 words

Atlanta: I'm here to inform you that Qternal has gone nuts and she can't stop writing.

Qternalanimator: shoves Atlanta in the cupboard and then grins at the readers Sorry, she's finding it hard to adjust to living in my cupboard.

Atlanta: AM NOT!

Qternalanimator: Want to bet? Anyhow, I do not own Atlanta or anything else of the Class of the Titans... though if I ever get a magic genie I'll wish I did! I don't own any lyrics I use unless specified but I own my imagination so I will therefore own the plot of this here story.

Atlanta: Please R&R!

Qternalanimator: nods She's really smart!

"That is the sign of the /Infinidad Amazonas/," Odie explained as he pointed to his laptop screen.

"Greetings, I am here... Oh! What's that? The sign thingy that 'disturbed' the girls this morning and now Jay is worried?" Neil greeted as he peered over Jay and Odie's shoulders.

Odie nodded as he scrolled to a drawing of a vicious woman: "Nobody has ever seen an Infinidad Amazon; they are like the elite of the Amazons. They remain in such seclusion usually that most stories of them are myths."

Herry, Archie, Theresa and Atlanta walked out to meet the three guys. Theresa suddenly paused in her place...

She saw an overturned truck with a gold belt of sorts in it... she saw a body in the car... she saw one of those women with a blazing piece of wood... she saw her lower the wood... she saw...

"Theresa... Theresa did you have a vision?"

Theresa blinked and saw Herry's hand waving vigourously in front of her... the strong smell of the morning's pickle and ham sandwiches that Herry had consumed also woke her. She stepped back and choked: "Herry! Have you heard of breath mints?"

"So was it a vision or not?" Archie asked.

"I saw Herry's truck being set alight..." Theresa said and no more, they reached the three guys and sat down. Atlanta remained standing because it was difficult to get back up if she sat down. She stood behind Jay and peered at the laptop.

"Who set my truck alight? Where? When?" Herry drilled and slammed his hand in front of Theresa; she looked at the earnest in his eyes and shook her head. She could and wouldn't tell him any more than that.

Jay cleared his throat: "Your truck is the least of our problems Herry. Theresa, do you know anything about that sign from this morning?"

Theresa looked at Atlanta, who was looking at her, Atlanta shrugged as she shifted her weight to get comfortable. Theresa looked at Jay: "No... why? Do you all know something?"

Odie adjusted his green tinted glasses and spun his laptop around for the rest to see: "Infinidad Amazonas use that sign..."

Archie read the description next to the picture on the screen: "Infinidad Amazonas are ruthless brutes; they have no sympathy for even their own children. It is said that these women left the original Amazon tribe because they had different views on men and how to punish outsiders. They are of a high power and are said to be like hit women, except they leave something behind to show what they've done."

Theresa gulped and looked at Atlanta, remembering the description of her dream: "Maybe we need to see Hera..."

Jay nodded and came close to Theresa: "It'll be alright, you have all of us here to protect you."

Atlanta had been swaying about feeling her stomach fighting with her: "Archie?"

Archie looked up at Atlanta: "Yeah?"

"Come with me to Chiron please?" Atlanta said and began to make her way to the school. Archie looked at everyone, not understanding what was wrong, Theresa nudged him forward and he then jumped up and jogged forward to catch up to her.


Cronos stood on the uppermost level of his new lair; the shadows swarmed around him like killer bees but did nothing. He turned around and walked to the pool in the middle and swirled the point of one of his scythes in it. The water became still and opaque as colours began to etch across the water and form a sort of moving picture. Atlanta was pale like a sheet with Archie ever by her side and Theresa looked sullen and worried, she spoke not a word to her friends.

"Cronos! We must send Hercules the coming doom he should have met long ago..." rasped a vicious voice from behind him, it sounded like music to Cronos' ears so he smirked and nodded.

"Ahh, yes... Herry... Well, you best get going and take this with you," Cronos said as he strode over to one of the ogres and grasped it firmly on the shoulder. Slowly its body meshed together and its bones creaked and grew.

Before the group of people stood a buck with three heads, similar to Cerberus and the antlers looked more like a large bush of thorns. It had bronze hooves and a pelt blacker than coal that shone like embers. Each head had two forked tongues each and as it slammed its foot on the ground, the earth trembled and sparks emitted from the ground.

