Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Technology and Desert Skies

Microchip 7991

by xxFamousLastWordsxx 0 reviews

"Im fucked"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2021-02-24 - 1114 words

-- 2 Days later --
I was pacing up and down in Missile’s room, she hadn’t woke up since the incident. I was constantly biting my nails and I wouldn’t let anyone in the room until I had worked out what to do.
“Fuck sake Missile, I don’t even know if you can hear me,” I mumbled staring at her. I had her connected to a monitoring machine which displayed her oxygen levels and her heart rate, it was steady and within the limits it should be for a girl her age. She had barely even moved. She was cold to the touch, but she was still breathing.
“Kai,” I whispered running a hand through my hair.
“Yes?” Kai bleeped up at me.
“Any other suggestions?” I asked looking at my screen. I had made a checklist of everything I had tried. I didn’t prepare very well for Missile to end up in this state.
“Scanning” Kai chirped up and a green line flashed along my screen. The green line flashed and paused.
“Security threat detected” he stated, the screen turned red and flashed before me.
“Security threat?” I asked. “That’s impossible-“
“Security breach found” Kai interrupted and displayed the building. The security breach was coming from the main meeting room.
“What?” I whispered. “I’ll go check it out, don’t shut anything down,” I said to Kai
“I will keep track of data” Kai chirped and shut himself off. I grabbed my gun and put it back into my pocket. I hadn’t seen any of them in 2 days. They were constantly outside the door, leaving food, water and trying to convince me to come out and leave Missile alone.
I slowly creaked the door open, deciding it was best to leave the door fully open so that I could at least hear Missile if she wakens. I crept down the hallway, it was deserted. I raised an eyebrow as I reached the main meeting room. There was no security on the door and that surprised me.
“You’ve got in successfully, but she is going to detect it, you’re playing a dangerous game right now,” I heard Adrenaline speaking out.
“Plus,” I heard Thrill, then he lowered his voice “The plan isn’t going to work,” I barely made out what they were discussing. My breath caught, they had managed to get into the main system. I had left Party’s watch fully unlocked and open for use.
“You idiot” I mumbled internally to myself and threw my hands over my face. I desperately wanted to burst in to stop them, but I wanted to see if I could hear what they were planning.
“It will work,” Kobra spoke out with confidence. “This world needs it” He said, I could hear someone else pacing.
“Listen, we all want this world to be a better place, no-one wants to go back to the old normality, it’s awful and it just leaves you fuckin’ disappointed” I heard Party speak out. I was so angry and annoyed about what had happened during that little incident. But the Party I could hear speaking right now, was not the same Party I had got to know back at the old house.
“But we can’t keep doing this, this isn’t what we were set out to do! We are just carrying on Korse’s work” Jet said, timidly.
“No, we are improving on Korse’s work, plus after what happened with Missile, I don’t want a repeat of that and she will be useful, we can use it to control Missile and control this world,” Party said, I could hear the scanning noises and sounds from my motherboard. Why did I unlock the mother board??
“Listen if we are going to do this, we all need to be on the same terms,” Adrenaline said. “But before we do anything, we need rid of Music’s control over it” She said, I could hear her heels clicking along the floor. My heart stopped. If they even tried to remove my control over it, it would alert The Black Parade. They have the main components of the mother board. I was praying that they hadn’t got a notification about a security breach. My head was running wild with different thoughts and what to do in this situation.
A silence had fell over the room, “We don’t know what that will cause,” Ghoul spoke out. “For all we know, it could completely destroy it” He said.
“Not if we transfer the control to another person,” Party said. “Like me” He finished his sentence.
“What are we going to do about Music? I mean, surely she hasn’t made it that easy to break into?” Thrill said sternly.
“You’re right, but we are going to have to try” Party said, I could hear the clicking of the screen.
“MOTHERBOARD ACCESS, WELCOME MUSIC CATASTROPHE” Kai bleeped out from the screen. I threw my hand over my mouth and peaked through the slight creak in the door.
The killjoys were looking at the screen confused. The motherboard was so complicated, it was developed with the Black Parade, they were so secretive and good at hiding information. Most of the information was coded, in a way I would understand and they would understand.
I felt my legs jiggle and I dropped to my knees. My arm began to sting. There is a microchip in my arm, that is the powerhouse of the entire thing. My arm began to glow green, it done that when I had access to the mother board. There was mumbles among them about what they could possibly do next.
“PRESENT MICROCHIP 7991” Kai called out to them.
“Microchip 7991?” I heard them all repeat out loud. “What on earth is that?” Adrenaline said, scratching her head.
I felt my arm burning and vibrating. I was within range to give them access to it.
“MICROCHIP 7991 ACCEPTED” Kai called out again, providing them with even deeper access to it. I could feel tears in my eyes, I didn’t know what to do. I was frozen to my spot.
“Hmm, strange, probably something in the watch itself,” Party said stepping closer to the screen.
“Or,” Adrenaline said and turned and looked to the door. I immediately moved back from the door, suddenly finding my feet again. “Music is watching us,” She said, making all of them turn and face the door.
I stepped back and whacked into one of the ornaments that was on display “fuck sake,” I grumbled to myself knowing I had blown my cover. “Im fucked” I whispered.
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