Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

The Essential Snape

by Emilie_D 1 review

Old people do the deed. Also conversation.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-09-26 - Updated: 2006-09-26 - 2706 words - Complete

Zelda smiled at Severus across the table, and asked curiously, "If you do that Evanesco spell to these dishes, where will they go?"

"Here at Hogwarts there is a repository where we send such things, and the house elves collect and clean them. The elves will not know who sent them back down, merely that they are ready to be cleaned."

"Household cleaning magic seems wonderful," she said. "Which shows my hopelessly mundane outlook, I suppose. But when our time together is so limited, I'd rather be having my way with you than cleaning up after lunch."

Severus pointed his wand at the remains of the meal. The table was empty as before, and his black eyes gleamed wickedly as he murmured softly, "You mentioned having your way with me. Which way would that be?"

She walked behind him and put her arms around his neck, pressing soft kisses along the line of his jaw. Her fingers moved to his collar... and as soon as she had exposed his neck, she began sucking on it. He arched back blissfully to allow her to reach further, while her fingers kept working their way down his chest, exposing more skin. Then she lowered herself into his lap and smiled delightedly into his eyes... before kissing his lips persuasively.

As he responded, Zelda pushed his shirt open wide - and then bit his right nipple firmly, making him catch his breath in surprise. "If I were a witch, I'd be rid of all this," she whispered, pushing back on his coat and shirt. "Would you be so kind, Sev?"

He obligingly Vanished the offending garments, as she greedily began kissing and caressing his bare chest and shoulders. Severus had never felt even slightly attractive before Zelda came into his life, and her rapt contemplation of his body dazzled him. When she looked up at him with her wicked grin, he could not help but smile in return.

"Come to bed, dear boy," she said, "and lose the unnecessary wardrobe. It was fun with your boots on before, but I actually prefer the essential Snape."

He allowed her to lead him back to bed, and then Vanished the rest of his clothing. It was splendid, he reflected bemusedly, to have found such a woman, who was so enchanted by what she ridiculously termed 'the essential Snape.' He lay back on the bed and waited to see what she would do next. She sat next to him, still fully clothed, and he looked up inquiringly.

Zelda spent a long moment looking at him, and allowed her hand to start on his thin cheek, and slowly travel downward. Her clever fingers caressed his hard chest, and then slowly traced the line of hair down his flat belly, until she found his groin. She avoided touching the throbbing erection below with her hand though, instead letting her fingers continue lower while she saluted it with her lips. She paused and gave him a brief glimpse, through Legilimency, of what he looked like through her eyes, and her reaction.

Severus groaned with pleasure. In his old life he had never believed that a woman could desire him this much. He groped for his wand and Vanished her clothing. "Come here, my sweet girl," he purred, wanting her in his arms. They clasped each other tightly, but then she pulled back and gave him light tender kisses, teasing his lips open, and again they were kissing passionately.

It was no surprise to Zelda when he firmly pressed her onto her back. Severus could be devilishly inventive at times, but he also had a deep need to feel in control... and she was learning to accept who would be on top of whom at those times. She understood it, and the vulnerability behind his imposing façade touched her. 'It's all good,' she thought, as that massive Snape member entered her eager body. Clasping her arms and legs around her adorable wizard, she gave herself blissfully to the moment.


Hours later, Severus woke to find his beloved snoring gently against his chest. When this nightmare existence ended, he thought, he would no longer be alone. In this time with her, he had learned more of Zelda's nature - her courage, her cleverness and her fears. She was no fool, this endearingly absurd lover of his. He had never hoped for anything, yet now he had shared laughter, kisses and hugs, someone always on his side.

All the vile, sentimental rubbish that long ago, he had convinced himself he should despise... He rolled his eyes at his own ridiculousness.

He ran a hand over the delicious curves of her, grasping a handful of tender buttock and squeezing. Zelda's lips turned up in a smile and she put her arm around him and rubbed his back.

"Ah... the essential Snape," she murmured, caressing his buttock in return, and letting her hand rest on the back of his thigh.

Her fingers began to explore slowly in between his legs, and Severus was torn between amusement and desire for those fingers to continue their travels.

"That is the most absurd thing I have heard you say, my girl, and you are frequently quite silly," he said coldly.