The owner of the voice licked her lips and bowed her head to Cronos: "It is once again an honour..."

Cronos shook his head: "No, it is an honour for me to have you aligned with me! Now go and send Hercules my regards!"


The end of school came and the Titans all hung around till most students were gone, they all made their way to the Janitor's room. Odie slipped his key into the door and the door opened, the seven stepped through and into the blue portal to the other part of the school that remained hidden to all except the Titans.

Hermes saw them walk in and smiled: "Hi guys! What's happening?"

"A lot..." Neil said blankly as he smiled at himself in his mirror, then pouted then looked solemn then smiled again.

Hermes looked at Neil and then turned to the others to try and get a better explanation.

"Is Hera busy?" Jay asked in irritation, this was a serious problem and he wanted to know if Cronos could be involved.

The old hero Hercules stepped out of his abode with Artemis close behind him. The Goddess of the Hunt was laughing at Hercules and patting him on the back.

"It's okay! Honestly, I beat you every time! Haven't you learned?" Artemis said with a chuckle and then noticed her charge and the other teens. She turned and smiled; she stepped over to Atlanta and gave her a large bear hug: "Atlanta! Almost the big day to get the cast off your leg, aren't you excited!"

Hercules grabbed Herry and ruffled his hair: "Hey there Herry! I've got something for you my boy! Come back to my little world and I can give it to you."

Herry smiled and untangled himself from the man he descended from: "Okay, but can it wait?"

Jay cleared his throat and looked at Herry: "Its okay, go with Hercules. I'll fill you in later."

Herry nodded and walked in the direction that Artemis and Hercules had just come from.

"So what's news?" Artemis asked them as she followed behind them.

"Umm... Artemis... Have you heard of the Infinidad Amazonas?" Atlanta asked outright and watched her mentor freeze and her eyes become full of concern. The Goddess of the Hunt looked around and then began to walk in the direction of her solarium.

She then turned and looked at the remaining six teens: "I suggest you follow me if you want to know about them."


Herry stepped into the room and Hercules closed the door behind him, he walked over to an oversized set of weights and handed them to Herry and got a pair for himself. They both sat building even more muscle than they naturally needed.

"Have I ever told you about the Twelve Labours I performed?" Hercules said as he lifted the weight.

Herry nodded as he lifted both weights in one hand: "You told me about the first eight... not the rest though. Why?"

"Well, I wanted to tell you about the ninth one in particular..." Hercules said and laid his weights down.

Herry sat back on the chair and listened intently to his mentor. Hercules scratched his stomach and walked to the back of his room. A black case stood there and he pulled a key from behind a plant, he unlocked various locks and finally opened the ominous case. He pulled out a long item and then walked over to Herry; he laid it out on Herry's lap and then sat in his place: "My ninth labour was to give Eurytheus the belt of the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyte. Those Amazon women... boy are they deadly fierce! They didn't need men but when I came on the scene! That Queen Hippolyte fell hook line and sinker for me! They even attacked me because they thought I was going to take Hippolyte away! Well, I'll tell you! I gave them a one two and they were down for the count!"

"You killed them?" Herry asked with a raised eyebrow, he then looked down at the belt in amazement.

"Yip! I killed Hippolyte because she tricked me! I then ran off with her belt! After completing my tasks, I took the belt back. It was really good memories!" Hercules said with a chuckle and then picked up his weights, "I want you to have it now!"

Herry looked at the belt and then finally said: "Umm, thanks..."

Hercules nodded and ushered Herry away: "You can go now..."

Herry got up and left Hercules, looking at the belt and not quite understanding what he should do with it.


The teens all sat down in Artemis' solarium, she stood and looked out into the forestry and then turned back to them: "Tell me from the beginning..."

Archie began: "Well, Theresa..."

"Actually Archie, I think we need to go further than that..." Atlanta butted in sharply and then carried on, "When I was unconscious, I had a dream were I was bound up in vines in mid air. My side was completely gashed open and blood was well... coming out of me. There were voices singing Long live Atlanta, after she's dead over and over again. When I struggled more blood dripped to the floor and it was in the sign of the Infinidad Amazonas. I woke up then, ever since then when I sleep I hear those voices."

There was silence; Archie couldn't believe what Atlanta had been going through. He wanted to hold her and let her know she never has to go through anything alone with him around. He wanted all that but knew he could never tell her anything; he couldn't bring himself to doing it.

