Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Amazons, Gifts and Weird Feelings

When does Odie ever have good news?

by qternalanimator 1 review

Atlanta and Theresa realise that the signs and songs mean more than they think

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-09-26 - Updated: 2006-09-26 - 1422 words

Qternalanimator: It's me again! I can't exactly say thanks for the reviews etc since I'm posting this chapter and the last one consecutively; all I'll say is thanks for choosing Amazons, Gifts and Weird Feelings. Oh, R&R too...

Archie: Qternal doesn't own me or anything about Class of the Titans. Nor does she own any song lyrics she uses, unless otherwise specified. She owns the plot though and if I see any copying of it I'll come with my Hephaestus Whip and...

Qternalanimator: pushes Archie in the cupboard and grins Anyhow! Ignore him! Well, the whole Whip part anyway! I think I'm going to let him loose soon in anyway, I can never truly take Atlanta's place.


Theresa looked at her tattered essay that she had spent hours on.

"What was the screaming for?"

Theresa hid her essay amongst other books and turned to see Atlanta making her way down the steps.

"Hey, it was just frustration... Ancient History essay," Theresa covered up quickly.

"Must be really bad, I actually don't find it that bad," Atlanta commented as she maneuvered herself onto a seat. She looked at her leg and tapped the plaster cast: "Just a few more days and Chiron is taking this thing off!"

Theresa decided to go talk to Persephone about what had happened she smiled to Atlanta and chuckled: "You haven't been able to run in ages, have you?"

Atlanta groaned and put her head on the table: "Yeah, Oh my word! I'm dying for a run!"

"Lucky for me, you being out of it has given me time to practice..."

Atlanta looked up to see Archie standing in the doorway adjusting his brace. The rest of the Titans were making their way down behind him, Athena ushering them on.

Atlanta frowned and rolled her eyes: "Right... As soon as I get this blasted thing off! Which is in two days time, I might add! You and I are having a race! I'll show you that I'm still the best!"

Neil groaned as he sat in the seat next to Atlanta: "Not so early in the morning please!"

Odie sat with his laptop on his lap as he updated the software and ran virus scans, he glanced at Neil: "What's your problem?"

Neil sighed and then pointed to his hair; everyone looked but couldn't understand the problem. Neil frowned and then pointed again: "I have a split end! A split end! My gorgeous visage is ruined!"

Herry gave Neil a sideways glance as Athena put the breakfast on the table and handed each teen their lunch: "Vahsarj? What's that?"

"Visage...It's French for face," Jay filled Herry in as he tried to find a place to put his plate amongst Theresa's homework. Theresa noticed this and then hurriedly began to clear everything into her bag. Jay decided to help her out and then noticed a cut out piece of paper. He picked it up and looked at it curiously; Atlanta looked up from eating and as she saw what Jay held, she grabbed her crutches clumsily and slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Where are you off in a hurry?" Archie said as he held a sandwich in his mouth and swung his bag over his shoulder.

Atlanta stood there with her eyes shut: "Jay, put that away... please..."

Theresa noticed what Jay was holding and grabbed it from him, she shoved it in her bag and then grabbed the keys of her car: "Umm, Atlanta do you want a lift to school?"

"Thanks," Archie said, still looking at Atlanta in worry.

Theresa shook her head: "I just mean Atlanta... nobody else..."

"Okay, it might be best if you do go Atlanta," Archie suggested and Atlanta nodded. Archie sat back down and slung his bag over the back of the chair. Atlanta and Theresa made their way out the house and drove off to New Olympia High.


Jay took a scrap piece of paper and drew the infinity symbol with the line through it. He showed it to the guys: "This has the two of them spooked."

Neil eyed it and shrugged: "So scary..."

Herry frowned as he looked at it and scratched his head: "What should we do?"

"I'm on it already," Odie said as he took the drawing, "I'll scan this into the computer and run a scan on symbols to see if we should be worried."

Archie nodded as he looked at the time and picked his bag up again: "Go Odie! What would we do without your brain, well, we'd better get going! Look at the time!"

"Anybody want to ride in my truck?" Herry asked as he pulled his keys out of his pocket.

"I just want to do that scan quickly so I'll pass," Odie said as he got up and ran to his room.

"I actually felt like walking, thanks for the offer though Herry," Jay replied as he walked out the door.

Neil pulled out his three panel mirror and looked at the picture of himself: "It's okay, I'll fix me..." He then looked at Herry, "I need to sort out my little problem so I'll pass."

Archie chuckled and shrugged: "I'll take that offer Herry! I don't feel like walking alone."

Herry nodded and shoved the last few sandwiches in his pocket, he and Archie made their way to his truck and were slowly on their way.


Atlanta and Theresa drove in silence till Theresa finally couldn't take it: "You seemed spooked by that sign..."

"Where'd you see it?" Atlanta asked as she held her hand out to let the wind flow through her fingers as they drove, she couldn't look at Theresa as she didn't want her to see how truly spooked she was.

Theresa turned the corner to school and then got a serious look on her face: "This morning, when you heard me scream... A woman attacked me... well, I wasn't hurt but I felt someone there and I saw her! It makes no sense! And I then heard a voice singing..."

Atlanta looked at Theresa: "What was being sung?"

"For Ariadne's memory, Theresa shall pay... For Ariadne's memory, Theresa shall pay..." Theresa said in a quivering voice, keeping her eyes on the road.

Atlanta went white as it suddenly brought back the thought of what was being sung to her: "When... When I was unconscious, I had a dream and in it I was tied up with vines. Those cuts on my side, when I struggled..." Atlanta felt nauseous as she recollected the intensity of this dream "... When I struggled, more blood poured out my side. I was also sung to as well, Long live Atlanta, after she's dead... Long live Atlanta, after she's dead... ... It disturbed me. Before I woke up, I saw my blood had made that pattern that Jay held up today. For weeks I've not had a decent night sleep because I keep thinking of that song."

Theresa finally parked her car at the school and then looked at Atlanta; she felt her heart break for her friend: "Why didn't you tell anyone? You could have told me and we could have spoken to Persephone... Have you told Artemis? I'm going to tell Persephone."

Atlanta got out the car and pushed the door gently shut, she shook her head: "You're the first person I told. I figured you would all think I'm going crazy, after all... I'm impulsive, I didn't think at the time to tell anyone."

Theresa nodded in agreement and she walked with her friend up to school.


Recess came and it was the first time since the morning that the group could get together. Jay sat waiting for Odie to see if he had any luck this morning, Odie waved to Jay has he came into view and quickened his step, he already began pulling out his laptop and typing furiously.

"Hey Odie, please tell me some good news..." Jay greeted as he opened up the lunch that Athena had given him.

Odie scoffed: "When do I ever have good news?"


Archie: Odie's right, when does he ever have good news? Will Atlanta tell Artemis and what will Persephone make of everything? Will Neil get over his beauty predicament? Find out in the next installment!

Qternalanimator: Shoves Archie out the door and blows kisses at him Bye! Turns to her readers Well, that's number two done. I'm on a role but should stop to see the public's thoughts on my story. Please R&R! Thanks to all!
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