Zelda was not fooled by his tone. As her fingers continued moving into very sensitive territory, she felt his breath catch involuntarily. "I wouldn't say that I dislike your Professor Snape façade, oh stern one," she said thoughtfully. "You're incredibly sexy in all of your manifestations." She smiled as he moved his legs apart to facilitate her explorations.

"But this," she said, pressing firmly for emphasis, "and this," she murmured, teasing at his hard nipple with her tongue, and nipping it with her teeth. "Mmm... the same honest, brilliant, shockingly complicated wizard, but deliciously naked and stunningly masculine. The essential Snape."

It amazed him that with two clever fingers and a brief descriptive narrative she could arouse him nigh to madness, but such was the case. He groaned, needing her again, so she obligingly spread her own legs while continuing her ministrations to his body. Their gaze locked as their bodies came together and Severus murmured, "I love you, my Zelda."

"I love you, Severus," she whispered, and then there was no more talk.


The sun was still high in the sky, but the afternoon would pass rapidly, Zelda thought. "I suppose it's time for you to think more about what will happen when you leave," she said quietly. "But is there any reason you can't do it here in bed?"

Severus had actually planned to stay here in bed and hold her while they talked. In response to her question, he put his arms around her - and her head fit naturally against his shoulder. "I prefer to be here with you," he replied.

"Even while I've been distracting you, I know you've been processing the things you've learned. I wonder why you believe Hogwarts is the Dark Lord's goal."

Severus realized he should not be surprised that she had picked up on his careful comments to Hagrid and Minerva, combined them with the one warning he had given to her and come to what he believed was the inevitable truth.

"Hogwarts is a repository of immense magical power," he replied. "No wizard or witch has ever known all of the school's secrets. Over the centuries, various things... artifacts, books and more, have found their way here. If the Dark Lord controlled this place, he would have greater power to do evil than any wizard in history."

"And your Ministry of Magic will be of no practical use in stopping him, so just Harry Potter, the Order of the Phoenix and you are standing between the Dark Lord and Hogwarts," Zelda whispered. "And from Hogwarts, I wonder if anything can stop him."

"We must hope it does not come to that," Severus whispered.

"You're not the only one who's been processing information. Does the Dark Lord realize that the real danger to him is right in front of his face?" Zelda asked quietly. "Harry's important, but he won't succeed without you. In fact, I'm sadly aware that you are the key. I think Dumbledore bequeathed you the obligation to see this through, didn't he?"

Severus froze, still holding her in his arms. "Zelda," he whispered, "this is something that no one must know."

"I understand that," she said. "I'm the only one who sees it. You hide the truth perfectly, but I know you, Severus... and knowing you, it's obvious."

Severus was deeply troubled. Unconsciously he tightened his arms around her, wondering what to do.

She sat up and looked him straight in the eye. "If you feel it's necessary, Obliviate me before you go," she said harshly. "I won't try to deceive you into believing I don't see the truth."

It was a measure of his worry that he considered her suggestion. "Zelda, has anyone else guessed?" he whispered into her ear.

She gazed ruefully at him. "You play the game brilliantly," she whispered faintly. "They all believe they know who you are, Sev, and that mistaken notion blinds them to reality."

He looked at her, a question in his eyes, and when she smiled gently, he explored her mind with Legilimency. She willingly allowed him to see her thoughts, and in return caught a glimpse of his tortured uncertainty.

Zelda's mind flashed and went blank, startling Severus with the suddenness of it. He studied her face, and it was calm and distant. She looked as though she were merely daydreaming or absentminded. He tried again to access her thoughts; she was thinking of what to make for dinner, and that she must purchase cat food soon. He caught a glimpse of what must be her classroom, a small sunny room full of orderly desks. He broke away and closed his eyes.

"I don't want you to worry," she murmured, smoothing his hair gently. "I've improved my Occlumency, you know, but the decision's yours. If you feel you must Obliviate me, do it. It's dawned on me that there's much more at stake than my feelings, or even your feelings."

"How have you found time to practice?" he asked hoarsely. "Zelda, your ability is remarkable."

"Most of my life I pretended it didn't exist and rejected this part of me. But having embraced it, it's like coming home," she replied. "Also, I can practice any time, and people have no idea. I don't think magically and I'm nervous about your kind of magic. But this ability, it's a part of me, Sev."

"With such proficiency at Occlumency, my girl, I shall not Obliviate you. You are capable of preventing intrusion into your mind and I value the chance to discuss matters with you," he said.

