Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Transformation

Double Hearts

by ClassoftheTitans_fan 5 reviews

What the letter means...and how they solve it.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Published: 2006-09-26 - Updated: 2006-09-27 - 846 words

"I hate riddles" Jay said. "We get too many of them"

"So the first thing..." Theresa said.

"It doesn't give much? Which is why we have to figure it ourselves..."

"First it says, double hearts of everlasting love..."

Herry, Odie, and Neil looked at each other then starred at Theresa, Jay, Atlanta and Archie.

"What!?" The four said.

"Isn't it kinda..well obvious?"

"Fine...okay, now how do we prove that to the stupid letter?" Atlanta said blushing.

Neil walked over to Theresa and Atlanta.
"Kiss him!" He said simply.

They blushed harder, Archie and Jay we're blushing too.

Archie was finally going to get a kiss from Atlanta!!

Theresa turned to Jay , pulled her arms around Jay and simply kissed him.

Half of the sentence Double Hearts of Everlasting Love turned gold.

Atlanta starred at them still blushing and turned to Archie. One hair fell from her face and pulled it back.

Archie watched her with sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks and closed his eyes.

Atlanta reached in...She closed her eyes slowly until Archie felt her breath. She touched his lip.

The four kissed each other until all the letters on the letter turned gold and erased.

They broke free. Jay and Theresa just smiled at Archie and Atlanta as they blushed really red. Atlanta had actually wished it lasted longer but the thought was too embarrassing to tell everyone.

Archie flushed like a tomato and still couldn't believe he'd kissed Atlanta.

"Uh...hey what you starring at?" Atlanta said annoyed. "Just read the next sentenced!" she snapped.

"Instrument played by one lover to another" Odie said.

"Um..right and how do we find that?" Neil asked.

They all thought for a moment.

Who was a lover? And what would they play for the one they loved. This would be hard.

Theresa sat at the edge of the fountain thinking for a moment.
Wait. She played a instrument...she loved Jay. But how would she play a song without a lyre.

"" Theresa said.

"That's it! Of course!" Odie said.

Theresa blushed.

"But it's not that simple." Odie said. "As easy as these tasks seem, they can seem much more difficult. You can just simply get any lyre you want a play a song...but I think according to Greek Mythology. It won't work..."He said.

"What do you mean Odie?" Herry asked.

"Theresa, remember the lyre you burrowed from Orpheus? And to what i heard from Hades, you looked exactly like his wife-to-be, Eurydice..."

"Your point is?" Atlanta asked.

"Well, I believe we need to get Theresa to the underworld but how she can't go through Persephone's portal. We need another one.... and that's not all, Theresa needs to get the lyre, but she also needs a lover...any volunteers" Odie said moving his head to Jay.

He smiled. "Okay so what do I do?"

You need to go down to the underworld with Theresa and let her play a song to you. I know you already proven everlasting love, but you have to prove your love." She said with a grin." I'll track you down help you find a portal and the rest of us will find out the rest."

"So any idea where another secret portal to the underworld might be?" Neil asked.

They all thought and grumbled knowing they had another mystery to find out and plenty more to come.

Theresa then had a was a opening...a be exact...four wearing a scarlet pink gown, one wearing a green gown, one wearing a purple long gown and one wearing blue.
The pink had hair like Theresa's but shorter her eye's we're blue. The green had blonde hair and was the length of Theresa's but it was straight she reminded her of Persephone, then the purple had bright red like Atlanta but her hair was long and had curly bangs. Then the last...the one wearing yellow had black hair... very short and had the most beautiful hazel eyes...just like Atlanta's. They all opened the door and everything felt misty and warm. The vision ended.

"What was it Theresa?" Jay asked. He thought something was wrong; she looked dizzy and yet healthy as ever. But he held her anyway.

"I had a vision, a strong vision, it was a normal vision but it seemed so real as if I was in the exact place I was visualizing.
It believe it was a portal...I don't know if it's the underworld...I know where it is...but I'm not sure if it's the place we're looking for."

"I think we should split up, let's keep contact on our PMR's, I'll go with Theresa to the place she visioned and the rest will stay here and find the puzzled mystery to the rest of the letter." Jay said.

Everyone obeyed.

Theresa swam with Jay behind her with his scuba diving suit. She could sense the place so near. The portal seemed dry yet it was underwater where it was filled with water.


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