Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Bass Files

It´s all about the bass

by FrostedGlass 1 review

Sheena cannot believe it when she finds out that she is granted a wish everytime she plays a certain melody on her bass. Also, Joe finds out what it´s like to be a girl for a day. Or not. Pssst, r...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-09-28 - Updated: 2006-09-28 - 1074 words

6. It´s all about the bass

"Looky there what the cat brought in.", Joe greeted Andy and me as we arrived at his and Patrick´s apartment.

We took our jackets off and Andy put them on two coat hangers, returning the insult to his pal, "Looky there, at the jerk who broke a bass guitar."

"Accidents happen, man.", he shrugged. "Patrick! We´re set, Andy´s here."

"Coming!", it sounded from the back of the apartment. "Oh, hi.", Patrick said when he saw me, standing next to Andy.

Andy nodded in my direction, "I thought I´d bring Sheena along so she can make sure Joe isn´t gonna rape her bass or something."

Joe looked at me with a straight face, "No worries, I don´t do that until after the second date."

I faked an amused smile. A real gentleman.

"Geez, Joe...", Patrick mumbled and walked over to where his guitar was leaning against the wall. Next to it there was a shabby looking drum set that had strips of duct tape over various parts, obviously in an attempt to bring the dead thing back to life. Andy got behind it and picked up his drum sticks. He started swirling one in the air and told me, "Just make yourself at home."

I sat down on a chair that Joe had brought over for me. "We call this thing ´The Zombie´", Joe pointed at the drum set, "cos it´s falling apart like one of them fuckers."

"It´s Patrick´s old set.", Andy informed me. "The one in the garage, that´s mine. I let Fox play on it cos I´m such a nice guy.", he grinned.

"That must also be the reason why you´re giving her", Joe smiled dirtily, "private tutoring."

"Dude, I´m just trying to help her improve her drumming skills.", Andy shot back. "It´s not like we have a thing going on or anything."

Joe took my bass out of the soft case and swung the strap over his head, "Not yet, at least... but music brings people together." He winked at Andy.

"By the way", Patrick looked at me, "if you´re hungry or thirsty just help yourself to something in the kitchen."

"Thanks, I´m good." I looked at Andy who was smirking to himself, probably thinking of my crazed attempt at hospitality earlier in my apartment.

"Enough with the small talk already, I wanna play.", Joe interjected. He plugged my bass into the amp and tinkled a few notes. "Sweet.", he commented.

"Yeah... I´m thinking about getting a five-string though.", I mentioned.

"That doesn´t mean that you can ruin this one, Joe.", Andy picked on his friend.

"Funny, Andrew."

The guys got set for practice. "Let´s start with ´Calm before the storm´.", Patrick said and started playing and singing. Seconds later Andy joined him on the drums and after Patrick had produce a slide, Joe followed suit on my bass.

I tried not to stare at Andy all of the time and looked around in the apartment. Various items of clothing laid on the floor and on the furniture but it looked pretty clean to me. Then again, I hadn´t been to the kitchen or bathroom yet. Andy was headbanging throughout the song. Joe was looking cool there. (I mean that´s what bassists do best.) You could tell Patrick was totally into the song and singing like a pro. It surprised me what talents were hidden behind his glasses, the woolen hat he wore today and his all-time shyness.

If you´d asked me to categorize the type of music they played I´d have probably compared them to what my little brother was listening to. At least the last time I checked. They sounded a bit poppier than ´Pretty in punk´ but there wasn´t that much of a big difference, at least not one that I could tell from one single song.

"I need retuning...", Patrick mumbled and got to it.

"You like?", Joe asked me.

"Very much. You sound very professional.", I answered.

"Dude, one can really tell from your diction that you´re a teacher.", he teased me.

I flashed him a smile, "You were like fucking awesome, like totally kicked the song´s ass. Godamnit!"

Patrick and Andy both laughed. "That sounds more like it.", Joe grinned.

"Okay, on to the next song...", Patrick announced.

_ _ _ _ _

Two and a half hours later the four of us were sitting around the kitchen table and eating pizza.

"Ah, man. Tomorrow I gotta work overtime, I hate that.", Joe moaned and stuffed more pizza into his mouth.

"Where do you work at?", I wanted to know.

"I work for a car dealer.", he said in-between chewing. "I´m a car mechanic."

"What do you guys do?", I looked at Andy first and then at Patrick.

"I´m a computer science geek.", Andy replied.

"I work at a music store downtown.", Patrick scratched the back of his head. "That reminds me. What are we gonna do about the bass? All chip in for a new one? I could probably get us a discount but the cheapest one´ll still be something like 400 bucks. I mean the cheapest one that isn´t total crap..."

Joe shook his head, "No can do in this month. I´m totally broke."

Andy sighed, "Of course, you are." He sounded annoyed. "How can we practice without a bass?"

"I could spare 200.", Patrick tried to calm his friend down.

"I can lend you mine until you have the money...", I suggested. "I´ll just need it when I practice with the girls."

"See, it´s no big deal.", Joe said to Andy.

"You can take it over to your place tonight and bring it here whenever you have a practice with the guys and then bring it back to your place so I can use it there."

Andy looked at me, "Yeah, that would work. That´s really cool of you."

"Don´t mention it.", I said, trying to throw in as much casualness as possible.

"I´ll pick one out tomorrow and try to put it aside so we can get it next month then.", Patrick concluded. "Oh", he turned to me, "and I could probably help you if you´re really interested in getting a five-string."

"Alright. But make it one that´s not total crap."

"Sure.", he laughed.
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