Artemis looked at Atlanta and shook her head: "Those... brutes! They pick on innocent people to get back at me."

"Back at you, I'm sorry Artemis but could you explain?" Odie asked curiously as he typed everything that she had said.

Artemis nodded and looked out the window: "The Infinidad Amazonas were loyal and when they decided to part from the rest of the Amazons I accepted it. I even gave them gifts of heightened speed and acute senses like Atlanta's and mine. I gave them knowledge of worldly powers and they praised me highly."

"But what does that have to do with anything?" Jay asked seriously and leant forward.

"A lot actually, they began killing their sisters who remained in the original Amazon tribe. I believe this all stemmed from the death of Hippolyte but I'm not sure about that. My gifts were being abused and seeing how naïve I had been, I had made them dependant on men for their deeds. Anything they did, they needed a man's approval or needed him to agree with it. I made them so hideous and fierce that men had heart attacks when they encountered them. I tried my best to keep them contained but the managed to break through my rule and became too much for me to handle. They saw me as weak and almost had me overthrown as Goddess of the Hunt. But with help from Atalanta, I managed to keep my title..." Artemis said, "I bet they are working with Cronos now, that's why they are attacking you guys."

Neil looked up from his mirror at Artemis: "How hideous are they exactly?"

Artemis took one of her arrows and tapped his mirror, she then smirked slightly: "Take a look in your mirror and see." Neil looked at Artemis skeptically and she nodded he looked down and suddenly threw his mirror across the room with a girlishly high shriek and jumped off the chair.

"Was it that bad?" Archie asked in horror, imagining all sorts of gruesome things.

Neil nodded as he shook from nerves: "Yes!"

"What did you see?" Theresa asked worriedly.

Neil was pale with fright and fell faint on the seat: "It was me... with... with... greasy hair and a... a... I can't say it!"

Odie stomped on Neil's foot: "Spill!"

"A large pimple on my precious nose, the horror!" Neil squeaked distraughtly.

Atlanta, who would have usually found it funny how he was reacting, looked at Artemis: "That bad huh?"

Artemis nodded: "Yes, that bad."

Jay stood up and looked at both Atlanta and Theresa: "From now on, you will always have one of us with you."

Atlanta and Theresa looked at each other, wanting to protest but now that they knew the danger they were in, they remained silent.

"I think, after all that... You should all get some rest. Go home; I'll inform the other gods and goddesses of the situation. It's about time I told them that story too," Artemis said and opened the door for the teens to leave.


Herry drove down the road with the music on, he tapped his finger to the beat as he drove back to the Brownstone. He looked at the belt on the front seat and then thought that he might make it into a trophy. Something dashed across the road in a black blur; Herry pulled his truck to a sudden halt and looked around, still remaining in his truck.

"Hercules, destroyer of queens, Herry shall now feel the same... Hercules, destroyer of queens, Herry shall now feel the same... dolor... dolor... dolor..."

"What on earth, who is singing that song? I don't speak foreign!" Herry protested irritably.

A brown creature crept up onto the back of the truck and hissed; Herry heard this and spun around to see the most horrible person he had ever seen. He froze in disgust and then turned back to the front to see more of them advancing on him. Cackling and singing those same words, behind them a stag advanced... death in its eyes and staring directly at Herry.

Herry shut all the doors and fumbled for his PMR: "Guys... I could really use some help here!"


Qternalanimator: I'm sure that's very long! Okay, now is when I say I can not speak Spanish and I just used the translator on my computer so forgive me if it sounds rather funny to those who spoke Spanish. The Infinidad Amazonas are my idea! My brainchild so they are copyrighted to Qternalanimator's mind. I know there hasn't been a lot of J/T fluff or A/A fluff but I promise the next one will be choc full of it! wink and then knock on the cupboard Got something to say Atlanta?

Atlanta: Whoa! Lots of interesting info in this installment! What's with Archie wanting to hold me? Huh?

Qternalanimator: Cheeky grin and shrug Nothing, it's all relative now carry on!

Atlanta: Will Herry be okay? Will I be okay for that matter? I guess all we can do is wait and see!

Qternalanimator: Yip, please R&R! I'm going to stop now and watch Class of the Titans now! It's on TV in like ten minutes shriek happily
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