"If you think I've improved, you should see Michael," she said quietly. "He's formidable, Sev."

He chuckled in reluctant amusement. "There must then be other Muggles with magical abilities. It is a fascinating and dreadful prospect to imagine that they may be like you or Michael. The Ministry should order a study of the possibility."

"Would I be kept at the Ministry and have my head turned inside out?" she replied, "I don't think I'd like that."

"If you had brought me to your Muggle hospital, and my nature had been discovered, what would your scientists have done with me?"

"Whatever they'd have tried, I assume that once you were strong enough, you'd have Apparated away, right?" she asked.

"Touché," he replied. "Perhaps we should forget the greater implications and focus on our immediate problems. How soon will you leave Hogwarts?"

"Tomorrow," she said. "I hate feeling defenseless. I'll still worry about you and the kids, but I'll be able to concentrate. I'll learn a lot from working on the Muggle Studies course."

He kissed her approvingly. "Will you stay at home then?"

"Actually, no. After you left me, I discovered that most human interaction irritates me unbearably, so I'll spend some time up at Michael's place. Jess is staying at my house since I came here, and thanks to your Fidelius Charm, I know it's safe for her."

"Will Michael be with you?" he asked, hoping she would not be completely alone.

"He has to work, so he'll come up on the weekends," she said. "I'll be fine, and if you're able to get away from here, will you be able to Apparate there? The kids have done it."

One black eyebrow flew up in mock disbelief. "My girl, do you doubt me?"

She giggled and pressed her face against his neck. "Silly question, I suppose. I already brought the books there that you left at my house. Jess is devoutly religious, so they would've disturbed her if she'd seen them."

"Is Michael reading them? Another silly question, of course he would. Will he find them disturbing?" Severus asked.

"Like me, Michael's learning something important about himself, so he's reading them and of course he's not disturbed," she said. "I don't know if you realize the difference it's made for us to understand Legilimency, Sev. It's an incredible feeling."

"Like discovering that, against all expectation, one is loved?" he asked, tightening his arms around her.

"A lot like that," she said, returning his embrace. "If I can do anything to help you, you'll tell me, won't you?"

He nodded. "I do not know what that would be, however."

"If Harry needs my help, he knows he can come to me," she murmured. "I don't know what else a Muggle can do for you, but if you think of something, ask me and I'll do what I can."

His hands began to wander to sensitive places, bringing a knowing smile to her lips, but her eyes were serious. "Severus, I couldn't help noticing that Harry saved you from being murdered by a raging Hippogriff today. How does he know how to handle that creature?"

"The creature was a pet of the late Sirius Black," he muttered irritably, as the memory of the beast looming over him flooded back. He had managed to put the knowledge of his new debt to Harry Potter out of his mind, but realized he must deal with it. He looked at Zelda cautiously.

"I see," she said. "Does it gall you that he did it?" She kissed his cheek consolingly, bringing a reluctant smile to his taut mouth.

"I suppose that I must be glad, since I am alive here with you," he confessed. "Therefore, even a life-debt to Harry Potter is not unbearable."

"You seem to have spent much of your time trying to keep him alive," she said, "but I suppose having Harry in debt to you is not so unpleasant. Does it really matter, though?" A coaxing smile appeared on her face, and she pressed her cheek against his chest.

Severus wrapped himself around her, and began touching her everywhere, making her squirm and sigh contentedly. "A life debt is extremely important, you know," he said thoughtfully. He kissed her breasts and buried his face between them, the better to enjoy the scent of her skin.

As her fingers stroked his hair, she murmured, "I don't see why either of you'd make a big deal out of doing the right thing. He did it today, you've done it for him before and you'll probably do it again. There are more important things to think of, you know." Her lips met his teasingly, and her eyes were twinkling.

"I shall think on it when I do not have more pleasing distractions," he said, and he rolled onto his back, lifting her on top of him.

"I don't think even teenagers do the deed as much as we do, Sev," said Zelda. She let her legs fall on either side of his waist, and smirked as she began sliding herself lower down his body. "D' you think we're ridiculous?"

He smirked in return as he facilitated her progress, and when he was once again inside her, he said, "We are indeed ridiculous, though with you, I find it to be a delightful experience."

As they lost themselves in passion, she murmured, "That's all right then, I find it to be delightful too."
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